Statistical Analysis, Vacuum, and Selectivity Restriction (PostGIS) (fwd)

От Bruce Momjian
Тема Statistical Analysis, Vacuum, and Selectivity Restriction (PostGIS) (fwd)
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I'm trying to improve the performance of the PostGIS
( GEOMETRY indexing and have a few
questions for everyone (or just tell me I'm doing it all wrong).

Basically, the problem is that I'm currently using a constant number for
the restriction selectivity of the overlap (&&) operator (CREATE
OPERATOR ... RESTRICT=). This has to be quite low to force the index to
be used (the default value didnt use the index very often), but now it
uses it too often.

I'm currently implementing a much smarter method (see the proposal
below) - basically creating a 2D histogram and using that to make a
better guess at how many rows will be returned.

So far, I've looked at how the RESTRICT function is called (in 7.2), but
I've come up against a few problems that I'm not sure what the proper
way to handle is:

1. Getting the histogram to be generated and where to store it.
    Ideally, I'd be able to store the statistics in pg_statistic and
    'VACUUM ANALAYSE' would have hooks into my datatype's code.
    Is this even possible?   Can I put a custom histogram in
    Can I have VACUUM call my statistical analysis functions?

    Alternatively, would I have to store the 2d histogram in a separate
    [user] table and have the user explicitly call a function to update

2. How do I access the histogram from my RESTRICT function?
    I guess this is asking how do I efficiently do a query from within
    a function?  The built-in RESTRICT functions seem to be able to
    access the system catalogs directly ("SearchSysCache"), but how does

    one access tables more directly (SPI?)?  Is this going to be slow
    things down significantly?

Am I doing the right thing?

Here's a summary of the problem and the proposed solution,

Several people have reported index selection problems with PostGIS:
sometimes it ops to use the spatial (GiST) index when its inappropriate.

I suggest you also read
since it gives a good introduction to the statistics collected and used
the query planner.

Postgresql query planning

I'll start with a quick example, then move on to spatial indexing.
Lets start with a simple table:

name      location          age
dave      james bay         31
paul      james bay         30
oscar     central park      23
chris     downtown          22

With some indexes:

CREATE index people_name_idx  on people (name);
CREATE index people_age_idx   on people (age);

We then start to execute some queries:

#1) SELECT * FROM people WHERE location = 'james bay';

Postgresql's only possible query plan is to do a sequential scan of the
table and check to see if location ='james bay' - there isnt an index to

consult.  The sequential scan is simple - it loads each row from the
and checks to see if location='james bay'.

Here's what postgresql says about this query:

dblasby=# explain analyse SELECT * FROM people WHERE location = 'james


Seq Scan on people  (cost=0.00..1.05 rows=2 width=25) (actual
time=0.02..0.03 rows=2 loops=1)
Total runtime: 0.07 msec

Note that postgresql is using a "Seq Scan" and predicts 2 result rows.
planner is very accurate in this estimate because the statistics
explicitly say that 'james bay' is the most common value in this column
pg_stats and pg_statistics tables).

#2) SELECT * FROM people WHERE name ='dave';

Here the query planner has two option - it can do a sequential scan or
can use the people_name_idx.  Here's what the query planner says (I
explicitly tell it to use the index in the 2nd run):

dblasby=# explain analyse SELECT * FROM people WHERE name ='dave';

Seq Scan on people  (cost=0.00..1.05 rows=1 width=25) (actual
time=0.02..0.03 rows=1 loops=1)
Total runtime: 0.07 msec

dblasby=# set enable_seqscan=off;
dblasby=# explain analyse SELECT * FROM people WHERE name ='dave';

Index Scan using people_name_idx on people  (cost=0.00..4.41 rows=1
width=25) (actual time=33.72..33.73 rows=1 loops=1)
Total runtime: 33.82 msec

In this case the sequential scan is faster because it only has to load
page from the disk and check 4 rows.  The index scan will have to load
the index, perform the scan, then load in the page with the data in it.
On a larger table, the index scan would probably be significantly

#3)SELECT * FROM people WHERE age < 30;

Again, we have a chose of the index or sequential scan. The estimate of
number of rows is calculated by the "<" operator for integers and the
statistics. We'll talk about row # estimates later.

dblasby=# explain analyse SELECT * FROM people WHERE age < 30;

Seq Scan on people  (cost=0.00..1.05 rows=3 width=25) (actual
time=0.03..0.03 rows=2 loops=1)
Total runtime: 0.10 msec

dblasby=#  set enable_seqscan=off;
dblasby=# explain analyse SELECT * FROM people WHERE age < 30;

