Обсуждение: [Fwd: Re: Bug#245310: pgadmin3-data: pgadmin3 ships duplicate of PostgreSQL]


[Fwd: Re: Bug#245310: pgadmin3-data: pgadmin3 ships duplicate of PostgreSQL]

Raphaël Enrici
Hi all,

Peter reported a bug to debian concerning the fact that we distribute a
PostgreSQL documentation with pgAdmin III. You can find the full
bugreport here:

Here are the problems:
* The copyright acknowledgement for the PostgreSQL documentation (may be
I missed it while packaging the stuff... If not, we may add it to CVS).
* The documentation we provide with the PostgreSQL package can duplicate
one from another debian package (postgresql-doc) which can come to a
waste of space and to outdated documentation.

My answer to this follow this mail and I'd like to hear your mind on the
Another thing: how are the *.hh[ckp] files generated ? Is there a way to
build these files automatically ?


My previous answer:
Peter Eisentraut wrote:

> The package pgadmin3-data contains the PostgreSQL documentation in
> /usr/share/pgadmin3/docs/en_US/pg/.  The same files are also available
> in the package postgresql-doc.  This not only wastes space, it might
> get outdated (or forward dated) with respect to the PostgreSQL version
> actually installed.  Maybe this requires an upstream solution or maybe
> it is sufficient to solve this in Debian, but it doesn't seem right
> anyway.
mmmh I'm not sure we can achieve a real good solution concerning this
particular point:
you can use pgAdmin III on a debian box as a client to a PostgreSQL
server located on another box with another PostgreSQL version than the
one distributed with debian (that's particularly the case in woody
backports for example...).
I see the documentation provided with pgAdmin III as a feature of the
product in itself. Note that you can change the help system location to
wherever you want and so refer to a locally installed
documentation...But unless we solve the other point you mention further
(*.hh[ckp] files) people won't have the search/index/... facilities.
If I'd suggest the postgresql-doc package instead of distributing
pgAdmin III upstream files I would have exactly the same problem: these
files could be outdated or forward dated if using another version of
PostgreSQL on another box...

> The copyright acknowledgement for the PostgreSQL documentation is
> furthermore missing from /usr/share/doc/pgadmin3-data/copyright.
Can you help me regarding this: what kind of thing should I add ? A
separate file ? A reference directly inside the pgAdmin III copyright
file ? Shall I forward such modifications to upstream pgAdmin team (I
bet yes) ?

> I am aware that there are some special index files that are tuned to
> this particular version of the PostgreSQL documentation: *.hhc, *.hhk,
> *.hhp.  But it should be possible to recreate these at build time.  (If
> not, then we really have a problem, because these are clearly machine-
> generated files, and we must have a way to recreate them.)
I'm forwarding your report and my answer to pgadmin-hackers ML so that
upstream can help finding a good and reliable solution.