Обсуждение: Unable to connect to the server


Unable to connect to the server

Lee Tuck
I am a new user to pgAdminII. I faced some problem
during the installation in Windows 2000. Below are the
Error 1931. The Windows Installer service connot
update the system file C:\WINNT\System32\hhctrl.ocx
because the file is protected by Windows. You may need
to update your operating system for this program to
work correctly.

After the installation, i try to connect to the
server. the server is located locally. Below are the
errors i faced during the connection to the server:
An error has occured in
Description : Could not connect to the server. Could
not connect to the remote socket.

I am using cygWin as the Unix emulator. I started the
cygWin-ipc_Daemon and the postmaster service.
Postmaster service is started using the below command:
postmaster -D /usr/share/postgresql/data &

the configuration in the pg_hba.conf is as below:
host all trust

i connect to the server using the below configuration:
server : localhost
port : 5432
username : postgres
password : ****

I hope that you can help me. Thanks.


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Re: Unable to connect to the server

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lee Tuck [mailto:tuckkhai@yahoo.com]
> Sent: 24 October 2002 08:45
> To: pgadmin-support@postgresql.org
> Subject: [pgadmin-support] Unable to connect to the server
> Hello,


> I am a new user to pgAdminII. I faced some problem
> during the installation in Windows 2000. Below are the
> errors:
> Error 1931. The Windows Installer service connot
> update the system file C:\WINNT\System32\hhctrl.ocx
> because the file is protected by Windows. You may need
> to update your operating system for this program to
> work correctly.

This is common on Windows 2000, and is far more alarming than it should
be. It can be safely ignored.

> After the installation, i try to connect to the
> server. the server is located locally. Below are the
> errors i faced during the connection to the server:
> An error has occured in
> pgAdminII:frmConnect.cmdConnect_Click:
> Number:-2147467259
> Description : Could not connect to the server. Could
> not connect to the remote socket.
> I am using cygWin as the Unix emulator. I started the
> cygWin-ipc_Daemon and the postmaster service. Postmaster
> service is started using the below command: postmaster -D
> /usr/share/postgresql/data &
> the configuration in the pg_hba.conf is as below:
> host all trust

Make sure you have enabled tcp/ip sockets, either by adding -i to the
postmaster command line, or by editing

Regards, Dave.