COPY process hung in 9.2.x (9.2.4)

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Ответы Re: COPY process hung in 9.2.x (9.2.4)
Список pgsql-bugs
Hi all,

I have been seeing some copy jobs hang in a odd way. I am unable to
repoduce on demand, but here is what I have.

my setup is a bit complex, but should be old hat for most people.

client connection runs through bouncer (session pooling) to a 9.2.4
postgres back end. I have had this problem happen without bouncer in the
middle but for this limited debug bouncer is in play. have numerous clinets
copying to the same table throughout the day, often concurrently.

this is not the first time I have a copy job that won't quit/die from a
pg_cancel_backend or a pg_terminate backend.

this copy hang issue only stated since upgrading to 9.2 (from 8.3)

it looks to my untrained eye that it's in some wait state that can't be

here is what the process looks like in pg_stat_activity;

I took this at about 2013-07-17 14:30-06 so the process had been in a funky
state for a number of hours.

datid            | 16384
datname          | XXXXXXX
pid              | 25896
usesysid         | 10
usename          | postgres
application_name |
client_addr      |
client_hostname  |
client_port      | 60875
backend_start    | 2013-07-08 14:36:37.223981-06
xact_start       | 2013-07-17 08:36:33.139472-06
query_start      | 2013-07-17 08:36:33.139472-06
state_change     | 2013-07-17 08:36:33.139474-06
waiting          | f
state            | active
query            | COPY  (<snip>)

XXXXXXX=3D# SELECT pg_cancel_backend(25896);
(1 row)

XXXXXXX=3D# SELECT pg_cancel_backend(25896);
(1 row)

XXXXXXX=3D# SELECT pg_cancel_backend(25896);
(1 row)

XXXXXXX=3D# SELECT pg_cancel_backend(25896);
(1 row)

XXXXXXX=3D#SELECT pg_terminate_backend(25896);
(1 row)

XXXXXXX=3D# SELECT pg_terminate_backend(25896);
(1 row)

ok... so it will send the signal, just not get around to acting on it.

gdb looked unhelpul since there are no debugging symbols in the PGDG RPMS.
(which I would not expect there to be)

[root@]# gstack 25896
#0  0x000000317ece9672 in recv () from /lib64/
#1  0x00000000005a9676 in secure_read ()
#2  0x00000000005b432b in ?? ()
#3  0x00000000005b465c in pq_getmessage ()
#4  0x000000000052cdaa in ?? ()
#5  0x000000000052d297 in ?? ()
#6  0x000000000052d3c6 in ?? ()
#7  0x000000000052dca7 in NextCopyFromRawFields ()
#8  0x000000000052e5b9 in NextCopyFrom ()
#9  0x0000000000531b59 in DoCopy ()
#10 0x000000000065dbeb in standard_ProcessUtility ()
#11 0x000000000065a607 in ?? ()
#12 0x000000000065b5fd in ?? ()
#13 0x000000000065bd82 in PortalRun ()
#14 0x000000000065834d in ?? ()
#15 0x0000000000659200 in PostgresMain ()
#16 0x0000000000615161 in ?? ()
#17 0x0000000000617dcc in PostmasterMain ()
#18 0x00000000005b6830 in main ()

strace showed that nothing was going on for several minutes:

 strace -p 25896
Process 25896 attached - interrupt to quit
recvfrom(10, ^C <unfinished ...>
Process 25896 detached

ps -efl | grep 25896
1 S postgres 25896 24852  0  80   0 - 604148 sk_wai Jul08 ?       00:00:11
postgres: postgres XXXXXXX COPY

