Обсуждение: Re: regex 4 pga3


Re: regex 4 pga3

"Dave Page"
Hi Keith,

Glad you like wxWindows - Mark & I found it easy to get the hang of as well.

wrt to the regex library, I would prefer you use the wx one. I've never used it myself, but if it works OK, it's one
lessdependency to worry about. 

Regards, Dave.

_____________Original message ____________
Subject:    [pgadmin-hackers] regex 4 pga3
Sender:    "the kay \(efesar\)" <efesar@nmia.com>
Date:        Fri, 13 Dec 2002 21:56:25 +0000

I'm surprised how easily I've slipped into wxWindows ... it's like MFC, but
a little more intuitive. Consequently, I've done a lot of work done on the
Query Builder doodad I'm building.

To progress, I need/want regular expressions ... I noticed there is a regex
library included with wxWindows (although there doesn't appear to be any
documentation for it). Does anybody have experience with this regex library?
Does anybody have a preference which one I link to? If not, I'm just going
to link to that one and give it whack.


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