///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // pgAdmin 4 - PostgreSQL Tools // // Copyright (C) 2013 - 2024, The pgAdmin Development Team // This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// const axios = require('axios'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const misc = require('../js/misc.js'); const spawn = require('child_process').spawn; const {EOL} = require('os'); let pgadminServerProcess = null; let startPageUrl = null; let serverCheckUrl = null; let addMenuCompleted = false; let pgAdminMainScreen = null; let serverPort = 5050; let appStartTime = (new Date()).getTime(); let docsURLSubStrings = ['www.enterprisedb.com', 'www.postgresql.org', 'www.pgadmin.org', 'help/help']; // Paths to the rest of the app let pythonPath = misc.getPythonPath(); let pgadminFile = '../web/pgAdmin4.py'; let configFile = '../web/config.py'; // Override the paths above, if a developer needs to if (fs.existsSync('dev_config.json')) { try { let dev_config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('dev_config.json')); pythonPath = dev_config['pythonPath']; pgadminFile = dev_config['pgadminFile']; } catch (error) { // Meh. } } // This functions is used to start the pgAdmin4 server by spawning a // separate process. function startDesktopMode() { // Return if pgAdmin server process is already spawned // Added check for debugging purpose. if (pgadminServerProcess != null) return; let UUID = crypto.randomUUID(); // Set the environment variables so that pgAdmin 4 server // starts listening on the appropriate port. process.env.PGADMIN_INT_PORT = serverPort; process.env.PGADMIN_INT_KEY = UUID; process.env.PGADMIN_SERVER_MODE = 'OFF'; // Start Page URL startPageUrl = '' + serverPort + '/?key=' + UUID; serverCheckUrl = '' + serverPort + '/misc/ping?key=' + UUID; document.getElementById('loader-text-status').innerHTML = 'Starting pgAdmin 4...'; // Write Python Path, pgAdmin file path and command in log file. misc.writeServerLog('pgAdmin Runtime Environment'); misc.writeServerLog('--------------------------------------------------------'); let command = path.resolve(pythonPath) + ' -s ' + path.resolve(pgadminFile); misc.writeServerLog('Python Path: "' + path.resolve(pythonPath) + '"'); misc.writeServerLog('Runtime Config File: "' + path.resolve(misc.getRunTimeConfigFile()) + '"'); misc.writeServerLog('pgAdmin Config File: "' + path.resolve(configFile) + '"'); misc.writeServerLog('Webapp Path: "' + path.resolve(pgadminFile) + '"'); misc.writeServerLog('pgAdmin Command: "' + command + '"'); misc.writeServerLog('Environment: '); Object.keys(process.env).forEach(function (key) { // Below code is included only for Mac OS as default path for azure CLI // installation path is not included in PATH variable while spawning // runtime environment. if (platform() === 'darwin' && key === 'PATH') { let updated_path = process.env[key] + ':/usr/local/bin'; process.env[key] = updated_path; } if (platform() === 'win32' && key.toUpperCase() === 'PATH') { let _libpq_path = path.join(path.dirname(path.dirname(path.resolve(pgadminFile))), 'runtime'); process.env[key] = _libpq_path + ';' + process.env[key]; } misc.writeServerLog(' - ' + key + ': ' + process.env[key]); }); misc.writeServerLog('--------------------------------------------------------\n'); // Spawn the process to start pgAdmin4 server. let spawnStartTime = (new Date).getTime(); pgadminServerProcess = spawn(path.resolve(pythonPath), ['-s', path.resolve(pgadminFile)]); pgadminServerProcess.on('error', function (err) { // Log the error into the log file if process failed to launch misc.writeServerLog('Failed to launch pgAdmin4. Error:'); misc.writeServerLog(err); }); let spawnEndTime = (new Date).getTime(); misc.writeServerLog('Total spawn time to start the pgAdmin4 