lsof -n -p 25896
postgres 25896 postgres  cwd    DIR      8,1       4096        131
postgres 25896 postgres  rtd    DIR    253,0       4096          2 /
postgres 25896 postgres  txt    REG    253,0    5477296    7479113
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0     156872     524290 /lib64/
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0    1922152     524294 /lib64/
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0      22536     524317 /lib64/
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0     145720     524295 /lib64/
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0      91096     524428
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0     598680     524315 /lib64/
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0     124624     524372
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0     113952     524376 /lib64/
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0      43392     524349 /lib64/
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0     386040     524342
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0     108728    7475210
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0      17256     524441
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0      58480     524352
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0      17096     524419
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0    1286744    7479035
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0     177952    7475272
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0     224328    7479710
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0      12592     524438
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0     243096     524388
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0    1665328    7479326
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0     183896    7479978
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0    1383336    7474856
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0     944712     524324
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0     177520     524310
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0     280520     524330
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0      46368     524304
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0      60144    7474481
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0     383608    7480990
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0     326216    7480986
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0      65928     524589 /lib64/
postgres 25896 postgres  DEL    REG      0,4                 65536
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0   99158576    7474747
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0      21256     524417
postgres 25896 postgres  mem    REG    253,0     115536     524329
postgres 25896 postgres    0r   CHR      1,3        0t0       3842 /dev/nul=
postgres 25896 postgres    1w  FIFO      0,8        0t0    2353970 pipe
postgres 25896 postgres    2w  FIFO      0,8        0t0    2353970 pipe
postgres 25896 postgres    3r  FIFO      0,8        0t0   51158748 pipe
postgres 25896 postgres    4w  FIFO      0,8        0t0   51158748 pipe
postgres 25896 postgres    5u   REG      8,1      16384 2147483827
postgres 25896 postgres    6r  FIFO      0,8        0t0    2353969 pipe
postgres 25896 postgres    7u   REG    253,0   16777216    7078308
/var/xlogs/pg_xlog92/000000010000280D0000006A (deleted)
postgres 25896 postgres    8u   REG      8,1      16384 2147483828
postgres 25896 postgres    9u  IPv6  2353978        0t0        UDP
*postgres 25896 postgres   10u  IPv4 51158747        0t0        TCP> (ESTABLISHED)*
postgres 25896 postgres   11u   REG      8,1      16384 2147483785
postgres 25896 postgres   12u   REG      8,1     344064 2147489656
postgres 25896 postgres   13u   REG      8,1      16384 2147483787
postgres 25896 postgres   14u   REG      8,1    1048576 2147483873
postgres 25896 postgres   15u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488687
postgres 25896 postgres   16u   REG      8,1     180224 2147490208
postgres 25896 postgres   17u   REG      8,1  255205376 2147490131
postgres 25896 postgres   18u   REG      8,1      24576 2147490213
postgres 25896 postgres   19u   REG      8,1      16384 2147486050
postgres 25896 postgres   20u   REG      8,1   24592384 2147490148
postgres 25896 postgres   21u   REG      8,1      32768 2147483805
postgres 25896 postgres   22u   REG      8,1    4784128 2147490223
postgres 25896 postgres   23u   REG      8,1       8192 2147483831
postgres 25896 postgres   24u   REG      8,1      16384 2147486062
postgres 25896 postgres   25u   REG      8,1    1556480 2147490065
postgres 25896 postgres   26u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147486178
postgres 25896 postgres   27u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147491444
postgres 25896 postgres   28u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147486188
postgres 25896 postgres   29u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147491455
postgres 25896 postgres   30u   REG      8,1     106496 2147490211
postgres 25896 postgres   31u   REG      8,1  357679104 2147486635
postgres 25896 postgres   32u   REG      8,1      24576 2147490254
postgres 25896 postgres   33u   REG      8,1    2490368 2147488566
postgres 25896 postgres   34u   REG      8,1     278528 2147490210
postgres 25896 postgres   35u   REG      8,1 1034158080 2147490224
postgres 25896 postgres   36u   REG      8,1  564789248 2147490231
postgres 25896 postgres   37u   REG      8,1  150011904 2147490130
postgres 25896 postgres   38u   REG      8,1      57344 2147490212
postgres 25896 postgres   39u   REG      8,1  157581312 2147490232
postgres 25896 postgres   40u   REG      8,1  143163392 2147490235
postgres 25896 postgres   41u   REG      8,1    1998848 2147490055
postgres 25896 postgres   42u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488227
postgres 25896 postgres   43u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147491477
postgres 25896 postgres   44u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147491456
postgres 25896 postgres   45u   REG      8,1     409600 2147490122
