Techniques to Avoid Temp Files

От Duane Murphy
Тема Techniques to Avoid Temp Files
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Ответы Re: Techniques to Avoid Temp Files
Re: Techniques to Avoid Temp Files
Список pgsql-performance
We are trying to improve performance by avoiding the temp file creation.

LOG:  temporary file: path "base/pgsql_tmp/pgsql_tmp8068.125071", size 58988604
STATEMENT: SELECT iiid.installed_item__id,, item_detail.model_id, item_detail.type
FROM installed_item__item_detail AS iiid
INNER JOIN item_detail ON iiid.item_detail__id =
INNER JOIN item ON (item.installed_item__id = iiid.installed_item__id )
INNER JOIN model ON ( = model.item__id AND = $1)

Our hypothesis is that the temp file creation is caused by the high row count of the
installed_item__item_detail table.

installed_item__item_detail: 72916824 rows (27 GB)
item_detail:                 59212436 rows (40 GB)

The other two tables, item and model, are temporary tables created during this particular process. Unfortunately, I don't have those table sizes.

What are the causes of temp file creation? In general, temp files are created when the sort merge data will not fit in work_mem. What can I do to reduce the amount of data that is being merged? Is the simple fact that the tables have millions of rows going to cause a merge sort?

I noticed that this query selects from installed_item__item_detail instead of from item_detail which seems like it would also work. Would this change make a positive difference?

installed_item__item_detail is a simple join table. The installed_item__id side cannot be reduced.  Would reducing the number of item_detail rows using additional joins benefit?

What additional information can I gather in order have a better understanding of how to improve this query?

(Unfortunately we do not have (easy) access to this particular database in order to experiment.)


Background information:

=> select version();
 PostgreSQL 9.1.9 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (GCC) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3), 64-bit

$uname -a
Linux 2.6.32-358.6.2.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu May 16 20:59:36 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

=> select name, current_setting(name), source from pg_settings where source not in ('default', 'override');
             name             |  current_setting   |        source
 application_name             | psql               | client
 checkpoint_completion_target | 0.9                | configuration file
 checkpoint_segments          | 128                | configuration file
 client_encoding              | UTF8               | client
 DateStyle                    | ISO, MDY           | configuration file
 default_statistics_target    | 100                | configuration file
 default_text_search_config   | pg_catalog.english | configuration file
 effective_cache_size         | 512MB              | configuration file
 lc_messages                  | en_US.UTF-8        | configuration file
 lc_monetary                  | en_US.UTF-8        | configuration file
 lc_numeric                   | en_US.UTF-8        | configuration file
 lc_time                      | en_US.UTF-8        | configuration file
 log_autovacuum_min_duration  | 1s                 | configuration file
 log_destination              | stderr,syslog      | configuration file
 log_line_prefix              | [%m]:              | configuration file
 log_min_duration_statement   | 5min               | configuration file
 log_min_error_statement      | notice             | configuration file
 log_rotation_age             | 1d                 | configuration file
 log_rotation_size            | 0                  | configuration file
 log_temp_files               | 1MB                | configuration file
 log_timezone                 | US/Pacific         | environment variable
 log_truncate_on_rotation     | on                 | configuration file
 logging_collector            | on                 | configuration file
 maintenance_work_mem         | 384MB              | configuration file
 max_connections              | 100                | configuration file
 max_stack_depth              | 2MB                | environment variable
 port                         | 5432               | command line
 shared_buffers               | 256MB              | configuration file
 syslog_facility              | local0             | configuration file
 TimeZone                     | US/Pacific         | environment variable
 wal_buffers                  | 1MB                | configuration file
 work_mem                     | 128MB              | configuration file
(32 rows)

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