Обсуждение: SVN Commit by andreas: r4143 - in trunk/pgadmin3/src: . main


SVN Commit by andreas: r4143 - in trunk/pgadmin3/src: . main

Author: andreas
Date: 2005-05-05 17:26:49 +0100 (Thu, 05 May 2005)
New Revision: 4143

pgAdmin3.cpp needs to be in <root>/src

Deleted: trunk/pgadmin3/src/main/pgAdmin3.cpp
--- trunk/pgadmin3/src/main/pgAdmin3.cpp    2005-05-05 16:25:38 UTC (rev 4142)
+++ trunk/pgadmin3/src/main/pgAdmin3.cpp    2005-05-05 16:26:49 UTC (rev 4143)
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
-// pgAdmin III - PostgreSQL Tools
-// RCS-ID:      $Id$
-// Copyright (C) 2002 - 2005, The pgAdmin Development Team
-// This software is released under the Artistic Licence
-// pgAdmin3.cpp - The application
-// wxWindows headers
-#include <wx/wx.h>
-#include <wx/app.h>
-#include <wx/dir.h>
-#include <wx/file.h>
-#include <wx/xrc/xmlres.h>
-#include <wx/imagjpeg.h>
-#include <wx/imaggif.h>
-#include <wx/imagpng.h>
-#include <wx/stdpaths.h>
-// Windows headers
-#ifdef __WXMSW__
-  #include <winsock.h>
-// Linux headers
-#ifdef __LINUX__
-#include <signal.h>
-#if wxCHECK_VERSION(2,5,1)
-#ifdef __WXGTK__
-#include <wx/renderer.h>
-// App headers
-#include "pgAdmin3.h"
-#include "copyright.h"
-#include "version.h"
-#include "misc.h"
-#include "sysLogger.h"
-#include "sysSettings.h"
-#include "update.h"
-#include "frmMain.h"
-#include "frmConfig.h"
-#include "frmSplash.h"
-#include <wx/socket.h>
-#include <wx/dir.h>
-#include <wx/fs_zip.h>
-#include "xh_calb.h"
-#include "xh_timespin.h"
-#include "xh_sqlbox.h"
-#include "xh_ctlcombo.h"
-#include <wx/ogl/ogl.h>
-// Globals
-frmMain *winMain=0;
-wxThread *updateThread=0;
-wxLog *logger;
-sysSettings *settings;
-wxArrayInt existingLangs;
-wxArrayString existingLangNames;
-wxLocale *locale=0;
-wxString loadPath;              // Where the program is loaded from
-wxString docPath;               // Where docs are stored
-wxString uiPath;                // Where ui data is stored
-wxString backupExecutable;      // complete filename of pg_dump and pg_restore, if available
-wxString restoreExecutable;
-wxString slony1BaseScript;
-wxString slony1FunctionScript;
-wxString slony1XxidScript;
-double libpqVersion=0.0;
-bool dialogTestMode=false;
-#define DOC_DIR     wxT("/docs")
-#define UI_DIR      wxT("/ui")
-#define COMMON_DIR  wxT("/common")
-#define SCRIPT_DIR  wxT("/scripts")
-#define HELPER_DIR  wxT("/helper")
-#define LANG_FILE   wxT("pgadmin3.lng")
-#if wxCHECK_VERSION(2,5,1)
-#ifdef __WXGTK__
-class pgRendererNative : public wxDelegateRendererNative
-    void DrawTreeItemButton(wxWindow* win,wxDC& dc, const wxRect& rect, int flags)
-    {
-        GetGeneric().DrawTreeItemButton(win, dc, rect, flags);
-    }
-// The Application!