postgres 25896 postgres   46u   REG      8,1  646856704 2147488314
postgres 25896 postgres   47u   REG      8,1    1343488 2147490090
postgres 25896 postgres   48u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147486688
postgres 25896 postgres   49u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147549657
postgres 25896 postgres   50u   REG      8,1     262144 2147490172
postgres 25896 postgres   51u   REG      8,1  972759040 2147488173
postgres 25896 postgres   52u   REG      8,1  441982976 2147488210
postgres 25896 postgres   53u   REG      8,1  722575360 2147488174
postgres 25896 postgres   54u   REG      8,1  712818688 2147486668
postgres 25896 postgres   55u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147486665
postgres 25896 postgres   56u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147486201
postgres 25896 postgres   57u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147549688
postgres 25896 postgres   58u   REG      8,1      24576 2147490218
postgres 25896 postgres   59u   REG      8,1   27156480 2147490268
postgres 25896 postgres   60u   REG      8,1   82960384 2147490264
postgres 25896 postgres   61u   REG      8,1  101376000 2147490259
postgres 25896 postgres   62u   REG      8,1  421117952 2147490127
postgres 25896 postgres   63u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147486694
postgres 25896 postgres   64u   REG      8,1  944750592 2147490228
postgres 25896 postgres   65u   REG      8,1  665083904 2147490230
postgres 25896 postgres   66u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488250
postgres 25896 postgres   67u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147491453
postgres 25896 postgres   68u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147486702
postgres 25896 postgres   69u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147549740
postgres 25896 postgres   70u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147549690
postgres 25896 postgres   71u   REG      8,1  185663488 2147486647
postgres 25896 postgres   72u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147549703
postgres 25896 postgres   73u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488255
postgres 25896 postgres   74u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147549679
postgres 25896 postgres   75u   REG      8,1     483328 2147486037
postgres 25896 postgres   76u   REG      8,1     401408 2147483825
postgres 25896 postgres   77u   REG      8,1    2203648 2147486033
postgres 25896 postgres   78u   REG      8,1    9355264 2147483909
postgres 25896 postgres   79u   REG      8,1     188416 2147486040
postgres 25896 postgres   80u   REG      8,1    1261568 2147483884
postgres 25896 postgres   81u   REG      8,1     204800 2147486047
postgres 25896 postgres   82u   REG      8,1     630784 2147483934
postgres 25896 postgres   83u   REG      8,1  254623744 2147488319
postgres 25896 postgres   84u   REG      8,1  327983104 2147486642
postgres 25896 postgres   85u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147549709
postgres 25896 postgres   86u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147549707
postgres 25896 postgres   87u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147549696
postgres 25896 postgres   88u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147549719
postgres 25896 postgres   89u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147549730
postgres 25896 postgres  128u   REG      8,1     196608 2147486048
postgres 25896 postgres  138u   REG      8,1      16384 2147486057
postgres 25896 postgres  139u   REG      8,1     122880 2147483807
postgres 25896 postgres  140u   REG      8,1     188416 2147483808
postgres 25896 postgres  141u   REG      8,1     688128 2147483892
postgres 25896 postgres  142u   REG      8,1     212992 2147486036
postgres 25896 postgres  143u   REG      8,1     655360 2147483883
postgres 25896 postgres  144u   REG      8,1      73728 2147486035
postgres 25896 postgres  145u   REG      8,1     335872 2147486030
postgres 25896 postgres  146u   REG      8,1      40960 2147483789
postgres 25896 postgres  147u   REG      8,1      32768 2147483902
postgres 25896 postgres  148u   REG      8,1      16384 2147483900
postgres 25896 postgres  149u   REG      8,1     368640 2147483810
postgres 25896 postgres  150u   REG      8,1      16384 2147486016
postgres 25896 postgres  151u   REG      8,1     999424 2147483921
postgres 25896 postgres  152u   REG      8,1      16384 2147483925
postgres 25896 postgres  153u   REG      8,1      32768 2147483806
postgres 25896 postgres  154u   REG      8,1      16384 2147486055
postgres 25896 postgres  155u   REG      8,1      32768 2147486051
postgres 25896 postgres  156u   REG      8,1      32768 2147483888
postgres 25896 postgres  158u   REG      8,1    1073152 2147486029
postgres 25896 postgres  161u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147491089
postgres 25896 postgres  162u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147486571
postgres 25896 postgres  163u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147617642
postgres 25896 postgres  164u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147548355
postgres 25896 postgres  165u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488185
postgres 25896 postgres  166u   REG      8,1 1005936640 2147491104
postgres 25896 postgres  167u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147490062
postgres 25896 postgres  168u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147490063
postgres 25896 postgres  169u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147490070
postgres 25896 postgres  170u   REG      8,1   17883136 2147490072
postgres 25896 postgres  171u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147490080
postgres 25896 postgres  172u   REG      8,1  832438272 2147490087
postgres 25896 postgres  173u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147486172
postgres 25896 postgres  174u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147486356
postgres 25896 postgres  175u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147503855
postgres 25896 postgres  176u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147548614
postgres 25896 postgres  177u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147490347
