BUG #3595: Segmentation fault with a simple select query

От Jukka Holappa
Тема BUG #3595: Segmentation fault with a simple select query
Msg-id 200709031521.l83FLW1k058856@wwwmaster.postgresql.org
обсуждение исходный текст
Ответы Re: BUG #3595: Segmentation fault with a simple select query
Список pgsql-bugs
The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      3595
Logged by:          Jukka Holappa
Email address:      jukkaho@mail.student.oulu.fi
PostgreSQL version: 8.2.4
Operating system:   Gentoo Linux
Description:        Segmentation fault with a simple select query

I can't easily reproduce this problem but it happens in every few hours in
my use.

I have a web spider software implemented in Java that stores information it
finds in a PostgreSQL database. Lots of inserts, many selects, lots of

During the last few days, the database has been crashing occasionally. I
turned on all the debug information and managed to reproduce the crash after
about 6 hours of running my software. The log output near the crash

Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737748-1] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT *
FROM hosts WHERE name = $1 LIMIT 1
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737748-2] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 =
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737749-1] DEBUG:  CommitTransactionCommand
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737750-1] DEBUG:  parse <unnamed>: SELECT id
FROM urls WHERE protocol = $1 AND host = $2 AND port = $3 AND file = $4
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737751-1] DEBUG:  StartTransactionCommand
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-1] DEBUG:  parse tree:
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-2] DETAIL:  {QUERY :commandType 1
:querySource 0 :canSetTag true :utilityStmt <>
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-3] _:resultRelation 0 :into <>
:intoOptions <> :intoOnCommit 0 :intoTableSpaceName
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-4] _<> :hasAggs false :hasSubLinks
false :rtable ({RTE :alias <> :eref {ALIAS
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-5] _:aliasname urls :colnames ("id"
"protocol" "host" "port" "file")} :rtekind 0
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-6] _:relid 46684 :inh true :inFromCl
true :requiredPerms 2 :checkAsUser 0})
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-7] _:jointree {FROMEXPR :fromlist
({RANGETBLREF :rtindex 1}) :quals {BOOLEXPR
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-8] _:boolop and :args ({BOOLEXPR
:boolop and :args ({BOOLEXPR :boolop and :args
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-9] _({OPEXPR :opno 98 :opfuncid 0
:opresulttype 16 :opretset false :args
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-10] _({RELABELTYPE :arg {VAR :varno 1
:varattno 2 :vartype 1043 :vartypmod -1
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-11] _:varlevelsup 0 :varnoold 1
:varoattno 2} :resulttype 25 :resulttypmod -1
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-12] _:relabelformat 2} {RELABELTYPE
:arg {PARAM :paramkind 0 :paramid 1 :paramtype
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-13] _1043} :resulttype 25 :resulttypmod
-1 :relabelformat 2})} {OPEXPR :opno 15
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-14] _:opfuncid 0 :opresulttype 16
:opretset false :args ({VAR :varno 1 :varattno 3
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-15] _:vartype 23 :vartypmod -1
:varlevelsup 0 :varnoold 1 :varoattno 3} {PARAM
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-16] _:paramkind 0 :paramid 2 :paramtype
20})})} {OPEXPR :opno 96 :opfuncid 0
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-17] _:opresulttype 16 :opretset false
:args ({VAR :varno 1 :varattno 4 :vartype 23
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-18] _:vartypmod -1 :varlevelsup 0
:varnoold 1 :varoattno 4} {PARAM :paramkind 0
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-19] _:paramid 3 :paramtype 23})})}
{OPEXPR :opno 98 :opfuncid 0 :opresulttype 16
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-20] _:opretset false :args
({RELABELTYPE :arg {VAR :varno 1 :varattno 5 :vartype
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-21] _1043 :vartypmod -1 :varlevelsup 0
:varnoold 1 :varoattno 5} :resulttype 25
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-22] _:resulttypmod -1 :relabelformat 2}
{RELABELTYPE :arg {PARAM :paramkind 0
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-23] _:paramid 4 :paramtype 1043}
:resulttype 25 :resulttypmod -1 :relabelformat
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-24] _2})})}} :targetList ({TARGETENTRY
:expr {VAR :varno 1 :varattno 1 :vartype 20
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-25] _:vartypmod -1 :varlevelsup 0
:varnoold 1 :varoattno 1} :resno 1 :resname id
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-26] _:ressortgroupref 0 :resorigtbl
46684 :resorigcol 1 :resjunk false})
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-27] _:returningList <> :groupClause <>
:havingQual <> :distinctClause <>
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-28] _:sortClause <> :limitOffset <>
