答复: [External] Re: pgadmin--pgagent---the process hang by unknow reasons

От Zhiyu ZY13 Xu
Тема 答复: [External] Re: pgadmin--pgagent---the process hang by unknow reasons
Msg-id HK2PR03MB4610A554CEE4C11D11A7CBC7A8F30@HK2PR03MB4610.apcprd03.prod.outlook.com
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Ответ на Re: [External] Re: pgadmin--pgagent---the process hang by unknow reasons  (Dave Page <dpage@pgadmin.org>)
Ответы Re: [External] Re: pgadmin--pgagent---the process hang by unknow reasons
Список pgadmin-support

Hi Dave 


   Thanks for your update. I collect logs for your reference.  

   By the way. Is there any upgrade document which mentioned this scenario ?  upgrade pgagent_10 3.4 to pgagent_10 4.0.  

5: start pgagent process with new version pgagent.

With what error? Anything in the pgAgent log or /var/log/messages etc? 

There is no errors.The pgagent process disappear after execute the command.

On pgagent_10 3.4 version. There is a pgagent_10 process running.  




The pgagent_10 4.0  trace log also no errors. Look like it terminate unexpected.

[postgres@slbwcbnos2 sql]$ pgagent_10 -v

PostgreSQL Scheduling Agent

Version: 4.0.0

[postgres@slbwcbnos2 ~]$ pgagent_10 hostaddr= port=5432 dbname=postgres user=postgres password=*******  -s ./pg_agent_4.0_12_02.log -l 2

[postgres@slbwcbnos2 ~]$ ps -ef |grep -i pgagent_10

postgres  5939 30428  0 14:15 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto -i pgagent_10

[postgres@slbwcbnos2 ~]$ cat pg_agent_4.0_12_02.log

Wed Dec 2 14:15:01 2020 DEBUG: Creating primary connection

Wed Dec 2 14:15:01 2020 DEBUG: Parsing connection information...

Wed Dec 2 14:15:01 2020 DEBUG: user: postgres

Wed Dec 2 14:15:01 2020 DEBUG: password: *****

Wed Dec 2 14:15:01 2020 DEBUG: dbname: postgres

Wed Dec 2 14:15:01 2020 DEBUG: hostaddr:

Wed Dec 2 14:15:01 2020 DEBUG: port: 5432

Wed Dec 2 14:15:01 2020 DEBUG: Creating DB connection: user=postgres password=abcd-1234  hostaddr= port=5432 dbname=postgres

Wed Dec 2 14:15:01 2020 DEBUG: Database sanity check

[postgres@slbwcbnos2 ~]$  ps -ef |grep -i pgagent_10

postgres  8534 30428  0 14:16 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto -i pgagent_10

[postgres@slbwcbnos2 ~]$


6: try to upgrade by the upgrade script.

   Failed.   With what error?


[postgres@slbwcbnos2 sql]$ pwd


[postgres@slbwcbnos2 sql]$ pwd


[postgres@slbwcbnos2 sql]$ ls -al

total 36

drwxr-xr-x 2 501 games    90 Dec  1 14:25 .

drwxr-xr-x 6 501 games   298 Jul 12  2018 ..

-rw-r--r-- 1 501 games   538 Jul 12  2018 pgagent--3.4--4.0.sql

-rw-r--r-- 1 501 games 27772 Jul 12  2018 pgagent.sql

-rw-r--r-- 1 501 games  2603 Jul 12  2018 pgagent--unpackaged--4.0.sql

[postgres@slbwcbnos2 sql]$ psql

psql (10.5)

Type "help" for help.


postgres=# \i pgagent--3.4--4.0.sql

Use "CREATE EXTENSION pgagent UPDATE" to load this file.

postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION pgagent UPDATE;

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "UPDATE"



postgres=# alter EXTENSION pgagent UPDATE;

