Re: pgAdmin debugger hangs on Windows 8 after closing debug window

От Ashesh Vashi
Тема Re: pgAdmin debugger hangs on Windows 8 after closing debug window
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Ответ на Re: pgAdmin debugger hangs on Windows 8 after closing debug window  ("EDUARDO ESTEBAN" <>)
Ответы Re: pgAdmin debugger hangs on Windows 8 after closing debug window
Список pgadmin-support
<p dir="ltr"><br /> On 22 Oct 2013 20:16, "EDUARDO ESTEBAN" <<a
href=""></a>>wrote:<br /> ><br /> > Dear Ashesh.<br /> > I have
testedthe pgAdmin debugger with PostgreSQL 9.3.1 and it works fine on Windows 8 x64.<br /> Glad to hear that...<p
dir="ltr">--Ashesh<br /> >  <br /> > Thank you very much for your help.<br /> > Regards.<br /> > Eduardo
Esteban<br/> ><br /> > ________________________________<br /> > De: <a
href=""></a>]En nombre de Ashesh
Vashi<br/> > Enviado el: martes, 22 de octubre de 2013 15:49<br /> ><br /> > Para: EDUARDO ESTEBAN<br /> >
CC:pgadmin-support<br /> > Asunto: Re: [pgadmin-support] pgAdmin debugger hangs on Windows 8 after closing debug
window<br/> ><br /> > On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 8:12 PM, EDUARDO ESTEBAN <<a
href=""></a>>wrote:<br /> >><br /> >> Dear Ashesh,<br />
>>Thank you for your fast answer.<br /> >> It fails with any function or trigger that i have tested it
alwayson Windows 8 x64 and i have tested with several pgAdmin and PostgreSQL versions on Windows 8.<br /> >>
Anywayhere there are the details of the version and a example to test.<br /> >> PostgreSQL 9.2.4 on x64<br />
>>Compiled by Visual C++ build 1600 64 bit<br /> >>  <br /> >> PGAdmin 1.16.1 April 2 2013 REV:
REL-1_16_1<br/> ><br /> > Hi,<br /> ><br /> > Thanks for the inputs...<br /> ><br /> > FYI - We've
redesignedthe debugger code completely in pgAdmin 1.18.<br /> > Unfortunately - we found a lot of design issues with
debuggercode in older version, which couldn't be tracked and fixed, which forced us to redesign ti for the latest
version.<br/> ><br /> > Please use the latest pgAdmin III (1.18.1) bundled with one-click installer PostgreSQL
9.3.1, or you can download it for windows from this link:<br /> > <a
/>><br /> > Can you please share your experience with the latest pgAdmin III?<br /> >><br /> >>  <br
/>>> PostgreSQL and pgAdmin are installed using the Windows installer provided by Enterprisedb from the download
pageof <a href=""></a><br /> >>  <br /> >> The database coding  by
defaultis UTF8 but i change it to WIN1252 once the database is created.<br /> >> These are all the steps to
reproducethe problem:<br /> >>  <br /> >> -- CREATE DATABASE<br /> >> CREATE DATABASE
"i.TEST.2013.0"<br/> >>   WITH OWNER = postgres<br /> >>        TABLESPACE = pg_default<br /> >>
      LC_COLLATE = 'Spanish_Spain.1252'<br /> >>        LC_CTYPE = 'Spanish_Spain.1252'<br /> >>       
CONNECTIONLIMIT = -1;<br /> >>  <br /> >> --UPDATE DATABASE CODING<br /> >> update
"pg_catalog"."pg_database"set encoding=24 where datname='i.TEST.2013.0'<br /> >>  <br /> >> -- ACTIVATE
DEBUGGER<br/> >> CREATE EXTENSION pldbgapi;<br /> >>  <br /> >> -- CREATE TABLE<br /> >> CREATE
TABLE"COUNTRY_COU"<br /> >> (<br /> >>   cou_id character varying(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::character
varying,-- ID ISO 2<br /> >>   cou_iso3 character varying(3), -- ISO 3<br /> >>   cou_countryname character
varying(100),-- País<br /> >>   cou_isocode integer, -- Cod. ISO<br /> >>   cou_flag bytea, -- Bandera<br
/>>>   CONSTRAINT cou_id PRIMARY KEY (cou_id) -- ID ISO 2<br /> >> )<br /> >> WITH (<br /> >>  
OIDS=FALSE<br/> >> );<br /> >> ALTER TABLE "COUNTRY_COU"<br /> >>   OWNER TO postgres;<br />
>><br/> >> -- Index: cou_countryname<br /> >>  <br /> >> -- DROP INDEX cou_countryname;<br />
>> <br /> >> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cou_countryname<br /> >>   ON "COUNTRY_COU"<br /> >>   USING
btree<br/> >>   (cou_countryname);<br /> >> -- Index: cou_iso3<br /> >>  <br /> >> -- DROP