-bool pgAdmin3::OnInit()
-    // we are here
-    loadPath=wxPathOnly(argv[0]);
-    if (loadPath.IsEmpty())
-        loadPath = wxT(".");
-    frmConfig::tryMode configMode=frmConfig::NONE;
-    if (argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '-')
-    {
-        switch (argv[1][1])
-        {
-            case 'c':
-            {
-                // file configurator mode
-                if (argv[1][2]== 'm')
-                    configMode = frmConfig::MAINFILE;
-                else if (argv[1][2]== 'h')
-                    configMode = frmConfig::HBAFILE;
-                else
-                    configMode=frmConfig::ANYFILE;
-                break;
-            }
-            case 't':
-            {
-                dialogTestMode = true;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    wxPathList path;
-    path.Add(loadPath);
-#ifdef __WXMSW__
-    // Look for a path 'hint' on Windows. This registry setting may
-    // be set by the Win32 PostgreSQL installer which will generally
-    // install pg_dump et al. in the PostgreSQL bindir rather than
-    // the pgAdmin directory.
-    wxRegKey hintKey(wxT("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\") APPNAME_L);
-    if (hintKey.HasValue(wxT("Helper Path")))
-    {
-        wxString hintPath;
-        hintKey.QueryValue(wxT("Helper Path"), hintPath);
-        path.Add(hintPath);
-    }
-    path.AddEnvList(wxT("PATH"));
-    // evaluate all working paths
-#if defined(__WXMSW__)
-    backupExecutable  = path.FindValidPath(wxT("pg_dump.exe"));
-    restoreExecutable = path.FindValidPath(wxT("pg_restore.exe"));
-    if (wxDir::Exists(loadPath + UI_DIR))
-        uiPath = loadPath + UI_DIR;
-    else
-        uiPath = loadPath + wxT("/..") UI_DIR;
-    if (wxDir::Exists(loadPath + DOC_DIR))
-        docPath = loadPath + DOC_DIR;
-    else
-        docPath = loadPath + wxT("/../..") DOC_DIR;
-#elif defined(__WXMAC__)
-    //When using wxStandardPaths on OSX, wx defaults to the unix,
-    //not to the mac variants. Therefor, we request wxStandardPathsCF
-    //directly.
-    wxStandardPathsCF stdPaths ;
-    wxString dataDir = stdPaths.GetDataDir() ;
-    if (dataDir) {
-        wxFprintf(stderr, wxT("DataDir: ") + dataDir + wxT("\n")) ;
-    if (wxDir::Exists(dataDir + HELPER_DIR))
-            path.Add(dataDir + HELPER_DIR) ;
-        if (wxDir::Exists(dataDir + SCRIPT_DIR))
-            path.Add(dataDir + SCRIPT_DIR) ;
-        if (wxDir::Exists(dataDir + UI_DIR))
-          uiPath = dataDir + UI_DIR ;
-        if (wxDir::Exists(dataDir + DOC_DIR))
-          docPath = dataDir + DOC_DIR ;
-    }
-    if (uiPath.IsEmpty())
-        uiPath = loadPath + UI_DIR ;
-    if (docPath.IsEmpty())
-        docPath = loadPath + wxT("/..") DOC_DIR ;
-    backupExecutable  = path.FindValidPath(wxT("pg_dump"));
-    restoreExecutable = path.FindValidPath(wxT("pg_restore"));
-    backupExecutable  = path.FindValidPath(wxT("pg_dump"));
-    restoreExecutable = path.FindValidPath(wxT("pg_restore"));
-    if (wxDir::Exists(DATA_DIR UI_DIR))
-        uiPath = DATA_DIR UI_DIR;
-    else
-        uiPath = loadPath + UI_DIR;
-    if (wxDir::Exists(DATA_DIR DOC_DIR))
-        docPath = DATA_DIR DOC_DIR;
-    else
-        docPath = loadPath + wxT("/..") DOC_DIR;
-    slony1BaseScript=path.FindValidPath(wxT("slony1_base.sql"));
-    slony1FunctionScript=path.FindValidPath(wxT("slony1_funcs.sql"));
-    slony1XxidScript=path.FindValidPath(wxT("slony1_xxid.sql"));
-    // Load the Settings
-#ifdef __WXMSW__
-    settings = new sysSettings(APPNAME_L);
