Обсуждение: Re: Add a definable row limit to 'View Data'


Re: Add a definable row limit to 'View Data'

"Dave Page"
Hi Frank,

I'm not sure this is the best way to do this. How about a preset option in frmOptions for the number of rows. Then when
thequery is run, we say: 

The query returned more than XXX rows. Do you wish to LIMIT the output?


Yes = Limit
No = Return all rows
Cancel = Abort

What do you think?

Regards, Dave.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: frank_lupo [mailto:frank_lupo@email.it]
> Sent: 24 February 2003 13:30
> To: pgadmin-hackers
> Subject: [pgadmin-hackers] Add a definable row limit to 'View Data'
> The sub is in frmmain.
> Private Sub mnuPopupViewData_Click()
> On Error GoTo Err_Handler
> svr.LogEvent "Entering " & App.Title &
> ":frmMain.mnuPopupViewData_Click()", etFullDebug
> Dim objOutputForm As New frmSQLOutput
> Dim rsQuery As New Recordset
> Dim szTemp As String
> Dim lLimit As Long
> Dim lNumRow As Long
> Const ROW_LIMIT_QUESTION As Long = 5000
>   'count row
>   lNumRow = 0
>   StartMsg "Counting Records..."
>   Set rsQuery =
> frmMain.svr.Databases(ctx.CurrentDB).Execute("SELECT count(*)
> AS count FROM " & ctx.CurrentObject.FormattedID)
>   If Not rsQuery.EOF Then lNumRow = rsQuery!Count
>   EndMsg
>   'Add a definable row limit to 'View Data'
>   szTemp = InputBox("Insert row limit" & vbCrLf & "Table
> contain " & lNumRow & " rows", "Row limit", lNumRow)
>   If Len(szTemp) = 0 Then Exit Sub
>   lLimit = 0
>   If IsNumeric(szTemp) Then lLimit = szTemp
>   szTemp = "LIMIT " & lLimit
>   If lLimit > ROW_LIMIT_QUESTION And lNumRow > 0 Then
>     If MsgBox("The row limit is " & lLimit & ". The records
> which may take some time to load." & vbCrLf & "Do you wish to
> continue?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Continue?") = vbNo Then Exit Sub
>   End If
>   StartMsg "Executing SQL Query..."
>   Set rsQuery =
> frmMain.svr.Databases(ctx.CurrentDB).Execute("SELECT * FROM "
> & ctx.CurrentObject.FormattedID & szTemp)
>   Load objOutputForm
>   objOutputForm.Display rsQuery, ctx.CurrentDB, "(" &
> ctx.CurrentObject.ObjectType & ": " &
> ctx.CurrentObject.FormattedID & ")"
>   objOutputForm.Show
>   EndMsg
>   Exit Sub
> Err_Handler:
>   EndMsg
>   If Err.Number <> 0 Then LogError Err.Number,
> Err.Description, App.Title & ":frmMain.mnuPopupViewData_Click"
> End Sub
> Bye !!
> Frank Lupo (Wolf) !!
>     /\_ _/\
>     \ o o /
> --ooo-----ooo---
> --
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