server: ' + (spawnEndTime - spawnStartTime) / 1000 + ' Sec'); pgadminServerProcess.stdout.setEncoding('utf8'); pgadminServerProcess.stdout.on('data', (chunk) => { misc.writeServerLog(chunk); }); pgadminServerProcess.stderr.setEncoding('utf8'); pgadminServerProcess.stderr.on('data', (chunk) => { misc.writeServerLog(chunk); }); let connectionTimeout = misc.ConfigureStore.get('connectionTimeout', 90) * 1000; // This function is used to ping the pgAdmin4 server whether it // it is started or not. function pingServer() { misc.writeServerLog('Pinging Server'); return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ setTimeout(()=>{ misc.writeServerLog('Returning success'); resolve(); }, connectionTimeout); }); return axios.get(serverCheckUrl); } let currentTime = (new Date).getTime(); let endTime = currentTime + connectionTimeout; let midTime1 = currentTime + (connectionTimeout / 2); let midTime2 = currentTime + (connectionTimeout * 2 / 3); let pingInProgress = false; // ping pgAdmin server every 1 second. let pingStartTime = (new Date).getTime(); let intervalID = setInterval(function () { // If ping request is already send and response is not // received no need to send another request. if (pingInProgress) return; pingServer().then(() => { pingInProgress = false; document.getElementById('loader-text-status').innerHTML = 'pgAdmin 4 started'; // Set the pgAdmin process object to misc misc.setProcessObject(pgadminServerProcess); clearInterval(intervalID); let appEndTime = (new Date).getTime(); misc.writeServerLog('------------------------------------------'); misc.writeServerLog('Total time taken to ping pgAdmin4 server: ' + (appEndTime - pingStartTime) / 1000 + ' Sec'); misc.writeServerLog('------------------------------------------'); misc.writeServerLog('Total launch time of pgAdmin4: ' + (appEndTime - appStartTime) / 1000 + ' Sec'); misc.writeServerLog('------------------------------------------'); launchPgAdminWindow(); }).catch(() => { pingInProgress = false; let curTime = (new Date).getTime(); // if the connection timeout has lapsed then throw an error // and stop pinging the server. if (curTime >= endTime) { misc.writeServerLog('Received error from ping'); clearInterval(intervalID); splashWindow.hide(); nw.Window.open('src/html/server_error.html', { 'frame': true, 'width': 790, 'height': 430, 'position': 'center', 'resizable': false, 'focus': true, 'show': true, }); } if (curTime > midTime1) { if (curTime < midTime2) { document.getElementById('loader-text-status').innerHTML = 'Taking longer than usual...'; } else { document.getElementById('loader-text-status').innerHTML = 'Almost there...'; } } else { document.getElementById('loader-text-status').innerHTML = 'Waiting for pgAdmin 4 to start...'; } }); pingInProgress = true; }, 250); } // This function is used to hide the splash screen and create/launch // new window to render pgAdmin4 page. function launchPgAdminWindow() { // Create and launch new window and open pgAdmin url misc.writeServerLog('Application Server URL: ' + startPageUrl); nw.Window.open(startPageUrl, { 'id': 'pgadmin-main', 'icon': '../../assets/pgAdmin4.png', 'frame': true, 'position': 'center', 'resizable': true, 'min_width': 640, 'min_height': 480, 'width': 1024, 'height': 768, 'focus': true, 'show': false, }, (pgadminWindow) => { pgAdminMainScreen = pgadminWindow; // Set pgAdmin4 Windows Object misc.setPgAdminWindowObject(pgadminWindow); // Set the zoom level stored in the config file. pgadminWindow.zoomLevel = misc.ConfigureStore.get('zoomLevel', 0); // Set zoom in and out events. misc.setZoomEvents(); pgadminWindow.on('closed', function () { misc.cleanupAndQuitApp(); }); // set up handler for new-win-policy event. // Set the width and height for the new window. pgadminWindow.on('new-win-policy', function (frame, url, policy) { if (!frame) { let openDocsInBrowser = misc.ConfigureStore.get('openDocsInBrowser', true); let isDocURL = false; docsURLSubStrings.forEach(function (key) { if (url.indexOf(key) >= 0) { isDocURL = true; } }); if (openDocsInBrowser && isDocURL) { // Do not open the window policy.ignore(); // Open URL in the external browser. nw.Shell.openExternal(url); } else { policy.setNewWindowManifest({ 'icon': '../../assets/pgAdmin4.png', 'frame': true, 'position': 'center', 'min_width': 640, 'min_height': 480, 'width': pgadminWindow.width, 'height': pgadminWindow.height, }); } } }); pgadminWindow.on('loaded', function () { /* Make the new window opener to null as it is * nothing but a splash screen. We will have to make it null, * so that open in new browser tab will work. */ pgadminWindow.window.hookConsole((method, args)=>{ misc.writeServerLog( `--------------[UI ${method}]---------------${EOL}${misc.parseConsoleArgs(method, args)}${EOL}------------[UI End]----------------`); }); pgadminWindow.window.opener = null; // Show new window pgadminWindow.show(); pgadminWindow.focus(); nativeMenu = new gui.Menu({ type: 'menubar' }); // Create Mac Builtin Menu if (platform() === 'darwin') { nativeMenu.createMacBuiltin('pgAdmin 4'); // Remove 'About pgAdmin 4' submenu nativeMenu?.items[0].submenu.removeAt(0); // Remove 'Close Window' submenu nativeMenu?.items[2].submenu.removeAt(1); pgAdminMainScreen.menu = nativeMenu; } try { pgAdminMainScreen.isCustomMenusAdded = false; let addMenuInterval = setInterval(() => { if (pgadminWindow?.window?.pgAdmin?.Browser?.Events && pgadminWindow?.window?.pgAdmin?.Browser?.MainMenus?.length > 0) { pgadminWindow.window.pgAdmin.Browser.Events.on('pgadmin:nw-enable-disable-menu-items', enableDisableMenuItem); pgadminWindow.window.pgAdmin.Browser.Events.on('pgadmin:nw-refresh-menu-item', refreshMenuItems); pgadminWindow.window.pgAdmin.Browser.Events.on('pgadmin:nw-update-checked-menu-item', updateCheckedMenuItem); pgadminWindow.window.pgAdmin.Browser.Events.on('pgadmin:nw-set-new-window-open-size', setNewWindowSize) // Add Main Menus to native menu. pgadminWindow.window.pgAdmin.Browser.MainMenus.forEach((menu)=> { addMenu(menu) }) clearInterval(addMenuInterval); } }, 250) } catch (e) { console.error('Error in add native menus'); } // Hide the splash screen splashWindow.hide(); }); pgadminWindow.on('blur', function () { misc.unregisterZoomEvents(); }); pgadminWindow.on('focus', function () { misc.registerZoomEvents(); }); }); } // Get the gui object of NW.js let gui = require('nw.gui'); let splashWindow = gui.Window.get(); // Enable dragging on the splash screen. let isDragging = false; let dragOrigin = { x: 0, y: 0 }; document.mouseleave = () => isDragging = false; document.onmouseup = () => isDragging = false; document.onmousedown = (e) => { isDragging = true; dragOrigin.x = e.x; dragOrigin.y = e.y; }; document.onmousemove = (e) => { if (isDragging) { splashWindow.moveTo(e.screenX - dragOrigin.x, e.screenY - dragOrigin.y); } }; // Always clear the cache before starting the application. nw.App.clearCache(); let nativeMenu; splashWindow.on('loaded', function () { // Initialize the ConfigureStore misc.ConfigureStore.init(); let fixedPortCheck = misc.ConfigureStore.get('fixedPort', false); if (fixedPortCheck) { serverPort = misc.ConfigureStore.get('portNo'); //Start the pgAdmin in Desktop mode. startDesktopMode(); } else { // get the available TCP port by sending port no to 0. misc.getAvailablePort(0) .then((pythonApplicationPort) => { serverPort = pythonApplicationPort; //Start the pgAdmin in Desktop mode. startDesktopMode(); }) .catch((errCode) => { if (errCode === 'EADDRINUSE') { alert('The port specified is already in use. Please enter a free port number.'); } else { alert(errCode); } }); } }); splashWindow.on('close', function () { misc.cleanupAndQuitApp(); }); function setNewWindowSize(){ misc.setZoomLevelForAllWindows(); } function addCommonMenus(menu) { let _menu = new gui.Menu(); menu.menuItems.forEach((menuItem) => { let submenu = getSubMenu(menuItem); let _menuItem = new gui.MenuItem({ label: menuItem.label, enabled: !menuItem.isDisabled, type: menuItem.type || 'normal', priority: menuItem.priority, ...