:limitCount {FUNCEXPR :funcid 481
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-29] _:funcresulttype 20 :funcretset
false :funcformat 2 :args ({CONST :consttype 23
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-30] _:constlen 4 :constbyval true
:constisnull false :constvalue 4 [ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-31] _0 ]})} :rowMarks <> :setOperations
<> :resultRelations <> :returningLists <>}
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737752-32] _
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-1] DEBUG:  rewritten parse tree:
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-2] DETAIL:  ({QUERY :commandType 1
:querySource 0 :canSetTag true :utilityStmt <>
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-3] _:resultRelation 0 :into <>
:intoOptions <> :intoOnCommit 0 :intoTableSpaceName
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-4] _<> :hasAggs false :hasSubLinks
false :rtable ({RTE :alias <> :eref {ALIAS
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-5] _:aliasname urls :colnames ("id"
"protocol" "host" "port" "file")} :rtekind 0
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-6] _:relid 46684 :inh true :inFromCl
true :requiredPerms 2 :checkAsUser 0})
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-7] _:jointree {FROMEXPR :fromlist
({RANGETBLREF :rtindex 1}) :quals {BOOLEXPR
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-8] _:boolop and :args ({BOOLEXPR
:boolop and :args ({BOOLEXPR :boolop and :args
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-9] _({OPEXPR :opno 98 :opfuncid 0
:opresulttype 16 :opretset false :args
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-10] _({RELABELTYPE :arg {VAR :varno 1
:varattno 2 :vartype 1043 :vartypmod -1
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-11] _:varlevelsup 0 :varnoold 1
:varoattno 2} :resulttype 25 :resulttypmod -1
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-12] _:relabelformat 2} {RELABELTYPE
:arg {PARAM :paramkind 0 :paramid 1 :paramtype
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-13] _1043} :resulttype 25 :resulttypmod
-1 :relabelformat 2})} {OPEXPR :opno 15
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-14] _:opfuncid 0 :opresulttype 16
:opretset false :args ({VAR :varno 1 :varattno 3
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-15] _:vartype 23 :vartypmod -1
:varlevelsup 0 :varnoold 1 :varoattno 3} {PARAM
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-16] _:paramkind 0 :paramid 2 :paramtype
20})})} {OPEXPR :opno 96 :opfuncid 0
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-17] _:opresulttype 16 :opretset false
:args ({VAR :varno 1 :varattno 4 :vartype 23
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-18] _:vartypmod -1 :varlevelsup 0
:varnoold 1 :varoattno 4} {PARAM :paramkind 0
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-19] _:paramid 3 :paramtype 23})})}
{OPEXPR :opno 98 :opfuncid 0 :opresulttype 16
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-20] _:opretset false :args
({RELABELTYPE :arg {VAR :varno 1 :varattno 5 :vartype
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-21] _1043 :vartypmod -1 :varlevelsup 0
:varnoold 1 :varoattno 5} :resulttype 25
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-22] _:resulttypmod -1 :relabelformat 2}
{RELABELTYPE :arg {PARAM :paramkind 0
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-23] _:paramid 4 :paramtype 1043}
:resulttype 25 :resulttypmod -1 :relabelformat
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-24] _2})})}} :targetList ({TARGETENTRY
:expr {VAR :varno 1 :varattno 1 :vartype 20
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-25] _:vartypmod -1 :varlevelsup 0
:varnoold 1 :varoattno 1} :resno 1 :resname id
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-26] _:ressortgroupref 0 :resorigtbl
46684 :resorigcol 1 :resjunk false})
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-27] _:returningList <> :groupClause <>
:havingQual <> :distinctClause <>
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-28] _:sortClause <> :limitOffset <>
:limitCount {FUNCEXPR :funcid 481
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-29] _:funcresulttype 20 :funcretset
false :funcformat 2 :args ({CONST :consttype 23
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-30] _:constlen 4 :constbyval true
:constisnull false :constvalue 4 [ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-31] _0 ]})} :rowMarks <> :setOperations
<> :resultRelations <> :returningLists <>})
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737753-32] _
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737754-1] DEBUG:  bind <unnamed> to <unnamed>
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-1] DEBUG:  plan:
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-2] DETAIL:  {LIMIT :startup_cost 0.00
:total_cost 61.94 :plan_rows 1 :plan_width 8
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-3] _:targetlist ({TARGETENTRY :expr
{VAR :varno 1 :varattno 1 :vartype 20
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-4] _:vartypmod -1 :varlevelsup 0
:varnoold 1 :varoattno 1} :resno 1 :resname id
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-5] _:ressortgroupref 0 :resorigtbl
