Invitation to the constituent assembly of the Swiss PostgreSQL Users Group

От Charles Clavadetscher
Тема Invitation to the constituent assembly of the Swiss PostgreSQL Users Group
Msg-id 005701d05832$89643800$9c2ca800$
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You are kindly invited to the constituent assembly of the Swiss PostgreSQL
Users Group (SwissPUG)

Date: Friday, April 10th 2015 19:30-21:30
ETH Zürich
Konjunkturforschungsstelle KOF
LEE F 118 (1st floor)
Leonhardstrasse 21
8092 Zürich,Leonhardstr.21

Tram Number 6, 7 or 10 from Zurich main station to Haldenegg or about 8-10
minutes walking.

If you are interested in attending, please announce your participation to

The entrance from the Leonhardstrasse closes at 19:00. Please call +41 44
632 26 49 when you stand in front of the building. We will pick you up. The
phone will be attended until 19:30.

The Swiss PostgreSQL Users Group will be created as an association according
to the Swiss law. You can find the current draft of the bylaws in German on
our website. The bylaws describe the goals and rules of the association.
Please read them in advance in order to optimize meeting time and to make
sure that you can basically commit to them.

Voting participants will implicitly become members and enter the obligations
that will be discussed in the assembly. This applies in particular to the
payment of the yearly membership contribution as soon as the association
will have an official account. You are equally welcome if you are interested
in attending but do not want to enter any obligation. In that case you are
not eligible to vote, although your ideas in the discussion are very welcome
anyway. Every contribution is welcome. In particular we welcome ideas about
activities (point 10 on the agenda) even better if this goes along with an
interest in actively help organizing them.

If there are points missing on the agenda from your point of view, please
submit proposals for point 11 (varia) until April 3rd, 2015 to

Language: Depending on the audience, the participants may agree on German
instead of English. This will be decided at the beginning of the session.


 1. Opening
 2. Election of the chairperson of the meeting
 3. Revision of the bylaws (Statuten)
    3.1. short discussion of each paragraph, where necessary
    3.2. constitution of the board
 4. Approval of the bylaws as a whole
 5. Candidates for the board
 6. Election of the board
 7. Amount of the yearly members contributions
 8. Summary of logo proposals
 9. Election of a logo
10. Ideas for future activities
11. Varia
12. Closing

After the assembly those who are interested may join us (the organizers of
the assembly) for an informal dinner somewhere to be defined. Unfortunately
the association does not have a budget yet. This means that you are expected
to cover the cost of your dinner yourself.

Looking forward to your contributions.
For the constituent board
Markus Wanner, Charles Clavadetscher

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