Re: Bug report

От Bruce Momjian
Тема Re: Bug report
обсуждение исходный текст
Ответ на Bug report  (Bruno Wolff III <>)
Ответы Re: Bug report
Список pgsql-bugs
I think this is fixed in the current snapshot.

> ============================================================================
>                         POSTGRESQL BUG REPORT TEMPLATE
> ============================================================================
> Your name        :    Bruno Wolff III
> Your email address    :
> System Configuration
> ---------------------
>   Architecture (example: Intel Pentium)      : Intel Pentium
>   Operating System (example: Linux 2.0.26 ELF)     : Linux 2.2.16-4 (Redhatisms)
>   PostgreSQL version (example: PostgreSQL-7.0):   PostgreSQL-7.0.3
>   Compiler used (example:  gcc 2.8.0)        : N/A installed via RPM
> Please enter a FULL description of your problem:
> ------------------------------------------------
> I am getting problems when using to_char to convert an int4 to roman numeral
> and to_char to convert a timestamp to a string in a view. The errors
> vary, but it looks like there is some sort of memory corruption.
> The select that has the problem is:
> select areaid, lname, fmname, aname, trim(to_char(gen, 'RN')), to_char(touched, 'YYYY-MM-DD') from cname_web order by
> Here is a sample of one kind of error I was getting with the about query in
> test.sql:
> Script started on Wed Dec 13 22:41:31 2000
> [bruno@wolff test]$ psql area
> Welcome to psql, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.
> Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
>        \h for help with SQL commands
>        \? for help on internal slash commands
>        \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
>        \q to quit
> area=> \i test.sql
> psql:test.sql:1: pqReadData() -- backend closed the channel unexpectedly.
>     This probably means the backend terminated abnormally
>     before or while processing the request.
> psql:test.sql:1: connection to server was lost
> [bruno@wolff test]$ exit
> exit
> Script done on Wed Dec 13 22:41:47 2000
> This is the script I used to create the tables:
> -- Definitions for the AREA database
> -- Author: Bruno Wolff III
> -- Last Revision: December 9, 2000
> -- Privacy levels
> -- This table is used in views to change fields to null if the privacy
> -- level of the request is less than the privacy level of the row.
> -- priv   Table name
> -- pname  Name to be used to reference the privacy level
> -- pord   A number used to order the privacy levels
> -- ptxt   A text description that can be used in a prompt
> -- pname values:
> -- any       The data can be used for anything
> -- web       The data can be placed on public web pages
> -- request   The data can be given out in response to one off requests
> -- member    The data can be given to other AREA members
> -- td        The data can be given to tournament directors
> -- admin     The data can be always be seen by the AREA administrators
> create table priv (
>   pname text primary key,
>   pord int4 unique constraint pord_nonnegative check (pord >= 0),
>   ptxt text
> );
> -- Allow access to it from the web server account
> -- Doing that breaks the default, so grant access to the admin account
> grant select on priv to nobody;
> grant all on priv to bruno;
> -- The number used isn't relevant as only the ordering matters.
> -- However leaving room to insert new levels in without changing
> -- old ones seems like a good idea.
> copy priv from stdin using delimiters ',';
> any,0,No restrictions on access
> web,100,Allow anonymous access via the web
> request,200,Allow access via one off requests
> member,300,Allow access by people believed to be AREA members
> td,400,Allow access by tournament directors
> admin,500,Access by AREA administrators is always allowed
> \.
> -- The current name table definition.
> -- This is the primary definition for AREA members
> -- There will also need to be a history table to track areaid and name changes
> -- so that the admins have a way to check on records to resolve problems.
> -- Names are limited to US ASCII characters. They can contain letters (a-z)
> -- with case being maintained. They may also have space, ', or - between two
> -- letters. They will be sorted using the ASCII ordering with uppercase
> -- characters treated as the lowercase equivalent.
> -- cname    Table name
> -- areaid   Current AREA ID of a person
> -- lname    Current last name of a person
> -- fmname   Current first and middle names of a person
> -- aname    Current alternate first and middle names of a person
> -- gen      Generation number (Sr or I > 1, Jr or II > 2, III > 3, IV > 4, etc)
> --          Note this limitation matches that of the postgres routine that
> --          prints roman numerals.
> -- privacy  Privacy level for their name data
> -- touched  When the areaid or name (not privacy) information last changed
> create table cname (
>   areaid text primary key constraint bad_char_in_id check
>     (areaid ~ '^[A-Z0-9]+(-[A-Z0-9]+)*(\\.[0-9]{2,})?$')
>     constraint missing_lead_zeros check (areaid !~ '^[0-9]{1,4}(\\.[0-9]+)?$'),
>   lname text not null constraint bad_last_name check
>     (lname ~ '^[A-Za-z]+(( |\'|-)[A-Za-z]+)*$'),
>   fmname text constraint bad_first_or_mid_name check
>     (fmname ~ '^[A-Za-z]+(( |\'|-)[A-Za-z]+)*$'),
>   aname text constraint bad_alt_name check
>     (aname ~ '^[A-Za-z]+(( |\'|-)[A-Za-z]+)*$'),
>   gen int4 constraint bad_generation check (gen > 0 and gen < 4000),
>   privacy text not null constraint bad_privacy references priv,
>   touched timestamp default 'now' not null
> );
> -- Explicitly grant full access to cname to the admin account.
> grant all on cname to bruno;
> -- Web view of the above table
> -- areaids are always considered public.
> -- The name fields will only be available to the web server for