-    settings = new sysSettings(APPNAME_S);
-    // Setup logging
-    logger = new sysLogger();
-    wxLog::SetActiveTarget(logger);
-    wxString msg;
-    msg << wxT("# ") << APPNAME_L << wxT(" Version ") << VERSION_STR << wxT(" Startup");
-    wxLogInfo(wxT("##############################################################"));
-    wxLogInfo(msg);
-    wxLogInfo(wxT("##############################################################"));
-#if wxCHECK_VERSION(2,5,0)
-    // that's what we expect
-    wxLogInfo(wxT("Not compiled against wxWindows 2.5 or above: using ") wxVERSION_STRING);
-#ifdef SSL
-    wxLogInfo(wxT("Compiled with dynamically linked SSL support"));
-#if wxCHECK_VERSION(2,5,1)
-#ifdef __WXGTK__
-    static pgRendererNative *renderer=new pgRendererNative();
-    wxRendererNative::Get();
-    wxRendererNative::Set(renderer);
-#ifdef __LINUX__
-    signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
-    locale = new wxLocale();
-    locale->AddCatalogLookupPathPrefix(uiPath);
-    wxLanguage langId = (wxLanguage)settings->Read(wxT("LanguageId"), wxLANGUAGE_DEFAULT);
-    if (locale->Init(langId))
-    {
-#ifdef __LINUX__
-        {
-            wxLogNull noLog;
-            locale->AddCatalog(wxT("fileutils"));
-        }
-        locale->AddCatalog(wxT("pgadmin3"));
-    }
-    long langCount=0;
-    const wxLanguageInfo *langInfo;
-    int langNo;
-    wxString langfile=FileRead(uiPath + wxT("/") LANG_FILE, 1);
-    if (!langfile.IsEmpty())
-    {
-        wxStringTokenizer tk(langfile, wxT("\n\r"));
-        while (tk.HasMoreTokens())
-        {
-            wxString line=tk.GetNextToken().Strip(wxString::both);
-            if (line.IsEmpty() || line.StartsWith(wxT("#")))
-                continue;
-            wxString englishName=line.BeforeFirst(',').Trim(true);
-            wxString translatedName=line.AfterFirst(',').Trim(false);
-            langNo=2;       // skipping default, unknown
-            while (true)
-            {
-                langInfo=wxLocale::GetLanguageInfo(langNo);
-                if (!langInfo)
-                    break;
-                if (englishName == langInfo->Description &&
-                    (langInfo->CanonicalName == wxT("en_US") ||
-                    (!langInfo->CanonicalName.IsEmpty() &&
-                     wxDir::Exists(uiPath + wxT("/") + langInfo->CanonicalName))))
-                {
-                    existingLangs.Add(langNo);
-                    existingLangNames.Add(translatedName);
-                    langCount++;
-                }
-                langNo++;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // Show the splash screen
-    frmSplash* winSplash = new frmSplash((wxFrame *)NULL);
-    if (!winSplash)
-        wxLogError(__("Couldn't create the splash screen!"));
-    else
-    {
-        SetTopWindow(winSplash);
-        winSplash->Show(TRUE);
-        winSplash->Update();
-        wxYield();
-    }
-    // Startup the windows sockets if required
-#ifdef __WXMSW__
-    WSADATA    wsaData;
-    if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1, 1), &wsaData) != 0) {
-        wxLogFatalError(__("Cannot initialise the networking subsystem!"));
-    }
-    wxImage::AddHandler(new wxJPEGHandler());
-    wxImage::AddHandler(new wxPNGHandler());
-    wxImage::AddHandler(new wxGIFHandler());
-    wxFileSystem::AddHandler(new wxZipFSHandler);
-    // Setup the XML resources
-    wxXmlResource::Get()->InitAllHandlers();
-    wxXmlResource::Get()->AddHandler(new wxCalendarBoxXmlHandler);