(submenu.items.length > 0) && { submenu: submenu, }, click: function () { menuItem.callback(); }, }); _menu.append(_menuItem); }); if (menu.name == 'file') { let runtimeMenu = getRuntimeMenu(); _menu.append(runtimeMenu); } if (menu.menuItems.length == 0) { let _menuItem = new gui.MenuItem({ label: 'No object selected', enabled: false, priority: 0, }); _menu.append(_menuItem); } if (platform() == 'darwin') { pgAdminMainScreen.menu.insert(new gui.MenuItem({ label: menu.label, name: menu.name, submenu: _menu, }), menu.index); } else { nativeMenu.append(new gui.MenuItem({ label: menu.label, name: menu.name, submenu: _menu, })); pgAdminMainScreen.menu = nativeMenu; } } function getRuntimeMenu() { let subMenus = new gui.Menu(); let rtmenudt = pgAdminMainScreen.window.pgAdmin.Browser.RUNTIME_MENUS_OPTIONS['runtime'] let runtimeSubMenus = pgAdminMainScreen.window.pgAdmin.Browser.RUNTIME_MENUS_OPTIONS['runtime']['submenus'] subMenus.append(new gui.MenuItem({ label: runtimeSubMenus['configure'].label, enabled: runtimeSubMenus['configure'].enable, priority: runtimeSubMenus['configure'].priority, type: 'normal', checked: false, click: function () { // Create and launch new window and open pgAdmin url nw.Window.open('src/html/configure.html', { 'frame': true, 'width': 600, 'height': 585, 'position': 'center', 'resizable': false, 'focus': true, 'show': true, }); }, })); subMenus.append(new gui.MenuItem({ label: runtimeSubMenus['view_log'].label, enabled: runtimeSubMenus['view_log'].enable, priority: runtimeSubMenus['view_log'].priority, type: 'normal', checked: false, click: function () { // Create and launch new window and open pgAdmin url nw.Window.open('src/html/view_log.html', { 'frame': true, 'width': 790, 'height': 425, 'position': 'center', 'resizable': false, 'focus': true, 'show': true, }); }, })); subMenus.append(new nw.MenuItem({ type: 'separator' })); subMenus.append(new gui.MenuItem({ label: pgAdminMainScreen?.isFullscreen ? runtimeSubMenus['exit_full_screen'].label : runtimeSubMenus['enter_full_screen'].label, enabled: runtimeSubMenus['enter_full_screen'].enable, priority: runtimeSubMenus['enter_full_screen'].priority, type: 'normal', checked: false, key: runtimeSubMenus['enter_full_screen'].key, modifiers: runtimeSubMenus['enter_full_screen'].modifiers, click: function () { this.label = !pgAdminMainScreen?.isFullscreen ? runtimeSubMenus['exit_full_screen'].label : runtimeSubMenus['enter_full_screen'].label; misc.toggleFullScreen(); }, })); subMenus.append(new gui.MenuItem({ label: runtimeSubMenus['actual_size'].label, enabled: runtimeSubMenus['actual_size'].enable, priority: runtimeSubMenus['actual_size'].priority, type: 'normal', checked: false, key: runtimeSubMenus['actual_size'].key, modifiers: runtimeSubMenus['actual_size'].modifiers, click: function () { misc.actualSize(); }, })); subMenus.append(new gui.MenuItem({ label: runtimeSubMenus['zoom_in'].label, enabled: runtimeSubMenus['zoom_in'].enable, priority: runtimeSubMenus['zoom_in'].priority, type: 'normal', checked: false, key: runtimeSubMenus['zoom_in'].key, modifiers: runtimeSubMenus['zoom_in'].modifiers, click: function () { misc.zoomIn(); }, })); subMenus.append(new gui.MenuItem({ label: runtimeSubMenus['zoom_out'].label, enabled: runtimeSubMenus['zoom_out'].enable, priority: runtimeSubMenus['zoom_out'].priority, type: 'normal', checked: false, key: runtimeSubMenus['zoom_out'].key, modifiers: runtimeSubMenus['zoom_out'].modifiers, click: function () { misc.zoomOut(); }, })); let runtimeMenu = new gui.MenuItem({ label: rtmenudt.label, enabled: true, priority: rtmenudt.priority, type: 'normal', checked: false, submenu: subMenus, }) return runtimeMenu; } function getSubMenu(menuItem) { let submenu = new gui.Menu(); if (menuItem.menu_items) { menuItem.menu_items.forEach((item) => { let menuType = typeof item.checked == 'boolean' ? 