storing access rights in a postgres database

Тема storing access rights in a postgres database
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Re: storing access rights in a postgres database
Список pgsql-sql

we are developping a web application in which we need to manage access to
several types of objects, the most important objects are 'company', 'projects',
'subproject', 'module' (and several others but that's not important for now).
In general these objects constitute a tree, as for example each company owns
several projects and each project belongs to exactly one company. So it's
relatively easy to store these objects and relations between them as it's a
simple 1:M relationship.

The funny part begins with the access rights on these objects - we want to store
them in a database in such a way to get:

(a) good performance - there will be several hundreds of users and objects etc.

(b) easy administering - all of that will be administered by humans, so it
should be as easy as possible

There'll be two basic types of questions:

(1) Does the user X have an access to the object Y? (i.e. Does the user have
access to the 'project X'?)

(2) To which objects at the level X can the user Y access? (i.e. 'To which
projects does the user have an access?')

The (b) in general means some kind of 'inheritance' is used, that is each node
in the tree inherits the access right from the node above him in case there's
no access right set directly on it. So the first step when deciding 'Does the
user X have an access to 'project Y?' would be to determine whether there's an
access right right on the project, and if not then the same question ('Does he
hava an access?' would be asked for the node above project (a 'firm' for

I came up with a table

CREATE TABLE rights (  user_id       INT NOT NULL,  allowed       BOOLEAN NOT NULL,  firm_id       INT,  project_id
INT, subproject_id INT,  module_id     INT

Where all the columns are references to the related tables (not important here).
The table is filled from 'left to right' that is if a column is NULL then all
the columns to right from it are NULL as well, thus each row has a meaning of a
path in the tree. For example

INSERT INTO rights(allowed,user_id,firm_id,project_id,subproject_id,module_id)
VALUES ('t',1,4,33,12,24);
INSERT INTO rights(allowed,user_id,firm_id,project_id,subproject_id,module_id)

are valid rows, while

INSERT INTO rights(allowed,user_id,firm_id,project_id,subproject_id,module_id)
VALUES ('t',1,4,NULL,34,NULL);

is not valid as there's a 'gap' between '4' and '34'.

The question 'Does the user X have an access to object Y?' is then realized by
an SQL query (let the object be a project with id 3, belonging to firm with id
4, and let the user have id 1):

SELECT allowed FROM rights WHERE user_id = 1 AND (        (firm_id = 4 AND project_id = 3 AND subproject_id IS NULL)
OR (firm_id = 4 AND project_id IS NULL)   )
ORDER BY firm_id, project_id, subproject_id, module_id, allowed DESC LIMIT 1;

where the 'ORDER BY' clause sorts the results the rows so the most specific are
'at the top' and then choose 't' in prior to 'f'.

The problem is with the second type of queries (all objects the user has access
rights to) as all the ways to find that using SQL are very slow. For example to
get a list of all such projects for user with id 1 we use this:

SELECT id, (   SELECT allowed FROM rights WHERE user_id = 1 AND (        (firm_id = projects.firm_id AND project_id =
subproject_id IS NULL)     OR (firm_id = projects.firm_id AND project_id IS NULL)   )   ORDER BY firm_id, project_id,
subproject_id,module_id, allowed DESC LIMIT 1
) as allowed
FROM projects;

The problem is in the 'LIMIT 1' clause - that's the reason I can't write that as
a join.

Does someone else has an idea how to solve this? If needed I can send more
complex examples and some testing data, explain plans, etc.

I've been thinking about some 'intermediate table' with results of the
subselect, updated by a set of triggers, but maybe there's some better

thanks for all your advices

PS: We're not granting right directly to users of course - we are using roles,
but it's not necessary here. Just imagine role_id instead of user_id in all the

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