create partitioned table with (like table INCLUDING ALL ) fails with "insufficient columns in UNIQUE constraint definition"

От Stuart
Тема create partitioned table with (like table INCLUDING ALL ) fails with "insufficient columns in UNIQUE constraint definition"
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Ответы Re: create partitioned table with (like table INCLUDING ALL ) failswith "insufficient columns in UNIQUE constraint definition"
Список pgsql-bugs

Dear team,


Another issue found with attempting to create partitioned table from (like table including all). Primary key constraints don't get recognized if there are other unique constraints and indexes in the original table. Creating a non-partitioned table works ok using the same options.



=# \d+ knowledge

Table "public.knowledge"

Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description


entry_date | timestamp(3) with time zone | | not null | now() | plain | |

revision_date | timestamp(3) with time zone | | | NULL::timestamp with time zone | plain | |

entered_by | text | | not null | "current_user"() | extended | |

revised_by | text | | | ''::text | extended | |

source_id | bigint | | | | plain | |

object_id | bigint | | not null | nextval('resource_seq'::regclass) | plain | |

description | text | | | ''::text | extended | |

category_id | bigint | | | | plain | |

producer_id | bigint | | not null | | plain | |

released | date | | | date(now()) | plain | |

copyprotected | date | | | | plain | |

isindexed | boolean | | | false | plain | |

filepath | text | | | ''::text | extended | |

url | text | | | ''::text | extended | |


"knowledge_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (object_id), tablespace "pgindex"

"knowledge_categoryfilepathurl_un" UNIQUE, btree (category_id, filepath, url) WHERE filepath IS NULL AND url IS NULL, tablespace "pgindex"

"knowledge_filepath_un" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (filepath), tablespace "pgindex"

"knowledge_url_un" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (url), tablespace "pgindex"

Inherits: products



=# create table knowledge_new (like knowledge INCLUDING ALL ) PARTITION BY RANGE ( object_id ) ;

ERROR: insufficient columns in UNIQUE constraint definition

DETAIL: UNIQUE constraint on table "knowledge_new" lacks column "object_id" which is part of the partition key.


=# create table knowledge_new (like knowledge INCLUDING ALL ) PARTITION BY RANGE ( object_id ) ;

ERROR: insufficient columns in UNIQUE constraint definition

DETAIL: UNIQUE constraint on table "knowledge_new" lacks column "object_id" which is part of the partition key.


=# alter table knowledge drop constraint knowledge_url_un ;



=# create table knowledge_new (like knowledge INCLUDING ALL ) PARTITION BY RANGE ( object_id ) ;

ERROR: insufficient columns in UNIQUE constraint definition

DETAIL: UNIQUE constraint on table "knowledge_new" lacks column "object_id" which is part of the partition key.


=# alter table knowledge drop constraint knowledge_filepath_un ;



=# create table knowledge_new (like knowledge INCLUDING ALL ) PARTITION BY RANGE ( object_id ) ;

ERROR: insufficient columns in UNIQUE constraint definition

DETAIL: UNIQUE constraint on table "knowledge_new" lacks column "object_id" which is part of the partition key.


=# drop index knowledge_categoryfilepathurl_un ;



=# \d+ knowledge

Table "public.knowledge_old"

Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default | Storage | Stats target | Description


entry_date | timestamp(3) with time zone | | not null | now() | plain | |

revision_date | timestamp(3) with time zone | | | NULL::timestamp with time zone | plain | |

entered_by | text | | not null | "current_user"() | extended | |

revised_by | text | | | ''::text | extended | |

source_id | bigint | | | | plain | |

object_id | bigint | | not null | nextval('resource_seq'::regclass) | plain | |

description | text | | | ''::text | extended | |

category_id | bigint | | | | plain | |

producer_id | bigint | | not null | | plain | |

released | date | | | date(now()) | plain | |

copyprotected | date | | | | plain | |

isindexed | boolean | | | false | plain | |

filepath | text | | | ''::text | extended | |

url | text | | | ''::text | extended | |


"knowledge_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (object_id), tablespace "pgindex"

Inherits: products


=# create table knowledge_new (like knowledge INCLUDING ALL ) PARTITION BY RANGE ( object_id ) ;



ousa_new=# \d+ knowledge_new
                                                         Table "public.knowledge_new"
   Column     |            Type             | Collation | Nullable |              Default              | Storage  | Stats target | Description
entry_date    | timestamp(3) with time zone |           | not null | now()                             | plain    |              |
revision_date | timestamp(3) with time zone |           |          | NULL::timestamp with time zone    | plain    |              |
entered_by    | text                        |           | not null | "current_user"()                  | extended |              |
revised_by    | text                        |           |          | ''::text                          | extended |              |
source_id     | bigint                      |           |          |                                   | plain    |              |
object_id     | bigint                      |           | not null | nextval('resource_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              |
description   | text                        |           |          | ''::text                          | extended |              |
category_id   | bigint                      |           |          |                                   | plain    |              |
producer_id   | bigint                      |           | not null |                                   | plain    |              |
released      | date                        |           |          | date(now())                       | plain    |              |
copyprotected | date                        |           |          |                                   | plain    |              |
isindexed     | boolean                     |           |          | false                             | plain    |              |
filepath      | text                        |           |          | ''::text                          | extended |              |
url           | text                        |           |          | ''::text                          | extended |              |
Partition key: RANGE (object_id)
   "knowledge_new_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (object_id), tablespace "pgindex"
Number of partitions: 0

Tested creating a normal table using the same syntax, and it works.

=# \d+ knowledge

                                                           Table "public.knowledge"
   Column     |            Type             | Collation | Nullable |              Default              | Storage  | Stats target | Description
entry_date    | timestamp(3) with time zone |           | not null | now()                             | plain    |              |
revision_date | timestamp(3) with time zone |           |          | NULL::timestamp with time zone    | plain    |              |
entered_by    | text                        |           | not null | "current_user"()                  | extended |              |
revised_by    | text                        |           |          | ''::text                          | extended |              |
source_id     | bigint                      |           |          |                                   | plain    |              |
object_id     | bigint                      |           | not null | nextval('resource_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              |
description   | text                        |           |          | ''::text                          | extended |              |
category_id   | bigint                      |           |          |                                   | plain    |              |
producer_id   | bigint                      |           | not null |                                   | plain    |              |
released      | date                        |           |          | date(now())                       | plain    |              |
copyprotected | date                        |           |          |                                   | plain    |              |
isindexed     | boolean                     |           |          | false                             | plain    |              |
filepath      | text                        |           |          | ''::text                          | extended |              |
url           | text                        |           |          | ''::text                          | extended |              |
   "knowledge_pk" PRIMARY KEY, btree (object_id), tablespace "pgindex"
   "knowledge_categoryfilepathurl_un" UNIQUE, btree (category_id, filepath, url) WHERE filepath IS NULL AND url IS NULL, tablespace "pgindex"
   "knowledge_filepath_un" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (filepath), tablespace "pgindex"
   "knowledge_url_un" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (url), tablespace "pgindex"

=# create table knowledge_test (like knowledge including all ) ;


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