Обсуждение: PATCH: prevent a crash during the macro or favourite list updating


PATCH: prevent a crash during the macro or favourite list updating

Dmitriy Olshevskiy
I would like you to check this patch.
Frequently there are opened several windows: edit grids and queries. In
this case, if you try to change macro or favourites list, pgadmin exits
with error immediately. Though, this isn't happening while all edit
grids are closed.
I propose a solution - to check the presence of the macros menu (or
favourites, if you change the favourites list) and the visibility of the
query window (to prevent false event when the window is just starts to
be opened).
Patch is attached to the letter.
Thank you.

Dmitriy Olshevskiy


Re: PATCH: prevent a crash during the macro or favourite list updating

Guillaume Lelarge
Commited, thanks a lot.

2014-08-07 22:17 GMT+02:00 Dmitriy Olshevskiy <olshevskiy87@bk.ru>:
I would like you to check this patch.
Frequently there are opened several windows: edit grids and queries. In this case, if you try to change macro or favourites list, pgadmin exits with error immediately. Though, this isn't happening while all edit grids are closed.
I propose a solution - to check the presence of the macros menu (or favourites, if you change the favourites list) and the visibility of the query window (to prevent false event when the window is just starts to be opened).
Patch is attached to the letter.
Thank you.

Dmitriy Olshevskiy

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