JDBC CStmt (inline this time)

От Paul Bethe
Тема JDBC CStmt (inline this time)
Msg-id 20020221215710.32324.qmail@web20308.mail.yahoo.com
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Ответы Re: JDBC CStmt (inline this time)
Re: JDBC CStmt (inline this time)
Re: JDBC CStmt (inline this time)
Список pgsql-patches
Sorry all for the clutter - I am new to
listserver/patch style submission I guess the correct
way is to inline all the files..  sorry for the
previous attachments.

        Paul B

*** jdbc2/CallableStatement.java    Wed Feb 20 15:29:23
Mon Nov 19 17:33:38 2001
*** 7,13 ****

  import java.sql.*;
  import java.math.*;
! import org.postgresql.util.*;
   * CallableStatement is used to execute SQL stored
--- 7,13 ----

  import java.sql.*;
  import java.math.*;
   * CallableStatement is used to execute SQL stored
*** 46,91 ****
      public CallableStatement(Connection c, String q)
throws SQLException
!         super(c, q, false); // don't parse yet..
!         modifyJdbcCall ();
!         parseSqlStmt (); // now parse the reformed stmt..
!     }
!     /**
!      * this method will turn a string of the form
!      * {? = call <some_function> (?, [?,..]) }
!      * into the PostgreSQL format which is
!      * select <some_function> (?, [?, ...]) as result
!      *
!      */
!     private void modifyJdbcCall () throws SQLException
!         originalSql = sql; // save for error msgs..
!         int index = sql.indexOf ("="); // is implied func
or proc?
!         if (index != -1) isFunction = true;
!         index = sql.indexOf ("call");
!         if (index == -1)
!             throw new PSQLException
!                                      new Object[]{sql, JDBC_SYNTAX});
!         sql = sql.replace ('{', ' '); // replace these
!         sql = sql.replace ('}', ' ');
!         sql = sql.replace (';', ' ');
!         sql = (isFunction ? "?" : "") + sql.substring
(index + 4);
!         sql = "select " + sql + " as " + RESULT_COLUMN +
!     }
!     // internals
!     static final String JDBC_SYNTAX = "{[? =] call
<some_function> ([? [,?]*]) }";
!     static final String RESULT_COLUMN = "result";
!     String originalSql = "";
!     boolean isFunction;
!     // functionReturnType contains the user supplied
value to check
!     // testReturn contains a modified version to make
it easier to
!     // check the getXXX methods..
!     int functionReturnType;
!     int testReturn;
!     boolean returnTypeSet;
!     Object result;

       * Before executing a stored procedure call you
must explicitly
--- 46,53 ----
      public CallableStatement(Connection c, String q)
throws SQLException
!         super(c, q);
!     }

       * Before executing a stored procedure call you
must explicitly
*** 96,103 ****
       * the getXXX method whose Java type XXX
corresponds to the
       * parameter's registered SQL type.
-      * ONLY 1 RETURN PARAMETER if {?= call ..} syntax
is used
-      *
       * @param parameterIndex the first parameter is 1,
the second is 2,...
       * @param sqlType SQL type code defined by
java.sql.Types; for
       * parameters of type Numeric or Decimal use the
version of
--- 58,63 ----
*** 105,160 ****
       * @exception SQLException if a database-access
error occurs.
      public void registerOutParameter(int
parameterIndex, int sqlType) throws SQLException
!         {
!             if (parameterIndex != 1)
!                 throw new PSQLException
!             if (!isFunction)
!                 throw new PSQLException
("postgresql.call.procasfunc", originalSql);
!             // functionReturnType contains the user supplied
value to check
!             // testReturn contains a modified version to make
it easier to
!             // check the getXXX methods..
!             functionReturnType = sqlType;
!             testReturn = sqlType;
!             if (functionReturnType == Types.CHAR ||
!                 functionReturnType == Types.LONGVARCHAR)
!                 testReturn = Types.VARCHAR;
!             else if (functionReturnType == Types.FLOAT)
!                 testReturn = Types.REAL; // changes to
streamline later error checking
!             returnTypeSet = true;
!         }
!     /**
!      * allow calls to execute update
!      * @return 1 if succesful call otherwise 0
!      */
!     public int executeUpdate() throws SQLException
!     {
!         //        System.out.println ("Executing " +
!         java.sql.ResultSet rs = super.executeQuery
!         if (isFunction) {
!             if (!rs.next ())
!                 throw new PSQLException
("postgresql.call.noreturnval"); // TODO-props
!             result = rs.getObject (1);
!             int columnType = rs.getMetaData().getColumnType
!             if (columnType != functionReturnType)
!                 throw new PSQLException
!                                          new Object[]{
!                     getSqlTypeName (columnType), getSqlTypeName
(functionReturnType) });
!         }
!         rs.close ();
!         return 1;
!     }
!     /**
!      * allow calls to execute update
!      * @return true if succesful
!      */
!     public boolean execute() throws SQLException
!     {
!         return (executeUpdate() == 1);
!     }