ERROR:  extension "pgagent" does not exist

postgres=# \q

[postgres@slbwcbnos2 sql]$ pga

pgagent_10  pgawk

[postgres@slbwcbnos2 sql]$ pgagent_10 -v

PostgreSQL Scheduling Agent

Version: 4.0.0






Database Engineer


DB Team,ITS. Lenovo China

Phone: 86-18910860709


No.6 Shangdi West Road, Haidian District Beijing, China, 100085


发件人: Dave Page <dpage@pgadmin.org>
发送时间: 2020121 22:27
收件人: Zhiyu ZY13 Xu <xuzy13@lenovo.com>
抄送: pgadmin-support@postgresql.org
主题: Re: [External] Re: pgadmin--pgagent---the process hang by unknow reasons




On Tue, Dec 1, 2020 at 12:38 PM Zhiyu ZY13 Xu <xuzy13@lenovo.com> wrote:

Hi Dave


   The command output is :


My test system. All commands executed on this system.

Before upgrade pgagent. I execute follow in steps.


1: backup and restore production database.

2: install pgagent by yum command .

Yum install pgagent_10

Yum downgrade pgagent_10.  (Then pgagent backup to 3.4 )


3: start pgagent process. Make sure pgagent running on normal state.


4: execute yum upgrade command to pgagent 4.0


5: start pgagent process with new version pgagent.



With what error? Anything in the pgAgent log or /var/log/messages etc?



6: try to upgrade by the upgrade script.



With what error?



7: Build and compile pgagent 4.2.

Try to upgrade pgagent. Failed.


[root@slbwcbnos2 ~]# ls -al /usr/pgsql-10/share/extension

total 40

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   118 Dec  1 14:59 .

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root    23 Dec  1 13:55 ..

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   538 Jul 12  2018 pgagent--3.4--4.0.sql

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 27657 Apr  5  2020 pgagent--4.0.sql

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   139 Apr  5  2020 pgagent.control

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  2603 Jul 12  2018 pgagent--unpackaged--4.0.sql



That indicates that pgAgent 4.0 is installed, not 4.2. I would suggest not trying to build it yourself at this stage.




Our production system.


[root@sltfjfrauxq ~]# ls -al /usr/pgsql-10/share/extension

total 44

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root  4096 Nov 30 23:46 .

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root  4096 Nov 22  2018 ..

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 27665 Oct 18  2017 pgagent--3.4.sql

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   139 Oct 18  2017 pgagent.control

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  2358 Feb 26  2014 pgagent--unpackaged--3.4.sql

[root@sltfjfrauxq ~]#



Right - that looks like 3.4 is installed, as expected.




Database Engineer


DB Team,ITS. Lenovo China

Phone: 86-18910860709


No.6 Shangdi West Road, Haidian District Beijing, China, 100085


发件人: Dave Page <dpage@pgadmin.org>
发送时间: 2020121 18:33
收件人: Zhiyu ZY13 Xu <xuzy13@lenovo.com>
抄送: pgadmin-support@postgresql.org
主题: Re: [External] Re: pgadmin--pgagent---the process hang by unknow reasons




It sounds like the extension hasn't been installed properly at the operating system level - what is the output from:


ls -al /usr/pgsql-10/share/extension


On Tue, Dec 1, 2020 at 10:00 AM Zhiyu ZY13 Xu <xuzy13@lenovo.com> wrote:

Hi Dave


  Thanks for your quick response.


I try this command on 4.0 and 4.2. I got a warning that the extension not exist.







Database Engineer


DB Team,ITS. Lenovo China

Phone: 86-18910860709


No.6 Shangdi West Road, Haidian District Beijing, China, 100085


发件人: Dave Page <dpage@pgadmin.org>
发送时间: 2020121 17:48
收件人: Zhiyu ZY13 Xu <xuzy13@lenovo.com>
抄送: pgadmin-support@postgresql.org
主题: Re: [External] Re: pgadmin--pgagent---the process hang by unknow reasons




On Tue, Dec 1, 2020 at 9:17 AM Zhiyu ZY13 Xu <xuzy13@lenovo.com> wrote:

Hi Dave


   Thanks for your update. I try to upgrade pgagent_10-3.4.0. But failed.

