Joint user survey with EnterpriseDB?


EnterpriseDB would like to do a survey of PostgreSQL users, at least the
ones they can reach through  The results of the survey,
anonymized, will be published under an OSS license for our use.

Under these circumstances, is it OK for EnterpriseDB to use
pgsql-announce, pgsql-general and/or News to advertise
the survey and solicit users for it?  My personal thought is "yes".  Yours?

List of questions below my signature; suggestions on better questions

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.


1)Ho w long have you been using PostgreSQL? (pick 1)

2)What do you use PostgreSQL for? (pick n)

3)What other databases do you use in the above capacity? (pick n)

4)What size is your organization in terms of revenue? (pick 1)

For your primary database:

5)How big is the database in GigaBytes? (pick 1)

6)How many end users are supported? (pick 1)

7)How many transactions per day? (pick 1)

8)What hardware platform is it deployed on? (pick 1)

9)What software platform is it deployed on? (pick 1)

10)Do you purchase Subscription Support for PostgreSQL or are you
community/self supported? (pick 1)

11)What is your favorite source of PostgreSQL information and help?

12)What types of applications is the database used for? (pick n)

===== End of Primary Database questions

13)What new / improved database engine features would you like to see in
PostgreSQL? (freeform)

14)What database administration tools/features would you like to see new
or improved in PostgreSQL? (pick n)

    What database monitoring tools/features would you like to see new or
improved in PostgreSQL? (pick n)

    What new / improved application development features / tools would you
like to see in PostgreSQL? (pick n)

15)I would use Postgres Plus Standard Server if: (freeform)

16)I would use Postgres Plus Advanced Server if: (freeform)

17)Would you like to be contacted and provide us more detailed responses?

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