       * You must also specify the scale for
numeric/decimal types:
--- 65,71 ----
       * @exception SQLException if a database-access
error occurs.
      public void registerOutParameter(int
parameterIndex, int sqlType) throws SQLException
!         {}

       * You must also specify the scale for
numeric/decimal types:
*** 171,210 ****
      public void registerOutParameter(int
parameterIndex, int sqlType,
                                       int scale) throws SQLException
!         {
!             registerOutParameter (parameterIndex, sqlType);
// ignore for now..
!         }
!     /*
!      * override this method to check for set @ 1 when
declared function..
!      *
!      * @param paramIndex the index into the inString
!      * @param s a string to be stored
!      * @exception SQLException if something goes wrong
!      */
!     protected void set(int paramIndex, String s) throws
!     {
!         if (paramIndex == 1 && isFunction) // need to
registerOut instead
!             throw new PSQLException
!         super.set (paramIndex, s); // else set as usual..
!     }
!         /*
!      * Helper - this compiles the SQL query from the
various parameters
!      * This is identical to toString() except it throws
an exception if a
!      * parameter is unused.
!      */
!     protected synchronized String compileQuery()
!     throws SQLException
!     {
!         if (isFunction && !returnTypeSet)
!             throw new
!         if (isFunction) { // set entry 1 to dummy entry..
!             inStrings[0] = ""; // dummy entry which ensured
that noone overrode
!             // and calls to setXXX (2,..) really went to
first arg in a function call..
!         }
!         return super.compileQuery ();
!     }

      // Old api?
      //public boolean isNull(int parameterIndex) throws
SQLException {
--- 82,88 ----
      public void registerOutParameter(int
parameterIndex, int sqlType,
                                       int scale) throws SQLException
!         {}

      // Old api?
      //public boolean isNull(int parameterIndex) throws
SQLException {
*** 223,229 ****
      public boolean wasNull() throws SQLException
          // check to see if the last access threw an
!         return (result == null);

      // Old api?
--- 101,107 ----
      public boolean wasNull() throws SQLException
          // check to see if the last access threw an
!         return false; // fake it for now

      // Old api?
*** 241,248 ****
      public String getString(int parameterIndex) throws
!         checkIndex (parameterIndex, Types.VARCHAR,
!         return (String)result;
      //public String getVarChar(int parameterIndex)
throws SQLException {
      //     return null;
--- 119,125 ----
      public String getString(int parameterIndex) throws
!         return null;
      //public String getVarChar(int parameterIndex)
throws SQLException {
      //     return null;
*** 261,269 ****
      public boolean getBoolean(int parameterIndex)
throws SQLException
!         checkIndex (parameterIndex, Types.BIT, "Boolean");
!         if (result == null) return false;
!         return ((Boolean)result).booleanValue ();