46684 :resorigcol 1 :resjunk false}) :qual <>
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-6] _:lefttree {INDEXSCAN :startup_cost
0.00 :total_cost 61.94 :plan_rows 1
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-7] _:plan_width 8 :targetlist
({TARGETENTRY :expr {VAR :varno 1 :varattno 1
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-8] _:vartype 20 :vartypmod -1
:varlevelsup 0 :varnoold 1 :varoattno 1} :resno 1
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-9] _:resname id :ressortgroupref 0
:resorigtbl 46684 :resorigcol 1 :resjunk
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-10] _false}) :qual <> :lefttree <>
:righttree <> :initPlan <> :extParam (b)
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-11] _:allParam (b) :nParamExec 0
:scanrelid 1 :indexid 48972 :indexqual ({OPEXPR
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-12] _:opno 98 :opfuncid 67
:opresulttype 16 :opretset false :args ({VAR :varno 1
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-13] _:varattno 1 :vartype 1043
:vartypmod -1 :varlevelsup 0 :varnoold 1 :varoattno
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-14] _2} {CONST :consttype 25 :constlen
-1 :constbyval false :constisnull false
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-15] _:constvalue 8 [ 8 0 0 0 104 116
116 112 ]})} {OPEXPR :opno 15 :opfuncid 852
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-16] _:opresulttype 16 :opretset false
:args ({VAR :varno 1 :varattno 2 :vartype 23
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-17] _:vartypmod -1 :varlevelsup 0
:varnoold 1 :varoattno 3} {CONST :consttype 20
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-18] _:constlen 8 :constbyval false
:constisnull false :constvalue 8 [ -94 4 0 0 0 0
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-19] _0 0 ]})} {OPEXPR :opno 96
:opfuncid 65 :opresulttype 16 :opretset false :args
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-20] _({VAR :varno 1 :varattno 3
:vartype 23 :vartypmod -1 :varlevelsup 0 :varnoold
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-21] _1 :varoattno 4} {CONST :consttype
23 :constlen 4 :constbyval true :constisnull
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-22] _false :constvalue 4 [ -1 -1 -1 -1
0 0 0 0 ]})} {OPEXPR :opno 98 :opfuncid 67
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-23] _:opresulttype 16 :opretset false
:args ({VAR :varno 1 :varattno 4 :vartype
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-24] _1043 :vartypmod -1 :varlevelsup 0
:varnoold 1 :varoattno 5} {CONST :consttype
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-25] _25 :constlen -1 :constbyval false
:constisnull false :constvalue 65 [ 65 0 0 0
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-26] _47 116 101 114 109 115 95 111 102
95 115 101 114 118 105 99 101 46 112 104 112
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-27] _63 109 111 100 95 105 100 61 102
53 51 48 51 54 97 53 100 50 52 52 98 50 51 50
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-28] _54 97 51 100 97 49 100 55 49 54 57
100 102 48 99 101 ]})}) :indexqualorig
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-29] _({OPEXPR :opno 98 :opfuncid 67
:opresulttype 16 :opretset false :args
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-30] _({RELABELTYPE :arg {VAR :varno 1
:varattno 2 :vartype 1043 :vartypmod -1
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-31] _:varlevelsup 0 :varnoold 1
:varoattno 2} :resulttype 25 :resulttypmod -1
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-32] _:relabelformat 2} {CONST
:consttype 25 :constlen -1 :constbyval false
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-33] _:constisnull false :constvalue 8 [
8 0 0 0 104 116 116 112 ]})} {OPEXPR :opno
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-34] _15 :opfuncid 852 :opresulttype 16
:opretset false :args ({VAR :varno 1
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-35] _:varattno 3 :vartype 23 :vartypmod
-1 :varlevelsup 0 :varnoold 1 :varoattno 3}
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-36] _{CONST :consttype 20 :constlen 8
:constbyval false :constisnull false
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-37] _:constvalue 8 [ -94 4 0 0 0 0 0 0
]})} {OPEXPR :opno 96 :opfuncid 65
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-38] _:opresulttype 16 :opretset false
:args ({VAR :varno 1 :varattno 4 :vartype 23
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-39] _:vartypmod -1 :varlevelsup 0
:varnoold 1 :varoattno 4} {CONST :consttype 23
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-40] _:constlen 4 :constbyval true
:constisnull false :constvalue 4 [ -1 -1 -1 -1 0
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-41] _0 0 0 ]})} {OPEXPR :opno 98
:opfuncid 67 :opresulttype 16 :opretset false
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-42] _:args ({RELABELTYPE :arg {VAR
:varno 1 :varattno 5 :vartype 1043 :vartypmod -1
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-43] _:varlevelsup 0 :varnoold 1
:varoattno 5} :resulttype 25 :resulttypmod -1
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-44] _:relabelformat 2} {CONST
:consttype 25 :constlen -1 :constbyval false