postgres 25896 postgres  178u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147489603
postgres 25896 postgres  179u   REG      8,1  317358080 2147548647
postgres 25896 postgres  180u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488447
postgres 25896 postgres  181u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488448
postgres 25896 postgres  182u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488450
postgres 25896 postgres  183u   REG      8,1  206184448 2147488453
postgres 25896 postgres  184u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488454
postgres 25896 postgres  185u   REG      8,1  943489024 2147488456
postgres 25896 postgres  186u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147549775
postgres 25896 postgres  187u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147503866
postgres 25896 postgres  188u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147486568
postgres 25896 postgres  189u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147747483
postgres 25896 postgres  190u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147486232
postgres 25896 postgres  191u   REG      8,1  975126528 2147489633
postgres 25896 postgres  192u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147616724
postgres 25896 postgres  193u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147616728
postgres 25896 postgres  194u   REG      8,1 1071448064 2147616729
postgres 25896 postgres  195u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147617609
postgres 25896 postgres  196u   REG      8,1  818839552 2147617613
postgres 25896 postgres  197u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147499926
postgres 25896 postgres  198u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488719
postgres 25896 postgres  199u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147878017
postgres 25896 postgres  200u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147747169
postgres 25896 postgres  201u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147747213
postgres 25896 postgres  202u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147617717
postgres 25896 postgres  203u   REG      8,1  555130880 2147548558
postgres 25896 postgres  204u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488714
postgres 25896 postgres  205u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488720
postgres 25896 postgres  206u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488729
postgres 25896 postgres  207u   REG      8,1  330121216 2147488730
postgres 25896 postgres  208u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147489600
postgres 25896 postgres  209u   REG      8,1 1014800384 2147489602
postgres 25896 postgres  210u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147548643
postgres 25896 postgres  211u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147490125
postgres 25896 postgres  212u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147490308
postgres 25896 postgres  213u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147503923
postgres 25896 postgres  214u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147548318
postgres 25896 postgres  215u   REG      8,1 1048870912 2147490124
postgres 25896 postgres  216u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147616713
postgres 25896 postgres  217u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147616715
postgres 25896 postgres  218u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147616716
postgres 25896 postgres  219u   REG      8,1   36339712 2147616717
postgres 25896 postgres  220u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147616719
postgres 25896 postgres  221u   REG      8,1  841646080 2147616722
postgres 25896 postgres  222u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147548533
postgres 25896 postgres  223u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147503894
postgres 25896 postgres  224u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147489616
postgres 25896 postgres  225u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488331
postgres 25896 postgres  226u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147486555
postgres 25896 postgres  227u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147490338
postgres 25896 postgres  228u   REG      8,1  564928512 2147486229
postgres 25896 postgres  229u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488460
postgres 25896 postgres  230u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488461
postgres 25896 postgres  231u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488462
postgres 25896 postgres  232u   REG      8,1  333545472 2147488468
postgres 25896 postgres  233u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488535
postgres 25896 postgres  234u   REG      8,1 1017339904 2147488538
postgres 25896 postgres  235u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147503943
postgres 25896 postgres  236u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147491152
postgres 25896 postgres  237u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147503957
postgres 25896 postgres  238u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147548263
postgres 25896 postgres  239u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147486349
postgres 25896 postgres  240u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147617614
postgres 25896 postgres  241u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147617755
postgres 25896 postgres  242u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147548284
postgres 25896 postgres  243u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488470
postgres 25896 postgres  244u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147490209
postgres 25896 postgres  245u   REG      8,1  541220864 2147499910
postgres 25896 postgres  246u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488541
postgres 25896 postgres  247u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488545
postgres 25896 postgres  248u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488553
postgres 25896 postgres  249u   REG      8,1  324403200 2147488569
postgres 25896 postgres  250u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488587