--- 138,144 ----
      public boolean getBoolean(int parameterIndex)
throws SQLException
!         return false;

*** 275,283 ****
      public byte getByte(int parameterIndex) throws
!         checkIndex (parameterIndex, Types.TINYINT,
!         if (result == null) return 0;
!         return (byte)((Integer)result).intValue ();

--- 150,156 ----
      public byte getByte(int parameterIndex) throws
!         return 0;

*** 289,299 ****
      public short getShort(int parameterIndex) throws
!         checkIndex (parameterIndex, Types.SMALLINT,
!         if (result == null) return 0;
!         return (short)((Integer)result).intValue ();

       * Get the value of an INTEGER parameter as a Java
--- 162,169 ----
      public short getShort(int parameterIndex) throws
!         return 0;

       * Get the value of an INTEGER parameter as a Java
*** 304,312 ****
      public int getInt(int parameterIndex) throws
!         checkIndex (parameterIndex, Types.INTEGER, "Int");
!         if (result == null) return 0;
!         return ((Integer)result).intValue ();

--- 174,180 ----
      public int getInt(int parameterIndex) throws
!         return 0;

*** 318,326 ****
      public long getLong(int parameterIndex) throws
!         checkIndex (parameterIndex, Types.BIGINT, "Long");
!         if (result == null) return 0;
!         return ((Long)result).longValue ();

--- 186,192 ----
      public long getLong(int parameterIndex) throws
!         return 0;

*** 332,340 ****
      public float getFloat(int parameterIndex) throws
!         checkIndex (parameterIndex, Types.REAL, "Float");
!         if (result == null) return 0;
!         return ((Float)result).floatValue ();

--- 198,204 ----
      public float getFloat(int parameterIndex) throws
!         return (float) 0.0;

*** 346,354 ****
      public double getDouble(int parameterIndex) throws
!         checkIndex (parameterIndex, Types.DOUBLE,
!         if (result == null) return 0;
!         return ((Double)result).doubleValue ();

--- 210,216 ----
      public double getDouble(int parameterIndex) throws
!         return 0.0;

*** 365,372 ****
      public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int parameterIndex,
int scale)
      throws SQLException
!         checkIndex (parameterIndex, Types.NUMERIC,
!         return ((BigDecimal)result);

--- 227,233 ----
      public BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int parameterIndex,
int scale)
      throws SQLException
!         return null;

*** 379,386 ****
      public byte[] getBytes(int parameterIndex) throws
!         checkIndex (parameterIndex, Types.VARBINARY,
!         return ((byte [])result);

      // New API (JPM) (getLongVarBinary)
--- 240,246 ----
      public byte[] getBytes(int parameterIndex) throws
!         return null;

      // New API (JPM) (getLongVarBinary)
*** 397,404 ****
      public java.sql.Date getDate(int parameterIndex)
throws SQLException
!         checkIndex (parameterIndex, Types.DATE, "Date");
!         return (java.sql.Date)result;

--- 257,263 ----
      public java.sql.Date getDate(int parameterIndex)
throws SQLException
!         return null;

*** 410,417 ****
      public java.sql.Time getTime(int parameterIndex)
throws SQLException
!         checkIndex (parameterIndex, Types.TIME, "Time");
!         return (java.sql.Time)result;

--- 269,275 ----
      public java.sql.Time getTime(int parameterIndex)
throws SQLException
!         return null;

*** 424,431 ****
      public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(int
      throws SQLException
!         checkIndex (parameterIndex, Types.TIMESTAMP,
!         return (java.sql.Timestamp)result;

--- 282,288 ----
      public java.sql.Timestamp getTimestamp(int
      throws SQLException
!         return null;

*** 460,467 ****
      public Object getObject(int parameterIndex)
      throws SQLException
!         checkIndex (parameterIndex);
!         return result;

      // ** JDBC 2 Extensions **
--- 317,323 ----
      public Object getObject(int parameterIndex)
      throws SQLException
!         return null;