> -- those people that said it was OK. This will include search
> -- queries using these fields.
> -- priv isn't needed and should be considered admin access only
> create view cname_web as select
>   areaid,
>   case when (select pord from priv where pname = 'web') >=
>     (select pord from priv where pname = privacy) then
>     lname else null end as lname,
>   case when (select pord from priv where pname = 'web') >=
>     (select pord from priv where pname = privacy) then
>     fmname else null end as fmname,
>   case when (select pord from priv where pname = 'web') >=
>     (select pord from priv where pname = privacy) then
>     aname else null end as aname,
>   case when (select pord from priv where pname = 'web') >=
>     (select pord from priv where pname = privacy) then
>     gen else null end as gen,
>   case when (select pord from priv where pname = 'web') >=
>     (select pord from priv where pname = privacy) then
>     touched else null end as touched
>   from cname;
> -- Allow access to it from the web server account
> -- Doing that breaks the default, so grant access to the admin account
> grant select on cname_web to nobody;
> grant all on cname_web to bruno;
> -- Game definition table
> -- This is the primary definition for games.
> -- Titles and Publishers may only contain printable US ASCII characters and
> -- imbedded spaces. Sorting will be done using the US ASCII colating
> -- sequence with uppercase letters treated as lowercase.
> -- games    Table name
> -- gameid   Initially will be excel sheet name
> -- title    The game title
> -- publish  Optional publisher string
> -- touched  Last time gameid, title, or publisher (not ratings) changed
> create table games (
>   gameid text primary key constraint bad_char_in_id check
>     (gameid ~ '^[A-Z0-9]+$'),
>   title text not null constraint bad_char_in_title check
>     (title ~ '^[\041-\176]+( [\041-\176]+)*$'),
>   publish text constraint bad_char_in_publish check
>     (publish ~ '^[\041-\176]+( [\041-\176]+)*$'),
>   touched timestamp default 'now' not null
> );
> -- Allow access to it from the web server account
> -- Doing that breaks the default, so grant access to the admin account
> grant select on games to nobody;
> grant all on games to bruno;
> -- Table of WBC codes for games
> -- There might be muliple entries for a single code or for a single game
> -- because WBC events don't map 1 to 1 to games.
> -- wbc     Table name
> -- code    WBC code
> -- gameid  gameid from games table
> create table wbc (
>   code text not null constraint bad_char_in_code check
>     (code ~ '^[A-Z0-9]+$'),
>   gameid text not null constraint bad_gameid references games,
>   unique (code, gameid)
> );
> -- Allow access to it from the web server account
> -- Doing that breaks the default, so grant access to the admin account
> grant select on wbc to nobody;
> grant all on wbc to bruno;
> -- Current AREA ratings
> -- Note this record should only be created for person - game pairs where
> -- either the person has at least one recorded rated game or has specifically
> -- notified AREA that they have an interest in the game.
> -- This table should be used to retrive data even though it isn't the
> -- ultimate source for data. It is too expensive to rederive this information
> -- from the base data. If something bad happens, this table should be
> -- rebuildable from a transaction table that includes actions for the
> -- results of rated games, expressing interest in a game, or making hand
> -- corrections to fix problems.
> -- crate    Table name
> -- areaid   From the cname table
> -- gameid   From the games table
> -- rate     Current AREA rating
> -- frq      Number of times payed rated games of this game
> --          If frq is 0 the player has expressed interest in the game.
> -- opp      Total number of different opponents played
> -- rmp      Total number of rated games played remotely (PBM, PBEM, VASL, etc.)
> -- trn      Total number of tournaments played in (with rated games)
> -- touched  Timestamp from when information in this record was changed
> --          Typically this should be the last time a match was entered
> --          for this person.
> create table crate (
>   areaid text constraint bad_areaid references cname,
>   gameid text constraint bad_gameid references games,
>   rate int4 default 5000 not null constraint rate_nonnegative check (rate >= 0),
>   frq int4 default 0 not null constraint frq_nonnegative check (frq >= 0),
>   opp int4 default 0 not null constraint opp_nonnegative check (opp >= 0),
>   rmp int4 default 0 not null constraint rmp_nonnegative check (rmp >= 0),
>   trn int4 default 0 not null constraint trn_nonnegative check (trn >= 0),
>   touched timestamp default 'now' not null,
>   primary key (areaid, gameid)
> );
> -- Allow access to it from the web server account
> -- Doing that breaks the default, so grant access to the admin account
> grant select on crate to nobody;
> grant all on crate to bruno;
> Most of the data in the tables is available at:
> I am using this for my own testing so the tables get nuked and rebuilt
> on occasion, but the base data should stay the same.
> Please describe a way to repeat the problem.   Please try to provide a
> concise reproducible example, if at all possible:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> This is spelled out in the problem description.
> If you know how this problem might be fixed, list the solution below:
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> I don't know how to fix this.

  Bruce Momjian                        |               |  (610) 853-3000
  +  If your life is a hard drive,     |  830 Blythe Avenue
  +  Christ can be your backup.        |  Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania 19026

В списке pgsql-bugs по дате отправления:

От: Tom Lane
Сообщение: Re: grant oddity
От: Stephan Szabo
Сообщение: Re: Outer joins aren't working with views