Обсуждение: meaning of following errors


meaning of following errors

"Johnson, Shaunn"


I'm running pgAdmin II - 1.3.82-dev connecting to PostgreSQL 7.2.1
on RedHat Linux 7.2 kernel 2.4 7-10.

Can someone tell me what the following errors mean and
how I can figure out how to begin troubleshooting them?

[error 1]
An error has occurred in pgAdminII: frmMain.tvNodeClick
number -2147217887
Description:  Multiple-step OLE OB operation
generated errors.  Check OLE DB status value, if not available.
No work was done.

[/error 1]

[error 2]

An error has occurred in pg AdminII: frmMain.tvDatabase
Number: 457
Description: This key is already associated with an element
of this collection.

[/error 2]

[error 3]

An error has occurred in pgAdminII: frmMain.tvTables
Number: 6
Description: Overflow

[/error 3]

The problem is that I'm trying to install and connect to
the database from NT workstations and I am getting
these errors.  One of the thing that gets me is that
it is currently working on only ONE workstation, but
I don't understand WHY these errors appear on the others.

I have one of the latest ODBC drivers (if it matters, I'm
running and put in place the files from the
latest tar ball from cvs.pgadmin.org site. 

I've been bothering Dave for what seems like a month
of Sundays (sorry 'bout that, Dave!) and I fear I'm
burning him out.

Suggestions?  Comments?

