Обсуждение: Re: DB Backup / Restore with PG Admin 2?


Re: DB Backup / Restore with PG Admin 2?

"Dave Page"

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Rhys-Jones [mailto:jeff@emojo.com]
> Sent: 27 June 2002 17:36
> To: pgadmin-support-owner@postgresql.org
> Subject: DB Backup / Restore with PG Admin 2?
> Hi There,
> Sorry if this has been asked before, but what is the
> recommended way of backing up and restoring databases with PGAdmin?
> Does the DB Schema copy everything? Can I then fully restore
> a database from this schema?

Backing up & restoring databases is *not* a job pgAdmin should be used
for. The DB Schema dumps are there as a convenience when hacking designs
about, however there may be errors in the code it generates because most
of it is reverse-engineered from the system catalogues and I may have
got something wrong.

Perform your backups using pg_dump or pg_dumpall on the server. They are
designed to dump the database *exactly* as it should be.

Regards, Dave