Обсуждение: An error has occurred in pgAdmin II:frmMain.tvDatabases:


An error has occurred in pgAdmin II:frmMain.tvDatabases:

"Paul Wehr"
We've been using pgAdmin II v 1.2.0 for a few weeks now and it has worked
famously, but today three separate users have complained about this error,
which occurs after connecting, and clicking on the databases.  It opens a
modal dialog entitled "pgAdmin II Error":

An error has occurred in pgAdmin II:frmMain.tvDatabases:

Number: 457
Description:  This key is already associated with an element of this

after which, you can still browse the databases node.  After selecting a
database, and selecting the "tables" node, another dialog is presented:

An error has occured in pgAdmin II:frmMain.tvTables:

Number -2147217887
Description: Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each
OLE DB status value, if available.  No work was done.

It did allow you to browse *some* of the tables (112/430), but now does not
show any.  Since it occured for multiple users simultaneously, it would
seem more likely to be a server issue that a pgAdmin issue, but does anyone
have any ideas?

Re: An error has occurred in pgAdmin II:frmMain.tvDatabases:

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Wehr [mailto:pgadmin@industrialsoftworks.com]
> Sent: 15 July 2002 19:58
> To: pgadmin-support@postgresql.org
> Subject: [pgadmin-support] An error has occurred in pgAdmin
> II:frmMain.tvDatabases:
> It did allow you to browse *some* of the tables (112/430),
> but now does not
> show any.  Since it occured for multiple users
> simultaneously, it would
> seem more likely to be a server issue that a pgAdmin issue,
> but does anyone
> have any ideas?

Probably the quickest & easiest way to generate errors like that would
be to run pgAdmin 1.2.0 with PostgreSQL 7.3devel. The schemas in 7.3
will cause 1.2.0 big problems.

If this is the case, then the answer is easy, upgrade to pgAdmin 1.3.60.

If not, can you think what has changed on your database - any new
objects etc?

Regards, Dave.

Re: An error has occurred in pgAdmin II:frmMain.tvDatabases:

"Dave Page"
Can you dump your pg_description table from the bcn database using pg_dump for me to examine please? A couple of people have reported this problem recently and It's beginning to annoy me now as it's being a bit of a pain to track down :-(
Regards, Dave.
-----Original Message-----
From: Johnson, Shaunn [mailto:SJohnson6@bcbsm.com]
Sent: 24 September 2002 19:12
To: Dave Page
Subject: An error has occurred in pgAdmin II:frmMain.tvDatabases:


--I apologize for emailing outside of the mail list, but
--I need some information regarding pgAdminII and the
--errors my users are getting.

--I'm running PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on RedHat Linux 7.2 kernel 2.4.7-10
--and pgAdmin 1.2.0 / 1.3.82-Dev respectively.

--I am getting the following errors:

[error 1]

Number 457
Description: This key is already associated with an element of
this collection

[/error 1]


[error 2]

An error has occurred in pgAdminII: frmMain.tvTable
Number: -2147217887
Description: Multiple-step OLD DB operation generated errors.  Check
OLE DB status value, if available.  No work was done.

[/error 2]

--When I connect to the database.  I am only able to see a
--few tables with pgAdminII ver. 1.2.0 and NO tables with
--version 1.3.82-Dev, only Languages and Schema icons.

--Also, I visited the cvs site and downloaded the tarballs
--for the program and moved the binaries / dll from their
--original location and copied in the new versions (this
--is for version 1.3.82 only so far ...)

--I have also generated a log file (sent as an attachment)
--to see what's going on.

--Is there something that I should be doing or have I missed
--something?  What does the error mean and how can I fix

--Apologies and thanks!


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Page [mailto:dpage@vale-housing.co.uk]
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 12:16 PM
To: Paul Wehr
Cc: Johnson, Shaunn
Subject: RE: [pgadmin-support] An error has occurred in pgAdmin

Hi Paul,

If the problem is anything like I suspect, then a dump/reload may well
cure it. pgAdmin is falling over when it populates it's cache of object
comments from pg_description - my guess is that somehow there is a
duplicate objoid in there that is giving the error when pgAdmin adds the
second one to the collection. Regarding Tom's comment about signed OIDs,
pgAdmin (in that part of the code anyway) treats them as strings anyway,
so sign is not an issue.

wrt your colleagues comments about people actually using pgAdmin II, as
far as we can guess it is the most popular gui interface for PostgreSQL
there is :-) and is *definately* the most comprehensive. Version 1.2.0
has been downloaded 29683 time to date (it was released in Feruary iirc)
and 1.3.60 1966 times. Obviously some of those users didn't continue to
use it, but I know for sure that many of them downloaded one copy for
them and their colleagues.

Anyhoo, feel free to email me again when if you continue to have

Regards, Dave.

[snip the rest]