      // ** JDBC 2 Extensions **
*** 471,480 ****
          throw org.postgresql.Driver.notImplemented();

!     public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int
parameterIndex) throws SQLException
!         checkIndex (parameterIndex, Types.NUMERIC,
!         return ((BigDecimal)result);

      public Blob getBlob(int i) throws SQLException
--- 327,335 ----
          throw org.postgresql.Driver.notImplemented();

!     public java.math.BigDecimal getBigDecimal(int i)
throws SQLException
!         throw org.postgresql.Driver.notImplemented();

      public Blob getBlob(int i) throws SQLException
*** 512,587 ****
          throw org.postgresql.Driver.notImplemented();

-     // no custom types allowed yet..
      public void registerOutParameter(int
parameterIndex, int sqlType, String typeName) throws
          throw org.postgresql.Driver.notImplemented();

-     /** helperfunction for the getXXX calls to check
isFunction and index == 1
-      */
-     private void checkIndex (int parameterIndex, int
type, String getName)
-         throws SQLException {
-         checkIndex (parameterIndex);
-         if (type != this.testReturn)
-             throw new
-                                     new Object[]{getSqlTypeName (testReturn),
-                                                      getName,
-                                                      getSqlTypeName (type)});
-     }
-     /** helperfunction for the getXXX calls to check
isFunction and index == 1
-      * @param parameterIndex index of getXXX (index)
-      * check to make sure is a function and index == 1
-      */
-     private void checkIndex (int parameterIndex) throws
SQLException {
-         if (!isFunction)
-             throw new
-         if (parameterIndex != 1)
-             throw new
-     }
-     /** helper function for creating msg with type
-      * @param sqlType a java.sql.Types.XX constant
-      * @return String which is the name of the
-      */
-     private static String getSqlTypeName (int sqlType)
-         switch (sqlType)
-             {
-             case Types.BIT:
-                 return "BIT";
-             case Types.SMALLINT:
-                 return "SMALLINT";
-             case Types.INTEGER:
-                 return "INTEGER";
-             case Types.BIGINT:
-                 return "BIGINT";
-             case Types.NUMERIC:
-                 return "NUMERIC";
-             case Types.REAL:
-                 return "REAL";
-             case Types.DOUBLE:
-                 return "DOUBLE";
-             case Types.FLOAT:
-                 return "FLOAT";
-             case Types.CHAR:
-                 return "CHAR";
-             case Types.VARCHAR:
-                 return "VARCHAR";
-             case Types.DATE:
-                 return "DATE";
-             case Types.TIME:
-                 return "TIME";
-             case Types.TIMESTAMP:
-                 return "TIMESTAMP";
-             case Types.BINARY:
-                 return "BINARY";
-             case Types.VARBINARY:
-                 return "VARBINARY";
-             default:
-                 return "UNKNOWN";
-             }
-     }

--- 367,376 ----
*** jdbc2/Connection.java    Sat Feb 16 00:33:29 2002
Tue Jan 15 01:55:13 2002
*** 135,145 ****

      public java.sql.CallableStatement
prepareCall(String sql, int resultSetType, int
resultSetConcurrency) throws SQLException
!         //        throw new
!         CallableStatement s = new
!         s.setResultSetType(resultSetType);
!         s.setResultSetConcurrency(resultSetConcurrency);
!         return s;

--- 135,145 ----

      public java.sql.CallableStatement
prepareCall(String sql, int resultSetType, int
resultSetConcurrency) throws SQLException
!         throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.call");
!         //CallableStatement s = new
!         //s.setResultSetType(resultSetType);
!         //s.setResultSetConcurrency(resultSetConcurrency);
!         //return s;