Index Scan using people_age_idx on people  (cost=0.00..3.04 rows=3
(actual time=0.06..0.07 rows=2 loops=1)
Total runtime: 0.15 msec

#4)  SELECT * FROM people WHERE  age < 30 AND  name='dave';

Here we have 3 plans - sequence scan and index scan (age) and index scan

(name).  The actual plan chosen will be determined by looking at all the

plans and estimating which is fastest.
If the 'people' table had a lot of rows, the "name='dave'" clause would
probably be much more selective (return less results) than the "age<30"
clause.  The planner would probably use the name index.

Spatial Indexing

For spatial indexing, queries look like:
    SELECT * FROM mygeomtable WHERE the_geom && 'BOX3D(...)'::box3d;

The planner has two options - do a sequential scan of the table (and
each geometry against the BOX3D) or do an index scan using the GiST
Its further confused because TOASTed (large) geometries will be
expensive to
test in the sequential scan because the entire geometry much be read.

The planner makes it's choice by estimating how many rows the " the_geom
'BOX3D(...)'::box3d " clause will return - if its just a few row, the
will be extremely efficient.  If it returns a large number of rows, the
involved in consulting the index AND then actually reading the data from
table will be high.

When PostGIS was first created, it was very difficult to get postgresql
actually use the index because the estimate of the number of rows
was always high.  The planner thought the sequential scan was faster.

A later release of PostGIS tried to fix this by lowering this estimate.
This made postgresql use the spatial index almost always.  Since the
index has low overhead, this worked well even if the index was used when
wasnt the best plan.  The estimate was very simple - it was a fixed % of
total data.

Everything was great until people started doing queries like:

SELECT * FROM mygeomtable WHERE
        the_geom && 'BOX3D(...)'::box3d AND
        road_type =27;

Postgresql now has to make a decision between the spatial index and the
attribute index (on 'road_type').  Since we were doing a very simple
estimate for the selectivity of the && operator, the spatial index is
used when another index (ie. road_type) would be more appropriate.  When
BOX3D is "large" the problem is applified because the estimate is very
Second, problems with joins and other queries occur because the estimate
the number of rows returned was much lower than in actuality and
choose poor table joining strategies.

New Proposal

The current selectivity of the "&&" operator is fixed - it always
reports (i
think 5%) the same number of rows no matter where the query BOX3D is or
size.  This is as simple as it gets.

The next simplest method is to look at the extents of the data, and the
of the query window.  If the query window is 1/4 the size of the data,
we can estimate that 1/4 of the rows will be returned.  This is quite
workable, but has problem because spatial data is not uniformly

The proposed method extends the simple method - we use another index to
estimate the number of results for the "&&" operator.  WHEW - indexing
indexes!  In a nutshell, the plan is to use a modified quad tree (ie.
fixed cell sizes and location) to store a 2d histogram of the spatial
This is best explained in a few diagrams.  See the attached 2 diagrams.

In diagram one we see typical spatial data - road in the province of
BC.  In
place like Vancouver, Victoria, Kelowna, Prince George there are LOTS of

roads.  Elsewhere there are hardly any.  There are a total of 200,000
in the roads table.  The proposed method does a 3 stage pre-process.
figure 2)

1. computes the extents of the data.  Basically
    SELECT extent(the_geom) FROM mygeometrytable;
2. make a fixed size grid from the extents - something like a 15*15
3. scan through each row of the geometry table and determine which of
   grid's cells overlap the bounding box of the geometry.  Increment
   those grid cells by 1.

The result will be a 2d histogram of the spatial data.  Cells with lots
geometries in them will have a high value, and cells with few will have
low value.  This is stored somewhere (ie. the geometry_columns metatable
it would be nice to have it siting in shared memory somewhere) - the
histogram will be small enough to sit on one disk page.

An incomming query's (ie. the_geom && 'BOX3D(..)') selectivity is
this way:
1. Load the appropriate 2d histogram (one disk page)
2. find which cells the BOX3D overlaps and the % area of the cell that
   BOX3D overlaps
3. sum ( % overlap * <number of geometries in that cell>)

This should give a 'reasonable' estimate of the particular "&&"
selectivity.  The estimate will be poor if the data is extreamly skewed.

An extention of this would be to make a proper quad tree (instead of
cells), then simplify it.  Unfortunately this could be very difficult
isnt proposed (yet).


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