'checkbox' : item.type; submenu.append(new gui.MenuItem({ label: item.label, enabled: !item.isDisabled, priority: item.priority, type: menuType, checked: item.checked, click: function () { if (menuType == 'checkbox') { pgAdminMainScreen.menu.items.forEach(el => { el.submenu.items.forEach((sub) => { if (sub.submenu?.items?.length) { sub.submenu.items.forEach((m) => { if (m.type == 'checkbox') { m.label == item.label ? m.checked = true : m.checked = false; } }); } }); }); } item.callback(); }, })); }); } return submenu; } function addMacMenu(menu) { if (menu.name == 'file' && platform() === 'darwin') { let rootMenu = nativeMenu.items[0].submenu; let indx = 0; menu.menuItems.forEach((menuItem) => { let submenu = getSubMenu(menuItem); rootMenu.insert( new gui.MenuItem({ label: menuItem.label, type: menuItem.type || 'normal', enabled: !menuItem.isDisabled, priority: menuItem.priority, ...(submenu.items.length > 0) && { submenu: submenu, }, click: function () { // Callback functions for actions menuItem.callback(); }, }), indx); indx++; }); let runtimeMenu = getRuntimeMenu(); rootMenu.insert(runtimeMenu, indx++); let separator_menu = new nw.MenuItem({ type: 'separator' }); rootMenu.insert(separator_menu, indx); indx++; pgAdminMainScreen.menu = nativeMenu; } else { addCommonMenus(menu) } } function addOtherOsMenu(menu) { addCommonMenus(menu) } function addMenu(menu) { pgAdminMainScreen.isCustomMenusAdded = true; if (platform() === 'darwin') { addMacMenu(menu); } else { addOtherOsMenu(menu); } addMenuCompleted = true; } function enableDisableMenuItem(menu, menuItem) { if (addMenuCompleted) { // Enable or Disabled specific menu item pgAdminMainScreen.menu.items.forEach(el => { if (el?.label == menu?.label) { el.submenu.items.forEach((sub) => { if (sub.label == menuItem.label) { sub.enabled = !menuItem.isDisabled; } }); } }); } } function updateCheckedMenuItem(menuItem) { // check/ uncheck specific menu item pgAdminMainScreen.menu.items.forEach(el => { el.submenu.items.forEach((sub) => { if(sub.label == menuItem.parentMenu.label) { sub.submenu.items.forEach((sm)=> { if (sm.label == menuItem.label && sm.type == 'checkbox') { sm.checked = menuItem.checked } }) } else { if (sub.label == menuItem.label && type == 'checkbox') { sub.checked = menuItem.checked } } }); }); } function refreshMenuItems(menu) { // Add menu item/option in specific menu. pgAdminMainScreen.menu.items.forEach(el => { if (el.label == menu.label) { let totalSubItems = el.submenu.items.length; // Remove exisitng menu options to add new options. for (let i = 0; i < totalSubItems; i++) { el.submenu.removeAt(0); } menu.menuItems.forEach((item) => { let submenu = new gui.Menu(); if (item.menu_items) { item.menu_items.forEach((subItem) => { submenu.append(new gui.MenuItem({ label: subItem.label, enabled: !subItem.isDisabled, priority: subItem.priority, type: [true, false].includes(subItem.checked) ? 'checkbox' : 'normal', checked: subItem.checked, click: function () { subItem.callback(); }, })); }); } let _menuItem = new gui.MenuItem({ label: item.label, enabled: !item.isDisabled, priority: item.priority, type: item.type, ...(submenu.items.length > 0) && { submenu: submenu, }, click: function () { item.callback(); }, }); el.submenu.append(_menuItem); }); } }); }