Обсуждение: Re: schemas (public, custom...)


Re: schemas (public, custom...)

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Reshat Sabiq [mailto:sabiq@purdue.edu]
> Sent: 22 December 2002 14:52
> To: pgadmin-support@postgresql.org
> Subject: [pgadmin-support] schemas (public, custom...)
> What is the significance of public schema (for migration and
> otherwise). Is it optional to select a schema? I believe it
> is for security constraints. I'm just not used to working
> with SQL statements like: public."TableName" What schema
> should I have for a DB that will be on the web mostly for
> queries? In the short term, I might be connecting to it
> remotely, but in the long term I should have
> add/update/delete interface on the web (running as me via
> JDBC). Should I keep it public, none at all, or make a custom one?

If you have PostgreSQL 7.2.x or below, then the public schema in pgAdmin
doesn't really exist, it's just a dummy for compatibility with
PostgreSQL 7.3. If you have 7.3.x, then you must use a schema. If you
use public, then by default it's in the search path so you can usually
leave off the 'public.'. Look at section 2.8 of the PostgreSQL User's
guide for more info (it's in the pgAdmin helpfile).

Regards, Dave.