   Would you like to help me narrow down this upgrade issue Thanks


upgrade path

version upgrade


yum install pgagent_10

\i pgagent--3.4--4.0.sql

create extension pgagent;

3.4 4.0


compile and build. (install cmake and Boost)


\i pgagent--3.4--4.2.sql

create extension pgagent;

3.4 4.2



 Currently pgagent_10 3.4.0 env  installed by my teammate. He told me that he install it by yum command and execute a script.

Then those pgagent tables created by this script. There is no extension exist. But those pgagent table exist.



 Then I try upgrade pgagent_10 3.40 to 4.0 by yum command.  Its successfully upgrade by yum command.

But the pgagent_10 process unable start.  


[root@sltfjfrauxq ~]# yum upgrade pgagent_10


Total download size: 138 k

Is this ok [y/N]: y

Downloading Packages:

pgagent_10-4.0.0-4.rhel6.x86_64.rpm                                                                       | 138 kB     00:08

Running rpm_check_debug

Running Transaction Test

Transaction Test Succeeded

Running Transaction

  Updating   : pgagent_10-4.0.0-4.rhel6.x86_64                                                                               1/2

  Cleanup    : pgagent_10-3.4.0-10.rhel6.x86_64                                                                              2/2

  Verifying  : pgagent_10-4.0.0-4.rhel6.x86_64                                                                               1/2

  Verifying  : pgagent_10-3.4.0-10.rhel6.x86_64                                                                              2/2



  pgagent_10.x86_64 0:4.0.0-4.rhel6



Version: 4.0.0




The 4.0 pgagent start logs.

Tue Dec 1 13:57:53 2020 DEBUG: Creating primary connection

Tue Dec 1 13:57:53 2020 DEBUG: Parsing connection information...

Tue Dec 1 13:57:53 2020 DEBUG: user: postgres

Tue Dec 1 13:57:53 2020 DEBUG: password: *****

Tue Dec 1 13:57:53 2020 DEBUG: dbname: postgres

Tue Dec 1 13:57:53 2020 DEBUG: hostaddr:

Tue Dec 1 13:57:53 2020 DEBUG: port: 5432

Tue Dec 1 13:57:53 2020 DEBUG: Creating DB connection: user=postgres password=abcd-1234  hostaddr= port=5432 dbname=postgres

Tue Dec 1 13:57:53 2020 DEBUG: Database sanity check


I try to upgrade it by sql. But still on failed. 


[root@slbwcbnos2 sql]# pwd


[root@slbwcbnos2 sql]# ls -al

total 36

drwxr-xr-x 2 501 games    90 Dec  1 14:25 .

drwxr-xr-x 6 501 games   298 Jul 12  2018 ..

-rw-r--r-- 1 501 games   538 Jul 12  2018 pgagent--3.4--4.0.sql

-rw-r--r-- 1 501 games 27772 Jul 12  2018 pgagent.sql

-rw-r--r-- 1 501 games  2603 Jul 12  2018 pgagent--unpackaged--4.0.sql


postgres=# \i pgagent--3.4--4.0.sql

Use "CREATE EXTENSION pgagent UPDATE" to load this file.

postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION pgagent UPDATE;

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "UPDATE"



postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION pgagent UPDATE;

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "UPDATE"



postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION pgagent ;

ERROR:  extension "pgagent" has no installation script nor update path for version "3.4"



After failed. I try to build and compile the latest version 4.2.

 Build and install successfully. But I still on unable upgrade current 3.4 version.   

 I could create extension successfully on a new database.



postgres=# \i pgagent--3.4--4.2.sql

Use "CREATE EXTENSION pgagent UPDATE" to load this file.

postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION pgagent UPDATE;

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "UPDATE"



postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION pgagent ;

ERROR:  relation "pga_jobagent" already exists






I think the message is wrong (which I'll fix if you can confirm) - it should be:





Dave Page
Blog: http://pgsnake.blogspot.com
Twitter: @pgsnake

EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com



Dave Page
Blog: http://pgsnake.blogspot.com
Twitter: @pgsnake

EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com



Dave Page
Blog: http://pgsnake.blogspot.com
Twitter: @pgsnake

EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com


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