Thu Feb 21 16:11:28 2002
Tue Jan 15 02:37:33 2002
*** 46,51 ****
--- 46,54 ----

       * Constructor for the PreparedStatement class.
+      * Split the SQL statement into segments -
separated by the arguments.
+      * When we rebuild the thing with the arguments, we
can substitute the
+      * args and join the whole thing together.
       * @param conn the instanatiating connection
       * @param sql the SQL statement with ? for IN
*** 53,88 ****
      public PreparedStatement(Connection connection,
String sql) throws SQLException
-         this (connection, sql, true); // need to parse
-     }
-     /*
-      * Constructor for the PreparedStatement class.
-      *
-      * @param conn the instanatiating connection
-      * @param sql the SQL statement with ? for IN
-      * @param needsParsing if a descendant (aka
CallableStmt will do it's own parse)
-      * @exception SQLException if something bad occurs
-      */
-     protected PreparedStatement(Connection connection,
String sql, boolean needsParsing) throws SQLException
-     {
-         this.connection = connection;
-         this.sql = sql;
-         if (needsParsing)
-             parseSqlStmt ();
-     }

-     /**
-      * Split the SQL statement into segments -
separated by the arguments.
-      * When we rebuild the thing with the arguments, we
can substitute the
-      * args and join the whole thing together.
-      */
-     protected void parseSqlStmt () throws SQLException
          Vector v = new Vector();
          boolean inQuotes = false;
          int lastParmEnd = 0, i;

          for (i = 0; i < sql.length(); ++i)
              int c = sql.charAt(i);
--- 56,70 ----
      public PreparedStatement(Connection connection,
String sql) throws SQLException

          Vector v = new Vector();
          boolean inQuotes = false;
          int lastParmEnd = 0, i;

+         this.sql = sql;
+         this.connection = connection;
          for (i = 0; i < sql.length(); ++i)
              int c = sql.charAt(i);
*** 136,142 ****
       * This is identical to toString() except it throws
an exception if a
       * parameter is unused.
!     protected synchronized String compileQuery()
      throws SQLException
--- 118,124 ----
       * This is identical to toString() except it throws
an exception if a
       * parameter is unused.
!     private synchronized String compileQuery()
      throws SQLException
*** 832,838 ****
       * @param s a string to be stored
       * @exception SQLException if something goes wrong
!     protected void set(int paramIndex, String s) throws
          if (paramIndex < 1 || paramIndex >
              throw new PSQLException("postgresql.prep.range");
--- 814,820 ----
       * @param s a string to be stored
       * @exception SQLException if something goes wrong
!     private void set(int paramIndex, String s) throws
          if (paramIndex < 1 || paramIndex >
              throw new PSQLException("postgresql.prep.range");

*** errors.properties    Thu Feb 21 14:38:35 2002
Wed Sep  5 23:03:37 2001
*** 72,85 ****
  postgresql.unusual:Something unusual has occured to
cause the driver to fail. Please report this
exception: {0}
  postgresql.unimplemented:This method is not yet
  postgresql.unexpected:An unexpected result was
returned by a query.
- # proposed changes for CallableStatements
- postgresql.call.noreturntype:A CallableStatement
Function was declared but no call to
'registerOutParameter (1, <some_type>)' was made.
- postgresql.call.noinout:PostgreSQL only supports
function return value [@ 1] (no OUT or INOUT
- postgresql.call.procasfunc:This Statement [{0}]
defines a procedure call (needs ?= call <stmt> to be
considered a function.
- postgresql.call.malformed:Malformed stmt [{0}] usage
: {1}
- postgresql.call.funcover:Cannot execute Query a call
to setXXX (1, ..) was made where argument 1 is the
return value of a function.
- postgresql.call.wrongget:Parameter of type {0} was
registered but call to get{1} (sqltype={2}) was made.
- postgresql.call.noreturnval:A CallableStatement
Function was executed with nothing returned.
- postgresql.call.wrongrtntype:A CallableStatement
Function was executed and the return was of type ({0})
however type={1} was registered.
--- 72,74 ----
*** test/JDBC2Tests.java    Wed Feb 20 16:26:46 2002
Mon Nov 19 17:33:39 2001
*** 227,235 ****
          // Fastpath/LargeObject

