# To add a new tip, just add a new line to this file. # Blank lines are ignored, lines starting with # are comments. PostgreSQL的执行效率可以通过定期对数据库进行空间回收得到提高。 PostgreSQL官方生日是7月8号,项目开始于1996年。 原始pgAdmin项目的第一个原型叫做pgManager,是为PostgreSQL 6.3.2编写的。 pgAdmin的技术支持可以通过邮件列表pgadmin-support@postgresql.org获得。 pgAdmin的开发成员们通过邮件列表pgadmin-hackers@postgresql.org讨论新特性和开发情况。 The majority of the pgSchema library used by pgAdmin II was developed on a Windows 2000 laptop in front of a TV near Oxford, England! You can change your password by selecting 'Change Password' from the 'File' menu. The Definition Pane displays the reversed engineered SQL for the selected object. The answer to the question of Life, the Universe and Everything is 42. The pgAdmin core developers are based in the UK, France, Germany, Italy and the US. PostgreSQL 7.2 and up supports tables without OID columns in order to cut down on OID usage. You can monitor system activity on a per connection basis using the Status tool. There are a number of useful files, tools and projects included with PostgreSQL in the /contrib directory of the source tree. PostgreSQL的存储过程语言包括:pl/pgSQL、pl/Python、pl/TCL、pl/Perl和pl/sh。 pgAdmin II was downloaded over 10,000 times *before* the first release quality version was available! pgAdmin II在第一个正式版发布*以前*就有超过10,000次的下载。 The first stable version of pgAdmin II was downloaded over 35,000 times in the first 6 months following it's release. The Slony-I project from gborg.postgresql.org can be used for Master -> Slave replication. 来自gborg.postgresql.org的Slony-I可以用来做主从数据库复制。 pgAdmin II的第一个官方稳定版本是在2002年1月16号发布的。 pgAdmin III项目的开发开始于2002年9月29号。 pgAdmin III is a completely new version of pgAdmin written in C++ using the wxWidgets framework to allow it to run on Windows and *nix systems. pgAdmin是基于开放源码的'Artistic协议'发布的。 PostgreSQL 7.3 supports schemas which are individual namespaces within databases. Domains may be used to create predefined data types based on more generic base types. pgAdmin III 1.0.0 was packaged for release on the 26th September 2003. PostgreSQL's planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match. You shouldn't 'kill -9' the postmaster!! 'EXPLAIN ANALYZE' and the 'Explain Query' button are your friends when optimising SQL queries. PostgreSQL 8.0 added major new features to our DBMS including savepoints, tablespaces and the long awaited Windows port. pgAdmin III supports SSL encrypted connections. The new Win32 port PostgreSQL passed all it's regression tests for the first time on 2004-10-24. The Windows port of PostgreSQL was downloaded over 45,000 times in the five days following its initial release! The bug "Don't enable the OK button when setting the ACL for as-yet-uncreated objects" was fixed at 39,000 feet over Finland whilst Andreas, Magnus and Dave returned from Slony-I and pgAdmin III presentation in Japan! Configuring PostgreSQL with too many shared buffers can have a detrimental effect on performance because it reduces the amount of RAM available for the operating system kernel to use as filesystem cache. Sitting on a plane for 12 hours is really mind numbingly boring which is why I'm writing new tips right now!! The Japan PostgreSQL Users Group or JPUG has over 5000 members and is growing all the time. pgAdmin 1.4 is supported on more platforms than any previous version, including numerous Linux distributions, Microsoft Windows (tm), FreeBSD, Solaris and Mac OS X. pgAdmin 1.4 includes a graphical EXPLAIN tool to allow you to more easily read and understand query plans. pgAgent can be used to schedule regular batch and SQL jobs, such as the re-creation of date-sensitive partial indexes, or purging of old records. It is good practice to build application logic into the database itself by using functions and views. This ensures that different front-ends to your products will always see the same views of data and update and modify data in the same way. Better yet, you only have to write it all once for all front-ends! To help keep your databases secure, minimise the amount of access you allow to remote hosts when creating your pg_hba.conf file, and always use encrypted connections unless you have good reason not to. You can restrict access to individual columns of a table for a particular user or group by denying them direct access to it, and creating a view containing only the columns they should see for them to use instead. If your users need to update the data, you can create rules to apply updates to the view to the base table instead. PostgreSQL has been run on diverse platforms such as the Microsoft X Box, Sony PlayStation II, and Sharp Zaurus PDAs! EnterpriseDB donated an Apple Powerbook to the pgAdmin project to help improve the Mac OS X port of pgAdmin and their simplified derivative product, EDB Studio.