SELECT * FROM agreement_totals( tstzrange( '2020-07-01', '2020-08-01' ) ) -- PAY ATTENTION TO THIS WHERE agreement_id = 161::int AND (o).period_id = 10::int WITH gconf AS -- -- NOT MATERIALIZED -- force it to be merged into the parent query -- it gives a net savings because each usage of the WITH query needs only a small part of the WITH query''s full output. ( SELECT ocd.*, (ic).consumed_period AS consumed_period, dense_rank() OVER ( PARTITION BY agreement_id, order_id ORDER BY (ic).consumed_period ) AS nconf, row_number() OVER ( wconf ORDER BY (c).sort_order NULLS LAST ) AS nitem, -- Summarize each item of configuration and get configuration cost (sum( ocd.item_cost ) OVER wconf)::numeric( 10, 2 ) AS conf_cost, -- For resource `consumed` is not calculated, because there is not period_id for it -- For ServiceType there is Price which has period_id, but it depends on Order.period_id -- TODO: Calculate consumption depending on Order.period_id (max( (ocd.ic).consumed ) OVER wconf) AS consumed, -- NOTICE: Here we MUST select cost because invoice does not know how much -- service will be consumed. If we are regenerate past Invoice it MUST NOT -- take into account changes, like it is just builded -- Summarize each item of configuration to get configuration suma CASE WHEN false THEN (sum( ocd.item_cost ) OVER wconf)::numeric( 10, 2 ) ELSE (sum( ocd.item_suma ) OVER wconf)::numeric( 10, 2 ) END AS conf_suma FROM order_cost_details( tstzrange( '2020-07-01', '2020-08-01' ) ) ocd -- Each agreement could have few different orders -- Each order could have changes within consumed_period -- So we partition by these three factors: WINDOW wconf AS ( PARTITION BY agreement_id, order_id, (ic).consumed_period ) ), gorder AS ( SELECT *, (conf_suma/6)::numeric( 10, 2 ) AS conf_nds, -- Summarize configuration suma for each consumed_period to get order suma sum( conf_suma ) FILTER (WHERE nitem = 1) OVER worder AS order_suma FROM gconf WINDOW worder AS ( PARTITION BY agreement_id, order_id ) ) SELECT agreement_id, (o).period_id, order_id, consumed_period, nconf, nitem, (c).id AS item_id, COALESCE( (c).sort_order, pd.sort_order ) AS item_order, COALESCE( st.display,, rt.display, ) AS item_name, COALESCE( item_qty, (c).amount/rt.unit ) AS item_qty, COALESCE( (p).label, rt.label ) AS measure, item_price, item_cost, item_suma, conf_cost, consumed, conf_suma, conf_nds, order_suma, (order_suma/6)::numeric( 10, 2 ) AS order_nds, -- Summarize configuration suma for each consumed_period and order to get agreement suma sum( conf_suma ) FILTER (WHERE nitem = 1 ) OVER wagreement AS total_suma, sum( (order_suma/6)::numeric( 10, 2 ) ) FILTER (WHERE nitem = 1 AND nconf = 1) OVER wagreement AS total_nds, AS package_id, pkg.link_1c_id AS package_1c_id, COALESCE( pkg.display, ) AS package, o, c, p, ic FROM gorder u LEFT JOIN resource_type rt ON = (c).resource_type_id LEFT JOIN service_type st ON = (c).service_type_id LEFT JOIN package pkg ON = (o).package_id LEFT JOIN package_detail pd ON pd.package_id = (o).package_id AND pd.resource_type_id IS NOT DISTINCT FROM (c).resource_type_id AND pd.service_type_id IS NOT DISTINCT FROM (c).service_type_id WHERE agreement_id = 161 AND (o).period_id = 10 -- PAY ATTENTION TO THIS WINDOW wagreement AS ( PARTITION BY agreement_id )