Обсуждение: Re: pgadmin3 stops working when trying to access/show cert


Re: pgadmin3 stops working when trying to access/show cert

Dear Christian,

are you using pgadmin3's debian packages ?
If yes, which one ? Stable / Testing / Unstable ?

Andreas :
stable packages are dynamically linked against libpq 7.2.x dyn libraries/headers... Testing and unstable are linked
with 7.3.x. 
Maybe it can be something to follow ?

If you suspect something concerning the debian package, I will have a look at this tonight.



----Message d'origine----
>Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 09:57:56 +0200
>De: Christian Ruediger Bahls <christian.bahls@stud.uni-rostock.de>
>A: Andreas Pflug <pgadmin@pse-consulting.de>
>Copie à: pgadmin-hackers@postgresql.org
>Sujet: Re: [pgadmin-hackers] pgadmin3 stops working when trying to access/show certain views
>[2003-07-23 09:51] Andreas Pflug <pgadmin@pse-consulting.de> wrote:
>> Hi Christian,
>> this could be a problem in libpq. What happens if you execute that
>> select .... from pg_rule in the query tool? Will it run if you reduce
>> the number of selected columns (esp. ev_action)?
>of course querys on the command line interface work ..
>(how else could i show the definitions on the webpage i provided :)
>... could it be a problem that pgadmin3 an postmaster
>   are linked to different client libraries?
>(pgadmin3's is from debian,
> postmasters has been build from source,
> still both are version 7.3.3)
>  christian bahls
>  maths student
>  university of rostock
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings