Обсуждение: [pgAdmin III] #90: Create Table Dialog: Change Column after creation/Reorder Columns


[pgAdmin III] #90: Create Table Dialog: Change Column after creation/Reorder Columns

"pgAdmin Trac"
#90: Create Table Dialog: Change Column after creation/Reorder Columns
 Reporter:  Andreas Neumann  |       Owner:  dpage
     Type:  feature          |      Status:  new  
 Priority:  minor            |   Milestone:       
Component:  pgadmin          |     Version:  1.10 
 Keywords:  table            |    Platform:  all  
 I would have a feature request for the "Create Table" Dialogue for the
 upcoming PGAdmin version:

 After a column was created in the dialogues one can only remove it - one
 cannot change it after the column was created (I am talking just about the
 dialogue, before the actual table creation is happening with the SQL
 command executed).

 Suppose you created a lot of columns (30-50) and later you find out that
 you did a typo in the column name (or a wrong data type) of the second
 column, one cannot change it with the current dialogue - one can only
 remove it - but then you loose the original order of the columns.

 The second request is that one can reorder the columns after they had been
 added in the dialogue. I think I made this request before and someone had
 an interest in implementing this.

 Thank you for considering these small improvements in the "Create Table"
 dialogue for a future PGAdmin version!


 PS: I found out that with the stable PGAdmin4 (1.10) the data-type loading
 is much faster (seems to be better cached now) compared to one of the
 previous betas. This was another request of mine and seems to be
 implemented. Creating tables is much snappier now for me, since I had a
 lot of custom data types, domains, etc. and loading of these types for
 each new column was slow before. Thanks for implementing this!

Ticket URL: <http://code.pgadmin.org/trac/ticket/90>
pgAdmin III <http://code.pgadmin.org/trac/>
pgAdmin III