Re(2): Large Object dump ?

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Тема Re(2): Large Object dump ?
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Ответы Re: Re(2): Large Object dump ?
Conditional SQL query
Список pgsql-sql
You can try the script I made for exporting all my Pg database.
Ideas were borrowed from pg_dumplo-0.0.5.
Make it sure that you have "Perl5 extension for PostgreSQL -"


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Export large objects of all Pg database 
#  - Sherwin T. Daganato (
#  - October 8, 2000  

use strict;
use Pg;

my $space = shift || die "Usage: $0 outputdir";

# make sure the directory doesn't end in '/'
$space =~ s/\/$//;

my $conn_all = Pg::connectdb("dbname=template1");
die $conn_all->errorMessage unless PGRES_CONNECTION_OK eq

# find all database
my $sql = "SELECT datname FROM pg_database ORDER BY datname";
my $res_all = $conn_all->exec($sql);
die $conn_all->errorMessage unless PGRES_TUPLES_OK eq

my $counter = 0;
while (my ($database) = $res_all->fetchrow) { my $conn_db = Pg::connectdb("dbname=$database"); die
$conn_db->errorMessageunless PGRES_CONNECTION_OK eq
 # find any candidate tables with columns of type oid $sql = qq/SELECT c.relname, a.attname            FROM pg_class c,
pg_attributea, pg_type t            WHERE a.attnum > 0            AND a.attrelid = c.oid            AND a.atttypid =
t.oid           AND t.typname = 'oid'            AND c.relname NOT LIKE 'pg_%';          /;
 my $res_db = $conn_db->exec($sql); die $conn_db->errorMessage unless PGRES_TUPLES_OK eq
 my $path; local (*F); while (my ($table, $fld) = $res_db->fetchrow) {
   # find large object id   $sql = sprintf ("SELECT x.%s FROM %s x WHERE EXISTS (SELECT c.oid FROM
pg_class c WHERE c.relkind = 'l' AND x.%s = c.oid)",                   $fld, $table, $fld);
   # find large object id       #$sql = sprintf ("SELECT x.%s FROM %s x, pg_class c WHERE x.%s = c.oid
and c.relkind = 'l'",    #                $fld, $table, $fld);                    
   my $res_tbl = $conn_db->exec($sql);   die $conn_db->errorMessage unless PGRES_TUPLES_OK eq
   my $tuples;   next unless (($tuples = $res_tbl->ntuples) > 0);   $counter += $tuples;
   $path = sprintf ("%s/%s", $space, $database);
   if ( -d $path) {
     # creates file if it don't exist and appends to it     open(F,">>$path/lo_dump.index") || die "\n $0 Cannot open
$!\n";    } else {
     # create dir for database     mkdir($path, 0755) || die "\n Can't create $path: $! \n";
     # opens file for writing. overwrite existing file     open(F, ">$path/lo_dump.index") || die "\n $0 Cannot open $!
     # temporarily turn off warnings     # there might be undef     local $^W = 0;
     print F "#\n# This is the PostgreSQL large object dump index\n#\n";     printf F "#\tDate:     %s\n",
scalar(localtime);    printf F "#\tHost:     %s\n", $conn_db->host;     printf F "#\tDatabase: %s\n", $conn_db->db;
printfF "#\tUser:     %s\n", $conn_db->user;     printf F "#\n# oid\ttable\tattribut\tinfile\n#\n";   }
   $path = sprintf ("%s/%s", $path, $table);      # create dir for table   mkdir($path, 0755) || die "\n Can't create
$path:$! \n";             $path = sprintf ("%s/%s", $path, $fld);     # create dir for field   mkdir($path, 0755) ||
die"\n Can't create $path: $! \n";
   printf "dump %s.%s (%d large obj)\n", $table, $fld, $tuples;  
   while (my ($lobjOid) = $res_tbl->fetchrow) {
     $path = sprintf ("%s/%s/%s/%s/%s",        $space, $database, $table, $fld, $lobjOid);           my $res_lobj =
$conn_db->exec("BEGIN");    die $conn_db->errorMessage unless PGRES_COMMAND_OK eq
     # export large object     if ( 1 == $conn_db->lo_export($lobjOid, $path) ) {       printf F
"%s\t%s\t%s\t%s/%s/%s/%s\n",         $lobjOid, $table, $fld, $database, $table, $fld, $lobjOid;     } else {
printfSTDERR "%s: %s\n", $conn_db->errorMessage, $0;     }
     $res_lobj = $conn_db->exec("END");     die $conn_db->errorMessage unless PGRES_COMMAND_OK eq
$res_lobj->resultStatus;   }   close(F); } undef $conn_db;

printf "\nExported %d large objects.\n\n", $counter;
undef $conn_all; writes:
>On Mon, 30 Oct 2000, wrote:
>>Large objects are not dumped. It should be 
>>in the documentation for large objects.
>>You need to write a script which writes them to
>>disk and then imports them back in after you have
>>installed your dbs.
>CREATE TABLE news    -- { chiave: id news ,newarchivio, newsnuove}
>    "idnews"    SERIAL primary key,    
>    "oidnotizia"    OID,        -- news as large object 
>    "autore"    TEXTx        -- author
>How should be done the script for this table ?
>I found something about large object only onthe programmesg guide are they
>present in other docs?
>Thanks in advance 

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Сообщение: Re: Re(2): Large Object dump ?