Обсуждение: [PATCH] PgAdminIII OSX Bundle support - New Version


[PATCH] PgAdminIII OSX Bundle support - New Version

"Florian G. Pflug"
Sorry if you get this twice - I resent it because I believe
it didn't make it to the list. I resend it now without
the attachments - the files can be found at:



I completed the modifications I proposed earlier.

This patch removed the PgAdminIII.app custom target, and instead
makes "make install" install into the PgAdminIII.app bundle,
if pgadmin was configures using "--enable-appbundle".

The installation of the binary, the docs, and the ui-folder happens by
overriding datadir and bindir when --enable-appbundle is given.

The other files (Ressources, Info.plist, PkgInfo and the like) are
installed by a install-exec-hook in pkg/mac/Makefile.am. This is
also where the script complete-bundle.sh is called, that copied all
non-system shlibs into the bundle (This is now a separate shellscript,
instead of being written directly into the Makefile.am).

The debug-bundle.sh script makes a pseudo-bundle that mostly
contains symlinks - this is meant to ease debugging, since
you can just try things out after a "make", instead of having to do
"make install".

The attached patch modifies the files that are already in cvs, while
the tgz adds a few new files (pkg/Makefile.am and pkg/mac/Makefile.am +
the two shellscript in pkg/mac). The new files come as tar because I
didn't know how to include new (but not cvs-added) files in a diff when
using "cvs diff".

The .diff also fixes a typo I noticed in Makefile.am - the "\" where
missing a the end of a few lines, making bootstrap complain loudly ;-)

I only tested this on OSX, where it works fine. I hope I didn't break
the build on windows or linux - but at the Moment I can't easily test

greetings, Florian Pflug