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-45] _:constisnull false :constvalue 65
[ 65 0 0 0 47 116 101 114 109 115 95 111 102
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-46] _95 115 101 114 118 105 99 101 46
112 104 112 63 109 111 100 95 105 100 61 102
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-47] _53 51 48 51 54 97 53 100 50 52 52
98 50 51 50 54 97 51 100 97 49 100 55 49 54
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-48] _57 100 102 48 99 101 ]})})
:indexstrategy (i 3 3 3 3) :indexsubtype (o 0 20 0
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-49] _0) :indexorderdir 1} :righttree <>
:initPlan <> :extParam (b) :allParam (b)
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-50] _:nParamExec 0 :limitOffset <>
:limitCount {CONST :consttype 20 :constlen 8
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-51] _:constbyval false :constisnull
false :constvalue 8 [ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]}}
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737755-52] _
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737756-1] LOG:  execute <unnamed>: SELECT id
FROM urls WHERE protocol = $1 AND host = $2 AND port = $3 AND file = $4
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [77737756-2] DETAIL:  parameters: $1 = 'http', $2
= '1186', $3 = '-1', $4 =
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [23131-1] DEBUG:  reaping dead processes
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [23132-1] DEBUG:  server process (PID 6033) was
terminated by signal 11
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [23133-1] LOG:  server process (PID 6033) was
terminated by signal 11
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [23134-1] LOG:  terminating any other active
server processes
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [23135-1] DEBUG:  sending SIGQUIT to process
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [23136-1] DEBUG:  sending SIGQUIT to process
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [23137-1] DEBUG:  reaping dead processes
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [23138-1] LOG:  all server processes terminated;
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [23139-1] DEBUG:  shmem_exit(0)
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [23140-1] DEBUG:  invoking
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [23141-1] LOG:  database system was interrupted
at 2007-09-03 13:54:45 EEST
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [23142-1] LOG:  checkpoint record is at
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [23143-1] LOG:  redo record is at 3C/B7A0D070;
undo record is at 0/0; shutdown FALSE
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [23144-1] LOG:  next transaction ID: 0/54598559;
next OID: 134236
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [23145-1] LOG:  next MultiXactId: 3; next
MultiXactOffset: 5
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [23146-1] LOG:  database system was not properly
shut down; automatic recovery in progress
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [23147-1] LOG:  redo starts at 3C/B7A0D0C0
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [23148-1] LOG:  unexpected pageaddr 3C/B0876000
in log file 60, segment 185, offset 8871936
Sep  3 13:56:43 [postgres] [23149-1] LOG:  redo done at 3C/B9875D48
Sep  3 13:56:56 [postgres] [23150-1] DEBUG:  recycled transaction log file
Sep  3 13:56:56 [postgres] [23151-1] DEBUG:  recycled transaction log file
Sep  3 13:56:56 [postgres] [23152-1] LOG:  database system is ready
Sep  3 13:56:56 [postgres] [23153-1] DEBUG:  transaction ID wrap limit is
2147484171, limited by database "postgres"
Sep  3 13:56:56 [postgres] [23154-1] DEBUG:  proc_exit(0)
Sep  3 13:56:56 [postgres] [23155-1] DEBUG:  shmem_exit(0)
Sep  3 13:56:56 [postgres] [23156-1] DEBUG:  exit(0)
Sep  3 13:56:56 [postgres] [23141-1] DEBUG:  reaping dead processes
Sep  3 13:57:56 [postgres] [23142-1] DEBUG:  proc_exit(0)
Sep  3 13:57:56 [postgres] [23143-1] DEBUG:  shmem_exit(0)
Sep  3 13:57:56 [postgres] [23144-1] DEBUG:  exit(0)

Trying to reproduce the crash afterwards using commandline psql client does
not work. The result is that no rows are returned and the database stays

Query plan for above select:
searchdb=> explain SELECT id FROM urls WHERE protocol = 'http' AND host =
'1186' AND port = '-1' AND file =
'/terms_of_service.php?mod_id=f53036a5d244b2326a3da1d7169df0ce' LIMIT 1

         QUERY PLAN
 Limit  (cost=0.00..61.94 rows=1 width=8)
   ->  Index Scan using unique_urls on urls  (cost=0.00..61.94 rows=1
         Index Cond: (((protocol)::text = 'http'::text) AND (host = 1186)
AND (port = -1) AND ((file)::text =
(3 rows)

searchdb=> select count(*) from urls;
(1 row)

I'm a bit loss about what could cause this. Is there a way to check the
current database for possible corruption? Regular queries seem to work ok.

I don't have any other software crashes that would indicate hardware

В списке pgsql-bugs по дате отправления:

От: "Heikki Linnakangas"
Сообщение: Re: BUG #3594: Error while compilation --`PQexecParams' undeclared (first use this function)
От: "Heikki Linnakangas"
Сообщение: Re: BUG #3595: Segmentation fault with a simple select query