-         //Callable Statement
-         suite.addTestSuite(CallableStmtTest.class);
          // That's all folks
          return suite;
--- 227,232 ----
** new class
package org.postgresql.test.jdbc2;

import org.postgresql.test.JDBC2Tests;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import java.io.*;
import java.sql.*;

 * CallableStatement tests.
 * @author Paul Bethe
public class CallableStmtTest extends TestCase
    private Connection con;

    public CallableStmtTest (String name)

    protected void setUp() throws Exception
        con = JDBC2Tests.openDB();
        Statement stmt = con.createStatement ();
        stmt.execute ("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION
testspg__getString (varchar) " +
                      "RETURNS varchar AS ' DECLARE inString alias
for $1; begin "+
                      "return ''bob''; end; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';");
        stmt.execute ("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION
testspg__getDouble (float) " +
                      "RETURNS float AS ' DECLARE inString alias for
$1; begin " +
                      "return 42.42; end; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';");
        stmt.execute ("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION
testspg__getInt (int) RETURNS int " +
                      " AS 'DECLARE    inString alias for $1; begin " +
                      "return 42; end;' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';");
        stmt.execute ("CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION
testspg__getNumeric (numeric) " +
                      "RETURNS numeric AS ' DECLARE    inString alias
for $1; " +
                      "begin    return 42; end; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';");
        stmt.close ();

    protected void tearDown() throws Exception
        Statement stmt = con.createStatement ();
        stmt.execute ("drop FUNCTION testspg__getString
        stmt.execute ("drop FUNCTION testspg__getDouble
        stmt.execute ("drop FUNCTION testspg__getInt
        stmt.execute ("drop FUNCTION testspg__getNumeric

    final String func = "{ ? = call ";
    final String pkgName = "testspg__";
    //    protected void runTest () throws Throwable {
    //testGetString ();

    public void testGetDouble () throws Throwable {
        // System.out.println ("Testing CallableStmt
        CallableStatement call = con.prepareCall (func +
pkgName + "getDouble (?) }");
        call.setDouble (2, (double)3.04);
        call.registerOutParameter (1, Types.DOUBLE);
        call.execute ();
        double result = call.getDouble (1);
        assertTrue ("correct return from getString ()",
result == 42.42);

    public void testGetInt () throws Throwable {
        // System.out.println ("Testing CallableStmt
        CallableStatement call = con.prepareCall (func +
pkgName + "getInt (?) }");
        call.setInt (2, 4);
        call.registerOutParameter (1, Types.INTEGER);
        call.execute ();
        int result = call.getInt (1);
        assertTrue ("correct return from getString ()",
result == 42);

    public void testGetNumeric () throws Throwable {
        // System.out.println ("Testing CallableStmt
        CallableStatement call = con.prepareCall (func +
pkgName + "getNumeric (?) }");
        call.setBigDecimal (2, new java.math.BigDecimal(4));
        call.registerOutParameter (1, Types.NUMERIC);
        call.execute ();
        java.math.BigDecimal result = call.getBigDecimal
        assertTrue ("correct return from getString ()",
                    result.equals (new java.math.BigDecimal(42)));

    public void testGetString () throws Throwable {
        // System.out.println ("Testing CallableStmt
        CallableStatement call = con.prepareCall (func +
pkgName + "getString (?) }");
        call.setString (2, "foo");
        call.registerOutParameter (1, Types.VARCHAR);
        call.execute ();
        String result = call.getString (1);
        assertTrue ("correct return from getString ()",
result.equals ("bob"));



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В списке pgsql-patches по дате отправления:

От: Paul Bethe
Сообщение: Last time for JDBC
От: Bruce Momjian
Сообщение: Re: Make equals sign optional in CREATE DATABASE WITH param