-    wxXmlResource::Get()->AddHandler(new wxTimeSpinXmlHandler);
-    wxXmlResource::Get()->AddHandler(new ctlSQLBoxXmlHandler);
-    wxXmlResource::Get()->AddHandler(new ctlComboBoxXmlHandler);
-#define chkXRC(id) XRCID(#id) == id
-    wxASSERT_MSG(
-        chkXRC(wxID_OK) &&
-        chkXRC(wxID_CANCEL) &&
-        chkXRC(wxID_HELP) &&
-        chkXRC(wxID_APPLY) &&
-        chkXRC(wxID_ADD) &&
-        chkXRC(wxID_STOP) &&
-        chkXRC(wxID_REMOVE)&&
-        chkXRC(wxID_REFRESH) &&
-        chkXRC(wxID_CLOSE),
-        wxT("XRC ID not correctly assigned."));
-    // if this assert fires, some event table uses XRCID(...) instead of wxID_... directly
-    // examine libpq version
-    libpqVersion=7.3;
-    PQconninfoOption *cio=PQconndefaults();
-    if (cio)
-    {
-        PQconninfoOption *co=cio;
-        while (co->keyword)
-        {
-            if (!strcmp(co->keyword, "sslmode"))
-            {
-                libpqVersion=7.4;
-                break;
-            }
-            co++;
-        }
-        PQconninfoFree(cio);
-    }
-#ifdef EMBED_XRC
-    // resources are loaded from memory
-    extern void InitXmlResource();
-    InitXmlResource();
-    // for debugging, dialog resources are read from file
-    wxXmlResource::Get()->Load(uiPath+COMMON_DIR + wxT("/*.xrc"));
-    wxOGLInitialize();
-    // Set some defaults
-    SetAppName(APPNAME_L);
-#ifndef __WXDEBUG__
-    wxYield();
-    wxSleep(2);
-    if (configMode)
-    {
-        int i;
-        for (i=2 ; i < argc ; i++)
-        {
-            wxString str;
-            if (*argv[i] == '"')
-            {
-                wxString str=argv[i]+1;
-                str=str.Mid(0, str.Length()-1);
-            }
-            else
-                str = argv[i];
-            if (configMode == frmConfig::ANYFILE && wxDir::Exists(str))
-            {
-                frmConfig::Create(APPNAME_L, str + wxT("/pg_hba.conf"), frmConfig::HBAFILE);
-                frmConfig::Create(APPNAME_L, str + wxT("/postgresql.conf"), frmConfig::MAINFILE);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                frmConfig::Create(APPNAME_L, str, configMode);
-            }
-        }
-        if (winSplash)
-        {
-            winSplash->Close();
-            delete winSplash;
-        }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        wxSocketBase::Initialize();
-        // Create & show the main form
-        winMain = new frmMain(APPNAME_L);
-        if (!winMain)
-            wxLogFatalError(__("Couldn't create the main window!"));
-        // updateThread = BackgroundCheckUpdates(winMain);
-        winMain->Show(TRUE);
-        SetTopWindow(winMain);
-        SetExitOnFrameDelete(TRUE);
-        if (winSplash)
-        {
-            winSplash->Close();
-            delete winSplash;
-        }
-        // Display a Tip if required.
-        extern sysSettings *settings;
-        wxCommandEvent evt = wxCommandEvent();
-        if (settings->GetShowTipOfTheDay()) winMain->OnTipOfTheDay(evt);
-    }
-    return TRUE;
-// Not the Application!
-int pgAdmin3::OnExit()
-    if (updateThread)
-    {
-        updateThread->Delete();
-        delete updateThread;
-    }
-    // Delete the settings object to ensure settings are saved.
-    delete settings;
-#ifdef __WXMSW__
-    WSACleanup();
-    return 1;
-    // Keith 2003.03.05
-    // We must delete this after cleanup to prevent memory leaks
-    delete logger;

Copied: trunk/pgadmin3/src/pgAdmin3.cpp (from rev 4140, trunk/pgadmin3/src/main/pgAdmin3.cpp)