INDEXcou_iso3;<br /> >>  <br /> >> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cou_iso3<br /> >>   ON "COUNTRY_COU"<br />
>>  USING btree<br /> >>   (cou_iso3);<br /> >> -- Index: cou_isocode<br /> >>  <br /> >>
--DROP INDEX cou_isocode;<br /> >>  <br /> >> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX cou_isocode<br /> >>   ON
"COUNTRY_COU"<br/> >>   USING btree<br /> >>   (cou_isocode);<br /> >> -- CREATE FUNCTION<br />
>>CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION isql_country_b_trigger()<br /> >>   RETURNS trigger AS<br /> >>
$BODY$<br/> >> DECLARE<br /> >>  <br /> >> BEGIN<br /> >>  IF  (TG_OP = 'INSERT') OR (TG_OP =
'UPDATE')THEN<br /> >>   IF NEW.cou_id IS NULL THEN<br /> >>    RAISE 'cou_id is null' USING ERRCODE =
'42000';<br/> >>   END IF;<br /> >>   IF NEW.cou_iso3 IS NULL  THEN<br /> >>    NEW.cou_iso3 =
NEW.cou_id;<br/> >>   END IF;<br /> >>   IF NEW.cou_countryname IS NULL  THEN<br /> >>
   NEW.cou_countryname= NEW.cou_id;<br /> >>   END IF;<br /> >>   RETURN NEW;<br /> >>  ELSIF (TG_OP
='DELETE') THEN<br /> >>   RETURN OLD;<br /> >>  ELSIF (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') THEN<br /> >>   RETURN
NEW;<br/> >>  END IF;<br /> >>  RETURN NULL;<br /> >> END;<br /> >> $BODY$<br /> >>  
LANGUAGEplpgsql VOLATILE<br /> >>   COST 1000;<br /> >> ALTER FUNCTION isql_country_b_trigger()<br />
>>  OWNER TO postgres;<br /> >> --CREATE TRIGGER<br /> >> CREATE TRIGGER
isql_tri_0_b_iud_country_cou<br/> >>   BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE<br /> >>   ON "COUNTRY_COU"<br />
>>  FOR EACH ROW<br /> >>   EXECUTE PROCEDURE isql_country_b_trigger();<br /> >><br /> >>  <br
/>>><br /> >> Finally, to reproduce the problem open one pgAdmin Window to debug the trigger function.<br
/>>><br /> >> Open another pgAdmin Window and insert a record on the table.<br /> >><br /> >>
Whenthe debug Window is closed then the pgAdmin freezes and it should be closed from the task manager.<br />
>><br/> >>  <br /> >> Thank you in advance<br /> >> Eduardo Esteban<br /> >><br />
>> <br /> >><br /> >> ________________________________<br /> >> De: <a
href=""></a>]En nombre de Ashesh
Vashi<br/> >> Enviado el: lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013 13:08<br /> >> Para: EDUARDO ESTEBAN<br /> >>
CC:pgadmin-support<br /> >> Asunto: Re: [pgadmin-support] pgAdmin debugger hangs on Windows 8 after closing debug
window<br/> >><br /> >> Hi Eduardo Esteban,<br /> >><br /> >> Can you please share the pl/pgsql
fordebugging?<br /> >> (We require that to understand the function structure. i.e. return values, arguments,
etc.)<br/> >><br /> >> We will also require following information:<br /> >> 1. pgAdmin III version<br
/>>> 2. OS version<br /> >> 3. Database server version<br /> >><br /> >> NOTE: A step by step
reproductionsteps will be very helpful.<br /> >><br /> >> On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 4:25 PM, EDUARDO ESTEBAN
<<ahref=""></a>> wrote:<br /> >>><br /> >>> Hi,<br />
>>>When using the debugger in pgAdmin on Windows 8 debugging any pl/pgsql funtion it hangs and the pgAdmin
shouldbe close from the task manager.<br /> >>> This only happens on whatever version of pgAdmin used on
Windows8 64 bits (for example pgAdmin 1.18.0).<br /> >>> To reproduce the problem try to debug a pl/pgsql
functionand after the debug window shows, try to close the debug window and you will see that the pgAdmin hangs and it
shouldbe restarted.<br /> >>>  <br /> >>> Thank you in advance.<br /> >>> Eduardo Esteban<br
/>>>>  <br /> >><br /> >><br /> >><br /> >><br /> >> -- <br /> >> --<br />
>><br/> >> Thanks & Regards,<br /> >><br /> >> Ashesh Vashi<br /> >> EnterpriseDB
INDIA:Enterprise PostgreSQL Company<br /> >><br /> >>  <br /> >><br /> >> <a
href=""></a><br/> ><br /> > --<br />
><br/> > Thanks & Regards,<br /> ><br /> > Ashesh Vashi<br /> > EnterpriseDB INDIA: Enterprise
PostgreSQLCompany<br /> ><br /> ><br /> > <a

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