Conference "OSS 2.0 : Leveraging the Open Source community for business"

От Gabriele Bartolini
Тема Conference "OSS 2.0 : Leveraging the Open Source community for business"
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Re: [pgeu-general] Conference "OSS 2.0 : Leveraging the Open Source community for business"
Список pgsql-advocacy
I believe an Italian and European PostgreSQL community participation would be interesting. If anyone of you is interested, please let me know. I have posted this conference details to the ITPUG association members, but - given that the conference is run in English - it is open to the world and European community of PostgreSQL as well.

Please let me know.




OSS 2.0 : Leveraging the Open Source community for business

Workshop at OSS 2008 Conference, co-located with IFIP WCC 2008 Milan (Italy)

Deadline for submission: 21st June 2008
Notification of acceptance: 11th July 2008 Final submission due: 25th July 2008
Workshop: 10th September 2008


Open Source software (OSS) is gaining momentum. The largest IT and software companies all around the world are now investing in it: IBM has recently released Eclipse under an OSS license, Sun Microsystems has acquired MySQL and has released Solaris as OSS, Oracle has acquired BerkelyDB. At the same time, more and more companies are building their business according to the Open Source paradigm. Many OSS projects are currently run and maintained by companies, even tough indirectly. For example, more than 90% of OpenOffice code is developed by professional software engineers employed by a pool of companies that include Sun, IBM, Novell, Red Flag, Red Hat, and Google. Most of the code of MySQL is developed by MySQL's employees. Recent research has shown that even among managed and active projects hosted on SourceForge more than 40% of the code is contributed by paid developers.

Based on this empirical evidence, why should companies invest in OSS?

The focus of contributions should be on the ways in which business can be built around OSS, with a particular attention to the role of communities.
Submissions are invited for theoretical and empirical research papers. The official language of the workshop is English.

The workshop is open to all researchers and members of the OSS community.
The Organizing Committee will select the participants through a double blind review process. At least one author of each accepted submission must attend the workshop and all workshop participants must pay the workshop registration fee.


The following represents a non exhaustive list of topics:

* OSS business models:
OSS strategies of software companies, sustainability of OSS-based business models, hybridization between commercial and open software, impact of OSS on firm performance.

* Companies in OSS projects:
Companies' involvement in OSS projects: contributions and strategies, role of paid developers and social networks, impact of companies' involvement on software quality.

* Communities:
Advantages of OSS communities for OSS-based business models, communities as market platforms and source of feedback, managerial strategies for leveraging OSS communities.
* Innovation models:
Open innovation framework, factors favouring the emergence of OSS-like innovation patterns, innovation policies tailored to software design, OSS technology transfer issues.

*OSS model and communities in other sectors:
Applicability of OSS-like models to other sectors (biotech, multimedia, etc.), role played by communities in other sectors.

Authors should submit papers (in .sxw, .doc, .rtf, or .pdf format) to Eugenio Capra (
Papers ahould be formatted in accordance with the main conference templates, which can be found at:

Eugenio Capra, Politecnico di Milano ( Chiara Francalanci, Politecnico di Milano ( Cristina Rossi Lamastra, Politecnico di Milano ( Anthony I. Wasserman, Carnegie Mellon West (

Robert J. Alexander, Executive IT Architect, IBM Italia, IT Luciano Baresi, Associate Professor, Politecnico di Milano, IT Lorenzo Benussi, Researcher, TOPIX and Universita' di Torino, IT Francesco Bolici, Assistent Professor, Universita' di Cassino, IT Andrea Bonaccorsi, Professor, Universita' di Pisa, IT Andrea Capiluppi, Senior Lecturer, University of Lincoln, UK Fabrizio Capobianco, CEO, Funambol, US Carlo Daffara, CEO, Conecta srl, IT Jean Michel Dalle, Professor, Marie Curie University, FR Jean Carlos De Martin, Professor, Politecnico di Torino, IT Dario Lorenzi, Ph.D. Student, Politecnico di Milano, IT Joachim Henkel, Professor, Technische Universitat Munchen, D James Howison, Ph.d. Student, Syracuse University, US Angelo Raffaele Meo, Professor, Politecnico di Torino, IT Francesco Merlo, Ph.D. Candidate, Politecnico di Milano, IT Mattia Monga, Assistant Professor, Universita' di Milano, IT Vincenzo Morabito, Assistant Professor, Universita' L. Bocconi, IT Alberto Onetti, Professor, Universita' dell'Insubria, IT Gregorio Robles, Associate Professor, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, IT Francesco Rullani, Researcher, Copenaghen Business School, DK Barbara Scozzi, Assistant Professor, Politecnico di Bari, IT Walt Scacchi, Professor, University of California, Irvine, US Alberto Sillitti, Assistant Professor, Libera Universita' di Bolzano, IT Salvatore Torrisi, Professor, Universita' di Bologna, IT Georg von Krogh, Professor, ETH Zurich, CH

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