#!/bin/bash set -e dbname=postgres port=5440 host=/tmp host=localhost test_cases=( "100 100 1000000" # only 100 bytes "1024 10240 100000" # 1Kb and 10Kb "1024 1048576 2000" # 1Kb and 1Mb "1048576 1048576 1000" # all 1Mb ) insert_rows(){ psql -d $dbname -p $port -h $host -c " DO \$\$ DECLARE counter INT; BEGIN FOR counter IN 1..$3 LOOP IF counter % 2 = 1 THEN INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (repeat('a', $1)::text); ELSE INSERT INTO test_table VALUES (repeat('b', $2)::text); END IF; END LOOP; END \$\$; " > /dev/null } psql -d $dbname -p $port -c "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS pg_prewarm;" > /dev/null for case in "${test_cases[@]}" do psql -d $dbname -p $port -h $host -c "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table;" > /dev/null psql -d $dbname -p $port -h $host -c "CREATE UNLOGGED TABLE test_table(data text not null);" > /dev/null psql -d $dbname -p $port -h $host -c "ALTER TABLE test_table ALTER data SET STORAGE EXTERNAL;" > /dev/null insert_rows $case psql -d $dbname -p $port -h $host -c "select pg_prewarm('test_table');" > /dev/null echo -n "Run $case: " elapsed_time=0 for a in {1..5} do start_time=$(perl -MTime::HiRes=time -e 'printf "%.9f\n", time') psql -d $dbname -p $port -h $host -c "COPY test_table TO STDOUT WITH BINARY;" > /dev/null end_time=$(perl -MTime::HiRes=time -e 'printf "%.9f\n", time') elapsed_time=$(perl -e "printf('%.9f', ($end_time - $start_time) + $elapsed_time)") done avg_elapsed_time_in_ms=$(perl -e "printf('%.9f', ($elapsed_time / 30))") echo $avg_elapsed_time_in_ms done