Why does the query planner use two full indexes, when a dedicated partial index exists?

Dear All,

I've just joined this list, and I'd like to request some advice.

I have a table (1 GB in size) with 24 columns, and 5.6 million rows. Of
these, we're interested in two columns, parcel_id_code, and exit_state.

    parcel_id_code has a fairly uniform distribution of integers
    from 1-99999, it's never null.

    exit_state has 3 possible values, 1,2 and null.
    Almost all the rows are 1, about 0.1% have the value 2, and
    only 153 rows are null

The query I'm trying to optimise looks like this:

    SELECT * from  tbl_tracker
    WHERE parcel_id_code='53030' AND exit_state IS NULL;

So, I have a partial index:

    "tbl_tracker_performance_1_idx" btree (parcel_id_code) WHERE
    exit_state IS NULL

which works fine if it's the only index.

BUT, for other queries (unrelated to this question), I also have to have
full indexes on these columns:

     "tbl_tracker_exit_state_idx" btree (exit_state)
     "tbl_tracker_parcel_id_code_idx" btree (parcel_id_code)

The problem is, when I now run my query, the planner ignores the
dedicated index "tbl_tracker_performance_1_idx", and instead uses both
of the full indexes... resulting in a much much slower query (9ms vs

A psql session is below.  This shows that, if I force the planner to use
the partial index, by dropping the others, then it's fast. But as soon
as I put the full indexes back (which I need for other queries), the
query planner chooses them instead, and is slow.

Thanks very much for your help,


fsc_log => \d tbl_tracker

        Column        |           Type           |   Modifiers
  id                  | bigint                   | not null default
  dreq_timestamp_1    | timestamp with time zone |
  barcode_1           | character varying(13)    |
  barcode_2           | character varying(13)    |
  barcode_best        | character varying(13)    |
  entrance_point      | character varying(13)    |
  induct              | character varying(5)     |
  entrance_state_x    | integer                  |
  dreq_count          | integer                  |
  parcel_id_code      | integer                  |
  host_id_code        | bigint                   |
  original_dest       | integer                  |
  drep_timestamp_n    | timestamp with time zone |
  actual_dest         | integer                  |
  exit_state          | integer                  |
  chute               | integer                  |
  original_dest_state | integer                  |
  srep_timestamp      | timestamp with time zone |
  asn                 | character varying(9)     |
  is_asn_token        | boolean                  |
  track_state         | integer                  |
  warning             | boolean                  |
     "tbl_tracker_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id) CLUSTER
     "tbl_tracker_barcode_best_idx" btree (barcode_best)
     "tbl_tracker_chute_idx" btree (chute)
     "tbl_tracker_drep_timestamp_n_idx" btree (drep_timestamp_n) WHERE
drep_timestamp_n IS NOT NULL
     "tbl_tracker_dreq_timestamp_1_idx" btree (dreq_timestamp_1) WHERE
dreq_timestamp_1 IS NOT NULL
     "tbl_tracker_exit_state_idx" btree (exit_state)
     "tbl_tracker_parcel_id_code_idx" btree (parcel_id_code)
     "tbl_tracker_performance_1_idx" btree (parcel_id_code) WHERE
exit_state IS NULL
     "tbl_tracker_performance_2_idx" btree (host_id_code, id)
     "tbl_tracker_performance_3_idx" btree (srep_timestamp) WHERE
exit_state = 1 AND srep_timestamp IS NOT NULL
     "tbl_tracker_srep_timestamp_idx" btree (srep_timestamp) WHERE
srep_timestamp IS NOT NULL

fsc_log=> explain analyse select * from  tbl_tracker where
parcel_id_code='53030' AND exit_state IS NULL;

  Bitmap Heap Scan on tbl_tracker  (cost=8.32..10.84 rows=1 width=174)
(actual time=9.334..9.334 rows=0 loops=1)
    Recheck Cond: ((parcel_id_code = 53030) AND (exit_state IS NULL))
    ->  BitmapAnd  (cost=8.32..8.32 rows=1 width=0) (actual
time=9.329..9.329 rows=0 loops=1)
          ->  Bitmap Index Scan on tbl_tracker_parcel_id_code_idx
(cost=0.00..3.67 rows=57 width=0) (actual time=0.026..0.026 rows=65 loops=1)
                Index Cond: (parcel_id_code = 53030)
          ->  Bitmap Index Scan on tbl_tracker_exit_state_idx
(cost=0.00..4.40 rows=150 width=0) (actual time=9.289..9.289 rows=93744
                Index Cond: (exit_state IS NULL)
  Total runtime: 9.366 ms
(8 rows)

fsc_log=> drop index tbl_tracker_exit_state_idx;

fsc_log=> explain analyse select * from  tbl_tracker where
parcel_id_code='53030' AND exit_state IS NULL;

  Bitmap Heap Scan on tbl_tracker  (cost=3.67..145.16 rows=1 width=174)
(actual time=0.646..0.646 rows=0 loops=1)
    Recheck Cond: (parcel_id_code = 53030)
    Filter: (exit_state IS NULL)
    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on tbl_tracker_parcel_id_code_idx
(cost=0.00..3.67 rows=57 width=0) (actual time=0.024..0.024 rows=65 loops=1)
          Index Cond: (parcel_id_code = 53030)
  Total runtime: 0.677 ms
(6 rows)

fsc_log=> drop index tbl_tracker_parcel_id_code_idx;

fsc_log=> explain analyse select * from  tbl_tracker where
parcel_id_code='53030' AND exit_state IS NULL;

  Index Scan using tbl_tracker_performance_1_idx on tbl_tracker
(cost=0.00..5440.83 rows=1 width=174) (actual time=0.052..0.052 rows=0
    Index Cond: (parcel_id_code = 53030)
  Total runtime: 0.080 ms
(3 rows)

Server hardware: 8 core, 2.5 GHz, 24 GB, SSD in RAID-1.

Postgresql config (non-default):

  version                     | PostgreSQL 9.1.6 on x86_64
  checkpoint_segments         | 128
  client_encoding             | UTF8
  commit_delay                | 50000
  commit_siblings             | 5
  default_statistics_target   | 5000
  effective_cache_size        | 12000MB
  lc_collate                  | en_GB.UTF-8
  lc_ctype                    | en_GB.UTF-8
  log_line_prefix             | %t
  log_min_duration_statement  | 50
  maintenance_work_mem        | 2GB
  max_connections             | 100
  max_stack_depth             | 4MB
  port                        | 5432
  random_page_cost            | 2.5
  server_encoding             | UTF8
  shared_buffers              | 6000MB
  ssl                         | on
  standard_conforming_strings | off
  temp_buffers                | 128MB
  TimeZone                    | GB
  wal_buffers                 | 16MB
  work_mem                    | 256MB

В списке pgsql-performance по дате отправления:

От: Rodrigo Rosenfeld Rosas
Сообщение: PG 9.1 performance loss due to query plan being changed depending on db data (4s vs 200ms)
От: Sergey Konoplev
Сообщение: Re: Why does the query planner use two full indexes, when a dedicated partial index exists?