Обсуждение: Website revamp


Website revamp

"Dave Page"

Over the last few days I've been rewriting the pgAdmin website. I
haven't yet (significantly) changed the design, all I've done so far is
rewrite the framework and stylesheets so it's more maintainable.

The bulk of my work however has been breaking up the content from a few
very long pages into multi-page sections, and rewriting/rephrasing much
of the content which was not written by a native English speaker. Before
I pass things over to the translators to do their thing though, I'd
appreciate it if people could take a look and let me know of any
problems or typos etc. Because it uses gettext, once translated we
cannot fix the English text easily if mistakes are found later, so it's
important to get it right now.

If anyone has a design following roughly the same layout they'd like us
to consider using, please feel free to send an email. If we decide to
use one, a credit can be included in the page footers.

The test site is at http://wwwdevel.pgadmin.org/

Regards, Dave.