postgres 25896 postgres  251u   REG      8,1 1011531776 2147488588
postgres 25896 postgres  252u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147548655
postgres 25896 postgres  253u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147486176
postgres 25896 postgres  254u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147616667
postgres 25896 postgres  255u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147747219
postgres 25896 postgres  256u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488686
postgres 25896 postgres  257u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147490049
postgres 25896 postgres  258u   REG      8,1  101154816 2147548526
postgres 25896 postgres  259u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147486212
postgres 25896 postgres  260u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147486221
postgres 25896 postgres  261u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147486231
postgres 25896 postgres  262u   REG      8,1   96174080 2147486336
postgres 25896 postgres  263u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147486386
postgres 25896 postgres  264u   REG      8,1  878927872 2147488459
postgres 25896 postgres  265u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147503959
postgres 25896 postgres  266u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147747466
postgres 25896 postgres  267u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147486549
postgres 25896 postgres  268u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147617729
postgres 25896 postgres  269u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147548639
postgres 25896 postgres  270u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488691
postgres 25896 postgres  271u   REG      8,1  268017664 2147503895
postgres 25896 postgres  272u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488425
postgres 25896 postgres  273u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488427
postgres 25896 postgres  274u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488429
postgres 25896 postgres  275u   REG      8,1  182755328 2147488432
postgres 25896 postgres  276u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488433
postgres 25896 postgres  277u   REG      8,1  927940608 2147488442
postgres 25896 postgres  278u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147548567
postgres 25896 postgres  279u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147499891
postgres 25896 postgres  280u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147490243
postgres 25896 postgres  281u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488163
postgres 25896 postgres  282u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147616765
postgres 25896 postgres  283u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147490293
postgres 25896 postgres  284u   REG      8,1  351633408 2147491085
postgres 25896 postgres  285u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147489647
postgres 25896 postgres  286u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147489662
postgres 25896 postgres  287u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147490053
postgres 25896 postgres  288u   REG      8,1  226844672 2147490054
postgres 25896 postgres  289u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147490058
postgres 25896 postgres  290u   REG      8,1  954056704 2147490061
postgres 25896 postgres  291u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147747623
postgres 25896 postgres  292u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147548454
postgres 25896 postgres  293u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147491162
postgres 25896 postgres  294u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147488165
postgres 25896 postgres  295u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147747482
postgres 25896 postgres  296u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147503918
postgres 25896 postgres  297u   REG      8,1  477880320 2147503941
postgres 25896 postgres  298u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147747625
postgres 25896 postgres  299u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147491149
postgres 25896 postgres  300u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147486710
postgres 25896 postgres  301u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147747480
postgres 25896 postgres  302u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147503922
postgres 25896 postgres  303u   REG      8,1  224124928 2147503942
postgres 25896 postgres  304u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147747633
postgres 25896 postgres  305u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147491438
postgres 25896 postgres  306u   REG      8,1 1073741824 2147747481
postgres 25896 postgres  307u   REG      8,1  360849408 2147490159
postgres 25896 postgres  308u   REG      8,1   72196096 2147486026
postgres 25896 postgres  309u   REG      8,1    3497984 2147486028
postgres 25896 postgres  310u   REG      8,1  206946304 2147486027
postgres 25896 postgres  311u   REG      8,1      16384 2147483822
postgres 25896 postgres  312u   REG      8,1       8192 2147483814
postgres 25896 postgres  313u   REG      8,1      32768 2147483790
postgres 25896 postgres  314u   REG      8,1      16384 2147483829

when I log into bouncer, it does not show 60875 as a client port by
anything. so there was nothing from bouncer to show AFAIK.

10u is the connect glue between bouncer and postgres. I know its odd that I
used TCP between bouncer and postgres even though they are on the same box.

 it's almost like keep alives should have kicked in and cleaned this up.

I run somewhat aggressive keep alives:

postgres=3D# show tcp_keepalives_idle;
(1 row)

postgres=3D# show tcp_keepalives_interval;
(1 row)

postgres=3D# show tcp_keepalives_count;
(1 row)

I had to restart -m i postgres to get postgres useable again.

not sure what other information I can provide, but I think there may be
something up with the changes that went in with 9.2 and bulk copy.


В списке pgsql-bugs по дате отправления:

От: Michael Enke
Сообщение: Re: BUG #8307: can reproduce: pg_dump: schema with OID xxxxxx does not exist
От: Tom Lane
Сообщение: Re: COPY process hung in 9.2.x (9.2.4)