problem w/plpgsql proc

Hi all - This might be the wrong forum for this, but I don't want to cross-post 
unless someone tells me I should.

Anyways, I'm having a problem trying to compile this plpg proc. I'll post 
the proc and the errors. I'm coming from a T-SQL background, so hopefully 
when I get the hang of Pl/PgSQL I'll be able to draft up a doc for porting 
from T-SQL to Pl/PgSQL.

/***editEmail: all vars required  - will renumber the sequence if needed - if the email address is not found, it will
addit.       returns:               -1 - the user already has 8 entries               0  - the record was updated, and
thetable renumbered               1  - the record was added.**/

--DROP FUNCTION editEmail(integer, smallint, varchar, varchar);

CREATE FUNCTION editEmail(integer, smallint, varchar, varchar) RETURNS 
integer AS '
DECLARE       ufk ALIAS FOR $1;       seq ALIAS FOR $2;       em  ALIAS FOR $3;       emp ALIAS FOR $4;
--for renumbering the recordsrec RECORD;cnt INTEGER;found SMALLINT := 0;
BEGIN-- see if the email address exists, then see if renumbering is neededCREATE TEMP TABLE this_user AS
SELECT* FROM tblemailadd WHERE emuserfk = ufk;
-- see if the user exists in the table, then see if the user already-- has 8 entries. If so - return -1 (error)... max
8entries allowed :)IF (cnt > 7) THEN       IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT emseqnum FROM this_user WHERE emailaddr = em; ) THEN
           RETURN -1;       END IF;END IF;
--see if renumbering is needed..IF (cnt > 1) THEN                       FOR rec IN SELECT * FROM this_user LOOP;
                      --renumber the sequences                               UPDATE tblemailadd SET
                 emseqnum = rec.emseqnum + 1                               WHERE emuserfk = ufk AND emailaddr =
                               IF (em = rec.emailaddr) THEN                                       found = 1; -- looks
likewe found the email addr.                               END IF;                       END LOOP;
                       -- if the emailaddr was found, then update the record.                       -- if it wasn't,
theninsert the new record.                       IF (found = 1) THEN                               UPDATE tblemailadd
SET                               emseqnum = seq, emailaddr = em, emprettyname = emp
121 >>>                         WHERE emuserfk = ufk;                               RETURN 0;
ELSE                              INSERT tblemailadd (emuserfk, emseqnum, emailaddr, emprettyname)
        VALUES (ufk, seq, em, emp);                               RETURN 1;                       END IF;
ELSE               IF (cnt > 7) THEN                RETURN -1; --alas! the user has too many records to proceed!
      END IF
               --make sure that the sequencing order begins intact               IF (cnt = 1 AND seq = 1) THEN
     seq := 2;               ELSE                       IF (cnt = 0 AND seq != 1) THEN
seq:= 1                       END IF;               END IF;
               INSERT tblemailadd (emuserfk, emseqnum, emailaddr, emprettyname)               VALUES (ufk, seq, em,
               RETURN 1; --huzahh! the record has been added!END IF;
'LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

psql:edit_procs.sql:121: ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "t"
psql:edit_procs.sql:122: ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "return"
psql:edit_procs.sql:125: ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "ELSE"
psql:edit_procs.sql:126: ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "return"
psql:edit_procs.sql:127: ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "if"
psql:edit_procs.sql:131: ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "ELSE"
psql:edit_procs.sql:136: ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "if"
psql:edit_procs.sql:140: ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "ELSE"
psql:edit_procs.sql:141: ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "if"
psql:edit_procs.sql:144: ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near 
psql:edit_procs.sql:146: ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "return"
psql:edit_procs.sql:147: ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "if"
psql:edit_procs.sql:148: NOTICE:  COMMIT: no transaction in progress

this is part of a larger script, but the function declaration before this 
works perfectly, so I assume the problem lies here.

sorry for the length...

В списке pgsql-sql по дате отправления:

От: Orion
Сообщение: count(*) and limit
От: (Lee Harr)
Сообщение: Re: GROUPING